Forum Thread
1x1 with Tokage
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with TokageCyndaquil laughed in amusement and snuck off, he came back moments later with Tiger's pokegear, and jumped into the tree. "Want to know what I have planned?" He asked Aite kindly.
Kibo nodded and smiled. "Yeah, Kuso was pretty strong. He was Tiger's strongest Pokemon other than Cyndaquil. Honestly when Tiger rematches Red. I hope Tiger has the courage to tell Red what he did. I mean, Red isnt evil, just that he forced Tiger to fight." He explained kindly and shook his head clear. "But anyway, yeah Kuso was very strong."

”Sure, why not,” Aite hummed, looking over curiously.
Toka nodddd. ”I’m sure he will find the courage to tell Red. It’s something that he needs to know, after all, and maybe it’ll help him change his habit of forcing people into battles.”

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded and loaded up a picture of a small forest clearing with a huge lake in the center. "At about this time of year, Volbeat and Illumise will be dancing just above the lake. My plan is that I can make a dinner while Hori, Charm, and Watt decorate the clearing. While Kibo and Toka can distract Tiger and Mira. You can help me cook or plan if you want." He said kindly.
Kibo nodded in response to Toka. "I'm sure he'll have the courage to tell Red when the journey is over." He said kindly. "Especially if he has help from not only his Pokémon but Mira as well. I'm sure he'll be able to talk to Red at the end."

”This is so a plan. I’m down,” Aite grinned. ”I can cook.”
”Talk is a strong word. Red doesn’t speak,” Toka pointed out in a chuckle.

Credit to Viper
"Alright! I could use the help. Thanks Aite." Cyndaquil said gleefully and smiled at Aite.
"Good point." Kibo said with a grin.

”No problem my dude. Anything for those two paychos.” Aite grinned back before glancing at Tiger and Mira.
”Do you think he’s mute?” Toka asked curiously.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil looked over to Tiger and Mira. "I'd do anything for those two." He said kindly. "We'll set this date up once we get to Ecruteak."
Kibo tapped his chin "Most likely, but Gold's talked and trained with him before, so maybe he can talk." He said kindly.

”Awesome,” Aite nodded, shifting back so that he was sitting on the treebranch once more.
”Give it a rest, Watt, jeez.”
”Who knows? I’d find it weird if he did and someone heard his voicd before.” Toka hummed.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil laughed in amusement."Watt,if you want a pokepuff so badly try talking to Charm." he said with a grin.
Kibo nodded in response to Toka. "Yeah it would be pretty strange to hear his voice." He said kindly and chuckled.

”He has some?” Watt looked over sharply to Cyndaquil.
”Oh brother,” Aire grumbled.
”I bet you it’d be… Quiet? And hoarse,” Toka hummed thoughtfully. ”But anyway.”

Credit to Viper
"Yeah, Charm has some. Go bug him." Cyndaquil said with a grin. Charm did have some Pokepuffs, but Watt would be searching for Charm for a while as the charizard was flying somewhere near the park.
Kibo nodded, he glanced over to Mira and Tiger. "We'll need to distract them soon. Cyndaquil told me last night he was planning a date for them." He said in amusement and pointed to Mira and Tiger.

Watt squeaked happily and ran away. ”Nicely done,” Aite snickered.
”Oh, really? Sounds like fun,” Toka smiled. ”For them, I mean. Though I don’t think that they’ll be too into it at first.”

Credit to Viper
"Thanks. Charm will be more than happy to give Watt a pokepuff. Watt will just have to find him." Cyndaquil said with a laugh.
Kibo nodded and shrugged. "I'm certain it'll work out in the end." He said with a smile. "After all those two are really close."

”Which is easier said than done,” Aite pointed out with a grin.
”They are. They’re kind of like us, actually. There are some parallels to their story and ours,” Toka hummed.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded and laughed in amusement. "Good point." He said with a grin.
Kibo nodded in response to Toka. "Yeah, there are." He said gently and smiled at Toka.

Aite smiled. ”Wanna hop up? This branch is comfy,” He offered.
Toka smiled and leaned on Kibo happily.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded and climbed onto the branch Aite was sitting on. "Sure sounds good." He said kindly and settled down.
Kibo smiled at Toka and gently kissed her on the head. He wrapped an arm around her.

Aite moved over to make extra room and stretched out, cracking his back. ”Ah. Better. Hey, Cynda, how long do you think he’s REALLY had a crush on her?”
Toka smiled and leaned into him, quickly reaching up and kissing his cheek.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil looked thoughtful, "I think he noticed in Hoenn, but he might have had one before then but never really noticed." He said kindly. "He noticed his crush on her in Hoenn, but didn't tell Mira until we got to Kanto since well, Lion made him fall in Mira's path when we escaped Rocket's base, but because when Faye tricked the group in the Victory Road, she said she was aromantic and Tiger decided to not tell her." He explained quickly as Tiger had told him about the crush when they were getting ready to visit Mira after Tiger returned to Johto from Hoenn.
Kibo smiled and touched his cheek for a moment. He looked at Toka with a smile and gently nudged her. "I love you." He said gently.

Aite nodded in understanding. "She's not aromantic. I know she's had a crush before, even if she doesn't remember," He chuckled softly. "She just hasn't felt love in a very, very long time. I guess it made her feel like she couldn't feel love at all."
"I love you too," Toka looked up at him affectionately. "And I hope that it stays like this forever."

Credit to Viper