Forum Thread
1x1 with Tokage
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with Tokage
Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil glanced at Tira, Toka and Kibo for a moment. "Should we start distracting them now and set the thing up?" He asked quietly.

"Of course," Tira nodded.
"Think we have enough time?" Toka asked.

Credit to Viper
"Course we do. If you two distract them then I can get Aite, Charm, and Watt from them. Afterwards we'll go ahead to Ecruteak while you guys distract them." Cyndaquil said kindly to Toka. "Once Mira and Tiger get to Ecruteak we'll get them to the clearing since it'll be time."
"I'm sure this will work." Kibo said gently and smiled.

"Yeah," Toka nodded in agreement with Kibo. "We're good distractions."
Tira flicked her ear thoughtfully. "Should we act like one of us is sick or something?"

Credit to Viper
Kibo nodded in agreement with Toka and smiled cheerfully. "Yeah we are!" He said cheerfully.
Cyndaquil nodded and looked thoughtful. "Good idea. I'll act sick, if you can get Mira to give Aite and Watt over then I'm sure I can manage to have Charm come along too." He said kindly.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Tira nodded, stretching.
Toka chuckled in response to Kibo. "So do we want to do this now?"

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded and looked around for something to make him look convincing when he faked being sick. "Alright, I know for a fact Tiger forgot to stock up on pecha and antidote." He said quietly and walked over to a group of tangela. "I'm not going to be poisoned, but the poison powder will be on my fur." He said quietly to Tira.
Kibo nodded, "looks like we might have to." He said quietly and smiled.

"Alright, but be careful," Tira told him. "Don't accidentally inhale it or anything."
Toka nodded and smiled confidently. "Then let's!"

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded and smiled at Tira. "I'll be careful, promise." He said kindly and held his breath as he used a flamethrower on the tangela. A tangela yelped in shock and used a poison powder covering Cyndaquil. The fire mouse grunted and squeaked in shock to try and sound convincing.
Kibo nodded and smiled. "Yeah!" He grinned.

Tira yiped in shock. "Are you alright?!" She called loudly.
Toka shook her tail and looked at Cyndaquil. "Oh, no, that looks bad."

Credit to Viper
"A tangela poisoned me." Cyndaquil coughed faintly and grunted.
"And Charm ate the pecha berries again. Tiger do you have any antidote?" Kibo asked in shock and concern.
"No... we can take him to a center now." Tiger said with a sigh and glanced at Mira for a moment.
"Now we have to get Mira and Tiger to stay here. Any plans?" Kibo asked Toka quietly.

Toka blinked, thinking quickly. "Some trees fell on the path. Kibo and I can fly over them; you guys are stuck. We can drop Cyndaquil off then come right back."

Credit to Viper