Forum Thread
Charmander's Sprite Shop [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Charmander's Sprite Shop [CLOSED]Username: Purpleeda
Pokemon 1 [base]: nickit
Pokemon 2: eevee
Others: Glad your back!
Username: Moonsnow
Pokemon: Dreepy
Reference/Description: Electreepy ❤️
Others: I’m so happy to see you opening your sprite shop again!! And notify me if you can’t do Dreepy one :3
Charmander, Look an evolution line!
Username: Moonsnow
Pokemon : Shiny Snom
Silhouette?: Y, #99f6f7 and Frosmoth
Others: Thanks again~!
Charmander, look at my team!
Username: Moonsnow
Trainer: Gen 5 Aroma Lady
Pokemons: Shiny Dragapult, Cinderace, Shiny Sandaconda, Polteageist and Hatterene
Spread out or Squish in?: Spread out
Others: Thanks a lot!! x3

Username: ~Lucky~
Pokemon: Nickit
Reference/Description: If it doesn't work out, no worries ^~^ (Btw, the white fluff on the left side of her face is supposed to be orange, haha.)
Others: Thanku~

Username: Beckysh92
Pokemon: Furfrou
Color: Black
Others: Thank you
Charmander, give me something random!
Username: Beckysh92
Type: Dragon (eg. Fire Type)
Others: Thank you
Charmander, My Mimikyu has a new costume!
Username: Beckysh92
Pokemon: Furfrou
Others: Thank you!!!
Sorry, I think I'll close the shop until further notice. I often don't have a lot of motivation to sprite. Then when I do, I don't have the time to do them. I might accept orders from PMs though.









Sorry, the slots were full.
Username: Asagata
Pokemon: Female Meowstic
Reference/Description: Boop!
Others: I miss your sprites so much!! ;w; Also, thank you <3
Pizza Boi, Look a rainbow dance party!
Username: Asagata
Pokemon: Altaria
Size: Small
Others: :3

Username: Purpleeda
Pokemon: sylveon
Others: So happy to see your sprite shop open! I really missed your sprites
Pizza Boi, a new Pokemon has been discovered!
Username: Purpleeda
Pokemon: houndoom
Reference/Description: bump!
Others: yeeet
Username: ~Tox~
Pokemon: Sylveon
Reference/Description: Lemonade ^^
Pizza Boi, a new Pokemon has been discovered!
Username: ~Tox~
Pokemon: Pikachu
Reference/Description: Tiko ^^
Others:Its so nice to see this open again!! Thank you so much for these <3


Rainbow :]




Username: Purpleeda
Pokemon 1 [base]: lucario
Pokemon 2: solgaleo
Pizza Boi, it fused together!
Username: Purpleeda
Pokemon 1 [base]: lucario
Pokemon 2: lunala
Username: ~Lucky~
Pokemon: Skitty
Reference/Description: Minecraft Siamese cat
Others: Thank you!
Pizza Boi, a new Pokemon has been discovered!
Username: ~Lucky~
Pokemon: Skitty
Reference/Description: Minecraft brown Tabby cat
Others: Thank you!