Then work as guard for the future king and queens of this kingdom
and not just that you can teach them how defend themselves as well,
even do a friend of mine could march drago but that up to him if he
wants a fight *he gets up and looks at below the edge of the
mountain where he is standing* that all i have to say... if you
excuse me i have to hunt down someone *he jumps off the and
teleports away*
*he started to think of something but then he realize something*
lets have some fun, when i stayed here i began to explore for a
while and saw a abandon house not far from here we could stay
Dont worry for a abandon house it looks a bit nice tbh *she takes
her hand and shows her the way to the house. After walking for a
while they reach the house, as he said it was abandon with vines
covering the house but it look like it could still hold for a few
more years* here it is
Dragora looks at it in shock, “It’s beautiful.” She heads towards
the door and slowly opens it, “Wow. It’s still pretty nice inside.”
She looks back at Avagon, “And you just happened to find this
Soraya had woken up and heard Zero and Kevlar conversation, “So you
met the resident, honestly I don’t know what to call him. He shows
up at random times and then runs off like he just did. But what do
you want to do now Kevlar?”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
yeah remember the first time we got to the beach right and i
decided to stay for a while? yeah i went exploring for a while and
found this i was surprise to find this here as well *Avagon takes
look around the house while making sure the tiles were not weak* it
the floor looks okay
“It would be nice if you stayed. Drago misses everyone I know that
he won’t ask you to stay though. We could even get you a place in
the city near here if you want.” She looks out towards the city,
“But it’s your call.”
Dragora follows him, “You just broke in to a random house and
stayed here after the first time we came to the beach?
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
Soraya smiles at Kevlar, “I can get a house arranged. And as for
what to do? Talk with Drago, I know you two weren’t the closest but
you both are incredibly competitive. Give him a run for his money,
he’s going crazy being forced to be king.”
Dragora looks at him confused and then it clicks, “I like fun.” She
kisses him and closes the door behind them. (and they’re gone...)
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
"I think Drago is... Just too strong. It doesn't matter if I was
getting mana for 50 years. If he's the king, I'm afraid there isn't
much way to beat him. Plus, he has all tho extra magic that I
don't." Kevlar explains.
Soraya laughs, “His teleportation spell? I taught him that. And he
usually isn’t accurate enough with it. Trust me he’s showing off,
everyone here knows it. You need to believe in yourself if you want
to fight him, but I was just saying be competitive.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
"I can make jagged metal parts sprout out of my body or make my
limbs into them, and the explode them. Without hurting me,
thankfully. I have some other extra stuff, but that's about it.
Compare that to him."
“Just try. If I can take him down with a crystal I have faith in
your abilities.” She puts a hand on his arm, “Besides you used to
fight all the time. You know his tricks, I bet you can come up with
something new as well.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
"I can't just jump in and fight him. I haven't fought in 50 years.
I'm rusty. Now then, I'm going to go find somewhere to train."
Kevlar says, jumping off.