"I was sparring with another dragon. " Kevlar explains. "But I
defiantly think the other dragon took more damage in the fight than
me... But she insisted to continue fighting for a little while."
Kevlar tells Soraya.
Same here, not all my lecture involved magic training but it help
to prepare us too do those spells maybe your need to learn first
and later act but we will never know if we don't go there? *he
extend his hands so she could help her get up* Are you ready?
I sleep very comfortable thanks too you. *she gives him a warm
*Rei stands next to Sorago wearing her typical Royal blue kimono*
He coming... *she said to herself as she felt his brother aura*
“Okay!” She runs off ahead of him, “Lets see how lost I can get
going to the park.”
“Did she? That’s interesting, but it’s explains some of these
defensive wounds. Was it good practice though?” Soraya sticks some
small crystals into Kevlar, “Sorry is that hurt, but it’s needed to
do a quick heal. They’ll fall out when the spell is done, so don’t
Dragon takes Avagons hand, “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
Would you do the honor my lady? *he does a small bow and does small
smile as he waits for her lady*
*Rei goes back to the bathroom to fix her hair even more*
“I assume you mean teleporting us? Yeah give me a second.” She puts
her hair up into a ponytail, “I’ll fix this later. But let’s go
back.” She opens a teleportation fire to the cave and takes Avagons
hand, “Lets get this over with.”
Soraya laughs, “I know what you mean. So tell me about this other
dragon you faught.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
"Well, they had glass wings. When the glass broke, the shards flew
away from her and at me. She could also reflect the sun into my
eyes and make bright flashes to bling me."
Let's go dear I won't leave your side until your training is
complete *he holds her hand and before they went into the portal he
kisses her in the lips softly* This would be the last time we will
have fun like this but I will do anything for you
“I bet we can find time to have fun like this again though. And I’m
glad you’re doing this with me, it will help a lot.” Dragora
returns the kiss and steps through into the cave.
Soraya thinks, “Glass or crystal? They’re going to be in pain if
they don’t get to a healer soon.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
“Glass wings. Interesting.” She leaves the room lost in thought,
“Oh you probably are hungry after that as well, catch.” Soraya
throws a small crystal at Kevlar, “It will let you talk with the
kitchen so you don’t have to have one of us summon a whole fleet of
staff again.”
Dragora looks at Sorago, “We are. And yes my last taste of freedom
was great thanks for asking. Where’s Rei?”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
Yeah where is my sister its been a while i have not seen her *he
said trying too look for her with his senses*
Im right here dummy *rei said as she ran to hug her brother* is
good too see you again bro, how was your trip?
*he hugs back and smiles* it was blast i had so much fun spending
time with dragora was even more wonderful but it is time we took
the mantle of queen and king so this be our last day of fun for a
while at least
Soraya heard Kevlar and laughs as she walks into the throne room,
“Oh the kids are back. And your father is asleep?” She looks at
Drago and shakes her head.
“We aren’t taking the mantle yet. There’s a lot of training that we
have to go through.” Dragora sighs, “I’d ask if you two had a good
time but I know you did. This soul thing is out of hand right
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️