Forum Thread
1x1 with *constellation*
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with *constellation*This kingdom thrived in times long past; they were once the most powerful of all magical kingdoms in the land. Haipshire was protected by an army of wizards--magical folk who were well-versed in spells and the art of the arcane. These wizards were born with their magical powers and many people thought it impossible to kill one.
The wizards' numbers dwindled due to a mysterious event known as only the Purge. Now, only one remains. With the magical army extinct and replaced by a much weaker one, Haipshire is left thriving, but vulnerable.
It has been five years since the Purge. A new menace arises to threaten the kingdom and quite possibly the world itself. The prince and last wizard agree that extra measures must be taken in order for the kingdom to survive. The King begrudgingly agrees. Heroes are summoned to defend the kingdom, adding onto the defenses already in place.
Fallen from the sky, the heroes are thrown into the chaos of the realm. Though everything seems layed out before you, both the prince and the last wizard have secrets to be unearthed along with not only the kingdom, but the menace that threatens it.
we don't need these lmfao I trust you
[b]Name:[/b] First/last please! Nicknames
also go here.
[b]Age:[/b] 18-21
[b]Gender/Sexuality:[/b] Self-explanitory.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Be detailed! If you use a picture, please credit the orginal artist or website you got it from.
[b]Personality:[/b] Please, no TBRP'd.
[b]Weapons/Specialties:[/b] Limit to two weapons.
[b]Age:[/b] 18-21
[b]Gender/Sexuality:[/b] Self-explanitory.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Be detailed! If you use a picture, please credit the orginal artist or website you got it from.
[b]Personality:[/b] Please, no TBRP'd.
[b]Weapons/Specialties:[/b] Limit to two weapons.

Robert "Robbie" Fenn
Male // Homosexual
Robbie is tall and lanky. He stands at 5'9 and wears the uniform of the royal wizards, a black cloak with red velvet insides. This conceals a normal white shirt and jeans. He doesn't mind the cloak, as it normally gets very, VERY cold. What puts him apart from the other townsfolk is a black mark that looks almost like a tattoo on his shoulder. This has been there since his birth and is the mark of a magical being.
His face is round and his cheekbones and chin aren't incredibly well defined. He has light brown hair with red highlights and bright blue eyes. His skin is tan, but not dark.
Robbie is an extremely social person. He's not heroic or anything, but he does have a tendency to act for the greater good instead of something that is in the moment. His magical prowess does, however, bring out his cockiness from time to time and he can overestimate himself quite easily. He gets nervous from time to time, especially when overly stressed (which is a state he is commonly in now that he is the last wizard) and he sometimes overthinks things because of it.
His temper is something to marvel at; the Prince will tell you that he has only ever seen Robbie's fury once, in an old battle that happened a few years back. During that, he didn't speak a word. He just attacked everything on sight for about ten minutes before going back to the castle looking like the happiest person in the world. Don't piss him off.
Magic. His specialty is enchanting weapons.
-The last known wizard of Haipshire.
-Strongly associated with the royal family, but is not a royal himself. Rather, he works in the castle as the Royal Wizard.
Robert "Robbie" Fenn
Male // Homosexual
Robbie is tall and lanky. He stands at 5'9 and wears the uniform of the royal wizards, a black cloak with red velvet insides. This conceals a normal white shirt and jeans. He doesn't mind the cloak, as it normally gets very, VERY cold. What puts him apart from the other townsfolk is a black mark that looks almost like a tattoo on his shoulder. This has been there since his birth and is the mark of a magical being.
His face is round and his cheekbones and chin aren't incredibly well defined. He has light brown hair with red highlights and bright blue eyes. His skin is tan, but not dark.
Robbie is an extremely social person. He's not heroic or anything, but he does have a tendency to act for the greater good instead of something that is in the moment. His magical prowess does, however, bring out his cockiness from time to time and he can overestimate himself quite easily. He gets nervous from time to time, especially when overly stressed (which is a state he is commonly in now that he is the last wizard) and he sometimes overthinks things because of it.
His temper is something to marvel at; the Prince will tell you that he has only ever seen Robbie's fury once, in an old battle that happened a few years back. During that, he didn't speak a word. He just attacked everything on sight for about ten minutes before going back to the castle looking like the happiest person in the world. Don't piss him off.
Magic. His specialty is enchanting weapons.
-The last known wizard of Haipshire.
-Strongly associated with the royal family, but is not a royal himself. Rather, he works in the castle as the Royal Wizard.

Andor Quimbley
Male // Bisexualbut prefers guys a tiny bit more
Andor stands at about 5'5". When out in public, he wears a dark red suit and white undershirt with a tie. He hates the getup, mostly because he has to wear it so often. He prefers to wear a red leather jacket, white shirt, and comfortable jeans whenever he can. He owns a lot of red articles of clothing, mostly because it is the kingdom's colors, but he doesn't mind that much.
He has clean-cut black hair and brown eyes. He wears square, black glasses over them. Freckles dot his face around his cheeks and eyebrows. He's not intimidating, really, despite his lean and muscular build.
Andor is quiet, reserved, and absolutely despises his title. He is a strong believer that his title of prince is little more than a formality and won't have any real power until the day he becomes king. As such, he prefers everyone just call him by his first name.
He very rarely talks about his family, but the influence clearly shows. He's certainly not snobby, but he does act proper and polite whenever humanly possible. He's calm and extremely collected and no one has ever seen him truly mad. His upbringing was rough and he's developed a slight fear of his father, the King. The locals gossip that he's never angry because his childhood has left him nothing to be upset about.
A bladed boomerang
-If you get the reference within this character, I will love you
-The Prince of Haipshire
-Best friends with Robbie, since they grew up together
-The King isn't exactly the nicest to him. Because of this, he very rarely discloses his sexuality to anyone
Andor Quimbley
Male // Bisexual
Andor stands at about 5'5". When out in public, he wears a dark red suit and white undershirt with a tie. He hates the getup, mostly because he has to wear it so often. He prefers to wear a red leather jacket, white shirt, and comfortable jeans whenever he can. He owns a lot of red articles of clothing, mostly because it is the kingdom's colors, but he doesn't mind that much.
He has clean-cut black hair and brown eyes. He wears square, black glasses over them. Freckles dot his face around his cheeks and eyebrows. He's not intimidating, really, despite his lean and muscular build.
Andor is quiet, reserved, and absolutely despises his title. He is a strong believer that his title of prince is little more than a formality and won't have any real power until the day he becomes king. As such, he prefers everyone just call him by his first name.
He very rarely talks about his family, but the influence clearly shows. He's certainly not snobby, but he does act proper and polite whenever humanly possible. He's calm and extremely collected and no one has ever seen him truly mad. His upbringing was rough and he's developed a slight fear of his father, the King. The locals gossip that he's never angry because his childhood has left him nothing to be upset about.
A bladed boomerang
-The Prince of Haipshire
-Best friends with Robbie, since they grew up together
-The King isn't exactly the nicest to him. Because of this, he very rarely discloses his sexuality to anyone

Credit to Viper

Amanita Stipe
Female/Big Old Bisexual
NOT MY ART. Made by Mayakern on tumblr
Amanita is bossy, competitive, and wild. She jumps into things with little regard for her own safety. The law of the wild, the food chain, and survival of the fittest governs. She sees the senseless violence of nature as exciting and beautiful and equates her druidic ideals to more civil company by equating social power and influence to position on the food chain. She doesn't care much for material posessions by virtue of the posessions themselves -- though creature comforts are nice, she'd be just as happy under a canopy of trees as she would be in a canopy bed. Rather, she likes the position of power such things can grant her. She's a little sleezy and tends to run schemes, but she's the sort of type to make REALLY INNAPROPRIATE JOKES at the best and worst of times. A master of comedic timing.
A crossbow and a Spear.
Bit of one on Andor?? But mainly just like a 'WOAH HE'S A PRINCE'-esque one.
- From a different realm
- Druid? Kinda?
- Can do Druidic Rituals
We start as you wake up. You are in a small cot. The walls around you are made of stone and your body seems to ache... But you're not sure why.
Andor quietly read a book, leaning on the wall. Robbie was practicing an old trick of his, creating a fireball above his palm and making smaller flames dance around his fingers. He glanced up at the cot every now and then.

Credit to Viper
Amanita sat up suddenly, breathing heavily, eyes everywhere and nowhere, and tried not to yell. All she remembered was clouds and blue, bright, brilliant, blinding blue, and then a floating feeling. Her arms aches from the small movement of supporting her body, and she focused her gaze on the two people in the room with her, saying nothing but two words: “What happened?”
"That's all you've got?" Robbie looked over at him expectantly, but Andor shrugged. "You fell from the sky and now you're here."
"That's not much better," Andor grumbled under his breath. Robbie smiled slightly. "...That's the summary of it, yes."

Credit to Viper
"We should introduce ourselves. I'm Robbie," He did a mock bow. "Professional magician."
That earned him a snicker from Andor. "My name is Andor," He dipped his head. Robbie elbowed him. "...Prince of Haipshire."

Credit to Viper
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Robbie, Prince Andor. I am Amanita Stipe, daughter of Marillion Stipe, and successor to the Druidic Circle of the Land.”
There’s a proud air to her voice, and she shifts in the cot, drawing herself up further, all shyness disappearing in place of a mask of confidence. In truth, she’s scared to death.
(Yo is it cool if she can do some Druidic healing stuff?)
"You're a druid?" Robbie immediately brightened.
(Yeah of course :3)

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
(Yo you know that Robbies from is broken on mobile right? Maybe it’s just me?)

Robert "Robbie" Fenn
Male // Homosexual
Robbie is tall and lanky. He stands at 5'9 and wears the uniform of the royal wizards, a black cloak with red velvet insides. This conceals a normal white shirt and jeans. He doesn't mind the cloak, as it normally gets very, VERY cold. What puts him apart from the other townsfolk is a black mark that looks almost like a tattoo on his shoulder. This has been there since his birth and is the mark of a magical being.
His face is round and his cheekbones and chin aren't incredibly well defined. He has light brown hair with red highlights and bright blue eyes. His skin is tan, but not dark.
Robbie is an extremely social person. He's not heroic or anything, but he does have a tendency to act for the greater good instead of something that is in the moment. His magical prowess does, however, bring out his cockiness from time to time and he can overestimate himself quite easily. He gets nervous from time to time, especially when overly stressed (which is a state he is commonly in now that he is the last wizard) and he sometimes overthinks things because of it.
His temper is something to marvel at; the Prince will tell you that he has only ever seen Robbie's fury once, in an old battle that happened a few years back. During that, he didn't speak a word. He just attacked everything on sight for about ten minutes before going back to the castle looking like the happiest person in the world. Don't piss him off.
Magic. His specialty is enchanting weapons.
-The last known wizard of Haipshire.
-Strongly associated with the royal family, but is not a royal himself. Rather, he works in the castle as the Royal Wizard.
Robert "Robbie" Fenn
Male // Homosexual
Robbie is tall and lanky. He stands at 5'9 and wears the uniform of the royal wizards, a black cloak with red velvet insides. This conceals a normal white shirt and jeans. He doesn't mind the cloak, as it normally gets very, VERY cold. What puts him apart from the other townsfolk is a black mark that looks almost like a tattoo on his shoulder. This has been there since his birth and is the mark of a magical being.
His face is round and his cheekbones and chin aren't incredibly well defined. He has light brown hair with red highlights and bright blue eyes. His skin is tan, but not dark.
Robbie is an extremely social person. He's not heroic or anything, but he does have a tendency to act for the greater good instead of something that is in the moment. His magical prowess does, however, bring out his cockiness from time to time and he can overestimate himself quite easily. He gets nervous from time to time, especially when overly stressed (which is a state he is commonly in now that he is the last wizard) and he sometimes overthinks things because of it.
His temper is something to marvel at; the Prince will tell you that he has only ever seen Robbie's fury once, in an old battle that happened a few years back. During that, he didn't speak a word. He just attacked everything on sight for about ten minutes before going back to the castle looking like the happiest person in the world. Don't piss him off.
Magic. His specialty is enchanting weapons.
-The last known wizard of Haipshire.
-Strongly associated with the royal family, but is not a royal himself. Rather, he works in the castle as the Royal Wizard.
"Better than nothing," Robbie shrugged.
Andor glanced at them before clearing his throat. "Is there anything you'd like to know about where you are or anything like that?"

Credit to Viper
"Robbie is a wizard. The last of his kind here in Haipshire," Andor explained. "He created the portal because... Well, Haipshire is in immense danger. We need extra help. And so now... You're here."
"Some of my finest work. You know, there was an off chance you could have ended up in the sixteenth dimension but--" Robbie cut himself off as Andor stepped on his foot.

Credit to Viper
"Oh, believe me. I know," Robbie grinned meekly.
"...A lot of things could still go wrong, really," Andor pointed out. "For one, you may or may not have to spend the night underground while I get you permission to stay in the castle."
"My old abode is just lovely, Andor, stop making it sound like a punishment," Robbie rolled his eyes, tone dripping with sarcasm.

Credit to Viper

"Robbie," Andor looked over at him, a warning in his glare. "What did we talk about?"
"I swear I know how," Robbie raises his hands defensively. "I just need some time to get everything set up and make sure you don't blow up on my first attempt, capiche? So... Yes. You can go home."

Credit to Viper