Kita sighed. "Dude. Suko. You know how much I adore you, but do
yourself a favor and get into more trouble! ...Wait. I worded that
wrong. Live a little. Yeah, that sounds better."
Austin nodded in response to Jenny and smiled at her. "Alright." He
said cheerfully.
"We should head out too." Max said thoughtfully and got to his
feet. He looked at Suko who was rolling his eyes in response and
amusement to Kita. Max sighed and nodded, and Suko ran back over to
"Coming!" Scar said in amusement and giggled. She grabbed an
umbrella and handed it to Deirdre. "Come on you're not gonna melt!"
She said gleefully.
"Come on Simon. I know JJ was planning on calling your parents at
the pokecenter." Micah mused as he stood up. "That's probably where
her and Joey ran off to."
JJ hummed as she dialed the number to her parent's home while Joey
used her head as a leaning post.
Kita just smiled and jumped into Miyah's arms. She grabbed her
jersey from her bag and wrapped Kita up in it as a makeshift rain
poncho. He nodded in content and hung onto Miyah's shoulder.
"I'm beat, anyway," Miyah admitted, grabbing several boxes of
Max recalled Suko and nodded in agreement with Miyah. "Yeah I am
too. We should call home before we head to sleep, after all it's
still four in the evening back home and mom and dad wouldn't mind."
He said kindly, not knowing that Miyah was going to ask their mom
advice on how to set him up with Deirdre.
Max nodded in agreement and went for the door. "Yeah they'd love to
hear that." He said kindly and stretched. "And Kibo and Toka will
be excited to hear that Ryoto hatched."
Max shrugged and dug through his bag. "Not a huge deal. We have dry
clothes in our bags and I have my umbrella." He said kindly and
grabbed his umbrella.
"You have an umbrella?! Then why don't I--oh. I forgot it this
morning. I knew I forgot something. Well, I guess we're off. Bye
guys!" Miyah waved at the others.
Max laughed in amusement and nodded in response to Miyah, "alright
then. Kita you're more than welcome to come with me since I've got
the umbrella." He said kindly.
Max laughed in amusement and nodded to Kita. "Kita's still loyal to
you, Miyah. He just hates being soaked, like most fire types." He
said kindly and smiled.