Dragora lays on her bed in a new outfit, “I still feel dirty. Why
would Sor tell me that?” She shudders, “I’m burning their bed. It
is not staying here.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
“Yes I’m here. You can come in. I’m just pretending I don’t exist.”
Dragora sits up on the bed, “So how was that? He gave you an easy
time if he said he was done.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
It went well he gave me a few tips and this handbook maybe it could
help us both *he enter the room and closes it from behind and sits
in a nearby chair* i brought so we could both learn
Dragora looks at the book, “That’s literally written in crayon.
That’s not the actual book.” She takes the book and flips through
it, “He drew himself looking buff. And he called you a loser. Sor
has the book still. I can get it.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
“Dad you’re being a pain. That’s not what a king should be doing.”
She throws the ‘book’ at him and a few pages fall out, “Yeah that’s
real professional dad.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
Hey look at a bright side i will be the first looser to be king!
*he said laughing and looking all high and mighty* what great honor
it as to be being a looser king *he said to get under drago skin
and annoying him a bit* Lets go get that book *he grabs her hand
and waited for her to go to sor room*
I wont fight your dad yet, let him be for now we must train to be
the next queen and king of this land that greater victory than
anything *Avagon said as he went back inside the room and ditch
drago before he could do anything*
Dragora sighs and gives Aragon a hug, “You need to get along with
him, Av. He’s not just my dad, he is the king and he could say no
to everything still.”
Soraya is sitting in the room still humming, “Any second now. One
of the crystals will change color, come on.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
"When she means everything, she means everything. He can banish you
and rei like that....he will honestly have to banish me if he tries
to banish rei..." said sorago peaking his head through the doorway.
“And if he tries to banish Av he has to banish me too. So his hands
are tired. Sorta?” Dragons shudders again, “Ugh gross, I didn’t
need to think about it again.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
Well i haven't done anything to him i approach him with respect and
answer a few question he should be the one who needs to get along
with me... *he goes to a chair and sits there looking a bit angry*
Sorago walks in dragoras room. He grabs avagons shoulder. "You dont
think i was thier when you called him a coward and a bad king? I
was on my throne, but of course you didnt see me."