Lion nodded and looked thoughtful. "I don't think it was a glitch,
since Tiger would've called saying the system glitched. Another
problem is that Mira's pokedex went completely offline after her
distres signal went off. We have no clue if she's on Three Island
or not."
"So something serious may have happened to them both." Lion said
quietly and sighed.
Snow nodded his response and touched his cheek with a small smile
before looking at Lion. "What do you think happened?" He asked
Drew calmly raised her eyebrows and looked down at Colin. “August
Carter.” She said dryly and move to look straight ahead, which
happened to be the back of Robert’s head. Not that she minded.
Faye frowned. “Then... well. Isn’t there a -“
Kimberly cues in. “There has to be some sort of GPS tracker on
their Pokegears. There usually is. We could have a certain someone
get in to the system.”
“Colin, maybe? Drew’s dead. So we can’t have her do it.” Faue says
with a frown.
“Colin’s good with technology.” Connor chimed in, eyes wide. “But
it’s really not that hard. You could use two of our dexes and use
them to triangulate a location by rerouting the satellite they ping
off of.”
Listen. Mel was exhuasted. The plane ride from Kalos to
Kanto was a long one, and she’d been yanked offset too the next
episode was supposed to be airing within the week, but now
that she was here, she didn’t think so. Maybe Rho would take over
the role for her. “Connor. English, please. Or French. Either is
“Plug the dexes into the computer and hack a satellite.”
Colin blinked in slight surprise. "I can't believe you answered.
That was awful. ...I'm gonna move over--what? Heard my name." He
looked over to the rest of the group. "Yes. I could do that."
"For now we have to ask you all to go to Three Island and figure it
out," Oak hummed. "You're all okay with that, right? Then you can
all come back here and do... Whatever is needed next. The tracking
thing maybe."
Lion sighed, "we don't even know if Mira has her Pokedex." He said
quietly. Snow nodded in response to Lion. "So our best bet is going
to Three Island and asking Tiger if he knows where Mira is." Lion
said quietly.
Elm nodded in response and Snow called Lem out. "Alright then let's
go." Snow said in a sort of forced cheerful tone. Something about
the distress signals on the pokedexes seemed...familiar to him.
Maybe Rocket is back? No they can't be. Frost and Giovanni are
in prison...but what if they escaped? Snow thought to himself
in concern, the last thing he wanted was Rocket to return.
“I’m sorry, what?” Drew squinted as she hesitantly followed Colin,
needing an answer from him. “Could you just answer- what?” She
shakes her head and stops slightly behind him.
“Then let’s go there.” Faue mumbled suspiciously as she called it
“This doesn’t feel right.” Kimberly mumbled as Spade grabbed her
arm in his talons and picked her up.
"Can I get a ride from someone?" Colin asked in a sigh.
"You can borrow Pidgeot. He just lost his trainer, so be gentle,"
Oak turned away and grabbed a pokeball from a table, handing it to
Colin. He nodded a thanks. "Good luck, everyone. Make sure they're
Colin looked back to Drew. "Sorry, what?" He asked.
“Who - why are you asking me who I am, stranger?” Drew raised her
eyebrows at Colon and awkwardly sort of smirked which partially hid
eh recognizable scar in her cheek. Hard to hide your identity when
you’re isebtifiable.
"Well, um--" Colin cleared his throat awkwardly. "I know everyone
here except for you, August. I figured I might as well try to make
your acquaintance. ...Besides, there's something weirdly familiar
about you. Did you by any chance visit Two Island for something?"
Drew shakes her head. “No. I live in Kalos. I have no idea why you
think I’m familiar.” She raised her eyebrows suspiciously at Colin.
“I’ve never been to Kanto.”
“Yeah.” Kimberly has Spade how’ve her next to Lemm “something’s
really weird.”
Faye nodded. “We will.” She echoed Lion and sighed.
“You know I do know you, right? But don’t say anything.” Drew put a
finger to her lips. “I’m supposed to be netting with the professors
to find some girl. Bt I eavesdropped. Got recruited front eh agency
for this job.” She shrugged.
Colin nodded. "They're like siblings to me. Friends to you, I'd
imagine," He hummed. He blinked upon seeing Hydregion. "Wait a
minute," He frowned, looking at Drew closely.
Snow nodded and sighed quietly. "Guess I had to face my past sooner
or later." He muttered quietly and looked at Lem. "Honestly I was
hoping I'd never see that team again."
"Just worried about Tiger and Mira." Lion said with a sigh and
looked at Togekiss.
Colin opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out for a
second. "No," He finally replied. "Just um... Drew had a Hydregion.
But she's dead. ...Right?" He mumbled the last word.