Mirai manages to make it to the teachers. Out of breath, she
finally say," Why friend had been crushed by a boulder!"
Adele stares at her, "Wait, what?"
"........" he took one of his ninja stars, and flings it past him,
hitting the trees."i thought we could be good friends. but i guess
we cant." he throws some ninja smoke bombs at his new enimy, making
his eyes and senses not work for a couple minutes. he runs away.
Adele goes with Mirai and sees Kichi crushed by the boulder. She
sighs and pushes the rock off her. She gets out her surgical tools
and gets straight to work.
She finishes and sews Kichi's chest up. "There just have your
friend lay down in a safe place." Mirai smiled and hugged Adele,
"Thank you!" Adele was surprised and then smiled. Mirai walked away
with Kichi and Adele turns to Jackson. "Is there a problem?"
Mirai walked to the cafeteria to get the food
"huh, thank you. torture is worse than what my father did when he
was teaching me the ninja code. if i did something wrong, he would
throw 50 ninja stars at me. but im gonna eat now. bye sensei."
he walks to the eating area, and as he ate, he smiled. he roled up
his long gloves, and it showed lots of cuts and slashes on his
arms. they were healed, but he kept the gloves like that.