Ryu looked a bit shocked, since skull didn't know that Girahim was
in their side now, it looked like ryu would betray them "Hi skully
what did you found?"
Slime by keyofdestiny. Berry, choco, winter eevee by
"Really? Really! You think we need that to beat Majora? For God's
Sake, I can turn into sand, enter Majora and transform into a
Giant, thus making Majora explode!"
A pillar rose under him and he started glowing a beige color. A
beige beam shot into the Moon, holding it down, but to keep it on
the spot Ghirahim was turned to stone. Before being petrified,
Ghirahim said:
"You have to take the Ocean Crystal, Zant! You can't rule the world
when there's no world and someday, maybe this world will fall to a
villain, but we shouldn't let Majora be that villain!"
The Mountain and Ocean Kings turned the crystals on too, the power
of the Four Giants stalling the moon. Galgaro united all races
(Terminans, Stalfos, Deku, Swamp Tribe, Gorons, Mountain Tribe,
Zora, Ocean Tribe, Ikana, Desert Tribe):
"Listen to me! As it was last time, the Four Giants Power cannot
destroy the Moon, but the Goddesses can!"