Forum Thread
Charmander's Sprite Shop [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Charmander's Sprite Shop [CLOSED]Username: gregoryk
Pokemon: zekrom
Others: i couldn’t find any prices so.. are these free? if not how much am i paying?? or are these pwyw?
Charmander and Bulba,My Mimikyu has a new costume!
Username: gregoryk
Pokemon: trubbish

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon
I have removed the perk
Yeah,that's pretty much it.
The base color doesn't really affect the fusion,unless you wanted it to be shiny mega charizard y's color.



Technically,that's basically normal shiny kyorge but darker.
The base color doesn't really affect the fusion,unless you wanted it to be shiny mega gardevoir's color.











You've got an inverted zeraora!


Since you're pretty new,I'll let you off for ordering more than 1 order at a time.Also most of my sprites are free,only sprites with payment in their forms aren't.

Username: ~Metal-Gear-REX~
Pokemon: Blastoise
Reference/Description: REX Or you can look at my pfp
Others: It doesn't have to be too complex, because REX has lots of details on it, so maybe you can simplify it if it's too hard.
Username: CrystalAngel5
Pokemon: Milotic
Scarf Color: Light teal
Others: good day
Charmander,I made a cupcake for my pokemon!
Username: CrystalAngel5
Pokemon: Altaria
Base color:(If blank then it'll be brown) white
With Cherry?: No
What Decoration?:[Optional] (the wings and blue beads please)
Others: good day
Charmander,give me something random!
Username: CrystalAngel5
Pokemon: Milotic
Others: :3 (also a tips coming!)

Username: Beckysh92
Pokemon: furfrou
Size: small
Others: thank you
Well..uh I tried it looks really complicated or I'm just too lazy to do it xd



You've got an angel milotic!




Username: CrystalAngel5
Pokemon: Milotic
Frame:(2-4) 4
Speed [1/10-3 seconds]:1
Others: blinking or moving its tail or both please!
Charmander,I made a cupcake for my pokemon!
Username: CrystalAngel5
Pokemon: Haxorus
Base color:(If blank then it'll be brown) black
With Cherry?: Nope
What Decoration?:[Optional]The things on the side of haxorus head
Others: ^w^
Charmander,My Mimikyu has a new costume!
Username: CrystalAngel5
Pokemon: Sogaleo
Others: Thanks!There will be a tip 30k

Charmander,It's sticky!
Pokemon:the previous sprite please :3
just to let you know my old username was FrozenHeroes I recently changed it! :3
Username: Beckysh92
Pokemon 1 [base]: Zebstrika
Pokemon 2: Arcanine
Others:Could Zebstrika have Arcanine's tail and leg fluff please?
Charmander,It's sticky!
Username: Beckysh92
Pokemon: ditto
Others: Thank you
Charmander,Look it's a candy mon!
Username: Beckysh92
Pokemon: Mega Absol
Type: 4
Others: Thank you
Pokemon [Base]:Greninja
Pokemon 2:Charizard
Pokemon 3:Riachu
Pokemon 4:[Optional]
Color of what pokemon:
Others:Okay,very detailed but ill try my best,Riachu's tail but the yellow turns orange,Charizard's wings,Greninja's tounge stays pink,insted of Greninja's "hands" it will have Charizard's three fingers with Charizard's claws.

Username: Dizzy_Mitty
Pokemon: Mega houndoom (if that is not possible normal houndoom works)
Others: I roleplay a lot on other websites/social medias (mainly discord) may I use this ‘fusion’/mimikyu costume as an oc in one of my discord servers?
(I'm sorry if I'm doing this wrong, this is the second time I have ever posted a forum)

Username: lillipup13
Pokemon: Umbreon
Color: hot pink
Others: for pricing could we do no more than 50k, please

~Moon|FR|CS|DESS|Sprite by ~Captain_B~|star~
Username: DjLeafeon678
Pokemon: Leafeon
Others: thanks I’ll pay with 400 pd tip