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Private RP Sign Up Thingy

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Private RP Sign Up Thingy
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Mon, 09/04/2018 23:40 (6 Years ago)
Hi, hello, this is kind of a sign ups, but not at the same time? I hope it's okay here.

Basically, I'm terrible at public role plays - mainly because of time zones, thus, making it hard to keep up, especially when there are a lot of people. Therefore, I want to try and convert to private role plays as time zones aren't really a big issue there (in my opinion). I'm, mainly, looking for 1x1 or 1x1x1.

"Why make a thread and not a feed, or message role players?"

- I don't want to/like to spam my feeds or anyone else's
- I feel like role players are more likely to look here than at feeds, anyway (imo)
- I'm a coward and don't like to beg/bug people

~ My 'Level' of Role Play + Interests etc ~

See here ^^"
You may have to scroll a bit

My General Role Play Rules:

- PH rules always apply - Includes not being OP, no godmodding or bunnying (unless stated)
- Try to use correct grammar (I'm not the best so I don't expect perfection)
- Try not to use one-liners, unless necessary
- Use actual sentences, not text or script speech, for example: ' Name: "speech" -action- "speech" '
- You may have as many characters as you wish, but be sure you can handle them (depends on the plot)
- Personalities tend to need flaws, but don't make your character one huge flaw
- Romance is allowed, between your own and others (if agreed) characters, as long as it's not the focus (depends on the plot)


It'll be a small form - you may post this below, or send it to my PM if that makes you feel more comfortable~

Delete anything in '()' please~

(Your username here)

[b]Role Play Genre:[/b]
(Include at least 2)

(At least a few sentences so I have a general idea - I don't mind if you want to work together on a plot in PM but please state that here ;u;)

Note: If I reject you it'll most likely be due to me being uncomfortable/uninterested with the genre/plot. Please don't take offense - I'm just 'more experienced' in certain role play situations than others.

Some of my older role plays: Approximately Oldest to Newest