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Auction House Retro

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Auction House Retro
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 348
Posted: Fri, 03/08/2018 02:32 (6 Years ago)
not sure if it has been suggested but would like a sort by button in AH for "Retro" pokes, we have shiny/mega

but with the influx of retros would like a filter for them.

side note GTS needs one too!

Thanks for being Awesome!

Dan x

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Thu, 09/08/2018 11:42 (6 Years ago)
Reasons for Not Affected;
1) I do not believe 35 retros is an "influx" or impactful enough to warrant it's own filter as there are many filters that would deserve to be made if solely based on the quantitative amount.
2) This suggestion is in the right direction as I do believe there should be an advanced filter system that has more freedom for both Auction House and GTS. One that allows you to search for criteria such as;

- Missing Pokemon
- Missing Shinies
- Missing Mega
- Region Search
- Allow Vouchers to be Searchable and/or Trade-able without Holding

Auction House
- Allow held items to be seen (not only Promoted Auctions) and/or Held Item drop down search
- Missing Shinies
- Missing Mega
- Region Search

Note: This serves primarily as an example as how many filters we could easily come up with whether we proliferate or consolidated filters. Any changes to these systems would be quality of life.
What's gonna happen to Bulbasaur?
Trainerlevel: 154

Forum Posts: 15,329
Posted: Fri, 10/08/2018 17:59 (6 Years ago)
as Buumee states there just arent that many retros (but on the other hand there arent that many megas too...)
and i think before we go to that a missing shiny´s button would be nice xD

all in all i won´t like a new button just for a few pokes, but a advanced system similiar to the one buumee stated might be great and could include your suggestion :)