Forum Thread
Shiny Jar
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Shiny JarPremium Shiny Jar Features ~ Higher Chance ( maybe 10/5000)
Premium Shiny Jar Features ~ You get to take the pokemon out of the jar earlier ( maybe 5 days instead of a whole week)
This feature would not make getting a shiny easier, because people could do it 100 time and still not get a shiny
Edit 1 ~ You can only put in unhuntable Pokemon

"Will You Interact?"
For example: You have a legendary and you put it in the jar, and eventually it becomes Shiny. Then what is the motivation of hunting a rare Pokemon (not necessarily legends) if you can just put it in the jar and wait until it becomes shiny?
Shinies are not supposed to be easy to hatch, and this would make obtaining shinies a lot easier as you don't have to do anything besides putting the Pokémon in the jar.
As I said earlier, no support.
So, no support. Waste of money, since the Pokeradar is more expensive than the 100k legedaries, and defeats the purpose, like AoTora said.
I don't get why people complain about how difficult it is to hatch a shiny Pokemon. It's an adoptables site. If hatching your eggs is too hard or boring for you then I don't think you'll have much fun here when that is about the core of this game.
And of course there is the premium option if you want shinies faster, but keep in mind that just gets you to your max chance faster, doesn't mean you'll get a shiny sooner than someone else. It is based on luck after all, some people are just more lucky than others.
So no support.
Also, the idea of the Pokemon dying is ridiculous. There are young users here too, and this... Wouldn't be good for them.
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- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)