Forum Thread
owuwu island!!1!1!! [joke rp | always accepting]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → owuwu island!!1!1!! [joke rp | always accepting]Age: lol no
Gender: ma-female
Species: Froslass
Appearance: Froslass but the snow and ice blue parts are colored fiery red
Personality: clumsy, smart,
Level / Moveset: 5/ Taggle, Water Minigun, Sand Attack
Extra info:
owo what's this
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Floette
Appearance: A Floette with a rainbow flower
Personality: Perfect
Level / Moveset: 150/ Moonblast, Earthquake, Petal dance, and Roar of Time
Extra info: She can beat arceus with splash
owo what's this?
Art Shop

Avatar made by me!
Age: 18
Gender: fmale
Species: sylveon (also part of evree eevolution bc of experimnt)

Personality: shes rlly niec and she lovesssss evry1 but when she looks in amirror or its 12 on a full moon she becoms insanity in nightmare form. nightmare form cills ppl and eats them. ppl dont know abut her and onlee thinks she iz normal but she iz hiding a vry vry vry vyr vry vyr deeep sekret.....
Level / Moveset: level 9999, all moves (expereiment ;) ) she's fairy/dark/psychic/grass/ice/water/electric/fire/ghost type
Extra info: som CREPPY EEEPY DUDE MAN fond out her sekret and kidnapd her 2 us nightmar 4 bad and nitemar kiled rainbow chan and ALMOS gawt ful contorl of hr bodee but she exkapd as a gost and got her body back.... shes a gost but ppl dont know shes also immortl and kant be hit no nothing shess soopr powerful the strongst in the word also is princes snoflak's sis
owow whats thid??/??//??

accepted uwu!
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Species: Torchic

Personality: Silly, lieks to play with freinds, friendly
Level / Moveset: 5 (Fire Spin, fire pledge, growl, entrainment)
Extra info: Rare owo Torchic and the owo symbol on belly glows in dark
owo what's this?

Level / Moveset:
Extra info:
owo this is what??
Level / Moveset:
Extra info:
owo this is what??
Name: mlowog
Age: 16
Gender: hes a boyy owo
Species: binacle
Personality: mlowog may look happy......... but rlly hes sad and depressed bc his paarents died but hes rlly smart!!!!!!! hes rely shy once u get 2 kno him,, but if ur rlly guud friends with him, hes actally rlly frweirnly!!!!! he doent rlly open up to mny ppl tho.... so he is always depressed... also he accidntly bes mean to his frwends
Level / Moveset: lwevel 100!!!! ^w^ mlowog's mowoves are:: hyper beem, boomburst, xtream speed, and roor of time!!1111!!!! owo
Extra info: [vomiting backstory here] his parents diided in a fier :O :O and hes rlly sad abt it and stuff... his hand bcamme a fier and he is 4ever cring bc his parnts died :,(
ill probably start this after i sleep / when the others are done
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
@Chihiro - accepted!
we can start now if you guys are up for it, i'm gonna yell at sylv to update her post
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Species: Sentret
Appearance: Shiny Sentret with a purple ribbons on her ears
Personality: Shy, hyper, pretty friendly if you get to know her, likes cookies!!!!!!
Level / Moveset: Level 13, Moveset is Scratch, Defense Curl, Quick Attack, Fury Swipes
Extra info: N/A OwO

Age: like, 15 or 16, she fOrGoT
Gender: Female
Species: Umbreon

Art by Toff/FlamsWifeAndGirlfriend
Description for now- Very pretty!!! She's white with pretty neon blue rings and neon green eyes!! She also has special markings that are like Sylveon because she's part sylveon!!
Personality: Super shy and clumsy!!! She's really sweet and friendly when you get to know her, and she loves everyone, so she's sweet to everyone!!! Don't make her mad or she'll get angry! >:[
She's also kinda depressed because her sister died :( Her sister makes her feel more depressed but also happi.
Level / Moveset: Level 78!! Sometime's she think she's weak.
Helping Hand
Extra info: sorry if this is too unoriginal or too similar to others, aaa
She's Princess Rainbow-Chan's sisterrrr
owo, what's this?
(we can begin now, should i start or does someone else want to-)
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Age: imertol
Gender: nu gendrrrr
Species: mareep.
Appearance: fur is galazxy and whn yuu luk into her riht ey it louk liek mun. and left eyy is sun. (dunt luk into lft as if u doo it brn ndd blinddd uu)
Personality: shie no like bullies, and can teleprt them to mun. shi kinnq ann tustwrthiii tii hrr frinds
Level: 999999999999x 10
Moongeist beam
sunsteel strike
Sheer cold
Extra info: she is sun and mun controllrrrr she can also summon stars and can use mun powars and sun powars beczz she secretly chidd of lunla aand sun lioon
Owo Whats this cool thing
(Edit: Well. Im Crazy)

i think it would be better if you started??