Forum Thread
Kalos: The Randomized Adventure
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Kalos: The Randomized AdventureProfessorGreenie is holding a huge lottery, and all you have to do to enter is send in lots of Rotom and Rotom appliances!
Visit the lottery here for your chance to win tons of great prizes, such as art tickets, nuggets, 1 million PD, fully Mega-Evolved Pokemon, and lots of different shinies and event Pokemon!
(Also I'm going to make it so legends can talk like in the anime and manga, I think.)
"I want to see you try." A femanine voice spoke out, challenging Jeff. The Moltres playfully looked at Shroomish with a blazing passion and a soft kindness.
Remoraid faints!
(I'll update the front page with levels and move sets in a bit and you can sure, if his character asks for help.)

"And me," Heather joined the three, discust in its voice. "[color=green]With this weird energy changing all the Pokemon, I feel powerless.[/color " It snarled.
"You can... Talk?" Knight looked up at her new capture, her eyes sparkling. Heather ignored her.

"C'mon buddy, you can do this! You have some help!" Jeff comforts shroomish by encouraging him. Shroomish takes a few steps forward, still afraid of moltres.
ProfessorGreenie is holding a huge lottery, and all you have to do to enter is send in lots of Rotom and Rotom appliances!
Visit the lottery here for your chance to win tons of great prizes, such as art tickets, nuggets, 1 million PD, fully Mega-Evolved Pokemon, and lots of different shinies and event Pokemon!
"whoa! an electric type!
meloetta, weaken it down"
Meloetta used confusion!
Josie keeps throwing pokeballs
after six balls, it catches
"I only have a few balls left, so lets be cautious"
Josie sends out luxio.
He is hesitant to help.
"Meloetta!" meloetta screaches
she tries to talk like a human and does a little "hwwi dosndwt wahant tah heeeelp"
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
[ps, meloetta can talk too, but shes having trouble. they can also talk in the pokemon language, like in the anime. I was thinking a pink too. Ill change it]
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!