How many slots:2
Specific gender[+1k pd for female] : One male, one female.
Payment Type:180K PD (I did the math)
Other:Thank you!
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your
Shiny you want me to hunt:tailow abd swellow
Do i have breeding pair?:yep
[Only if No for owning breeding pair]Are you willing to donate a
btw, r u willing to give 2 shiny espurr slots for an art? u can
find sample arts here...
Username: AmethystHeart
How many slots: 1
pokemon: espurr
specific gender[+1k pd for female] : any
Payment Type: 150K PD
other: Thank you bunches
We are all stars in the sky. Different color, different size, and
all burning at different levels.
Alone, each of us are stunning and unique. Together, we can be
amazing!! Let's chose to shimmer like the night sky and show the
world how great we are!!
(Remember, no matter how dull your light, you are still a star and
loved by many!!🥰)
So I hatched another male since everyone is waiting on a female
it'll go to AmethystHeart since she wanted either gender. ^^ (just
to let everyone know how its going)