Forum Thread
RP Ideas/Vote
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → RP Ideas/Vote
Children, of all ages, born with
mutations were sold to circuses - for money and simply because
their parents didn't want to look after them. Poorly kept and often
abused - they were exploited by their 'owners'. However, only
traveling circuses would except these children, mainly to avoid
suspicion of child abuse by locals. They would never stay in an
area for long.
Every so often, a child would go 'missing'. At least, that's what they'd tell you. It was rumored that the children had been caught trying to escape and were... killed. Not that anyone cared - to them, they were only freaks, not humans.
Every so often, a child would go 'missing'. At least, that's what they'd tell you. It was rumored that the children had been caught trying to escape and were... killed. Not that anyone cared - to them, they were only freaks, not humans.
2 - The Z Virus (Zombie/Survival)

The outbreak had been predicted. But
the vaccination, for many had failed. In fact, it was believed that
only 10% of those who received it were unaffected by the virus.
Just a few weeks before the virus appeared, people had been advised to visit their local doctors surgery for a vaccination against a new virus that had been discovered over seas. It was just a matter of time before it found it's way over here. Many took the vaccination, however, others were skeptical and did not. They were the first to become infected.
The virus had been triggered by the radiation of a nuclear bomb. It was only discovered once a few thousand started getting symptoms: unknown bruising, blistering, swelling, and the rotting of flesh. A few days after getting the virus, they died and went into a zombie-like state.
With desperation, scientists began to look for a cure, or a vaccine, at least. They couldn't create a fully developed one in time, and were forced to hand out proto-types which may or may not work. Bunkers were unable to be built - people were advised to stock up on supplies, weapons and to lock their doors.
The remaining 10% ranged from small children, to adults, with it being rare to find a whole family. A lot of animals were also affected but not all (the infected showed the same symptoms as an infected human). The apocalypse was real and happening now. Its up to the remaining survivors to find a safe place.
Just a few weeks before the virus appeared, people had been advised to visit their local doctors surgery for a vaccination against a new virus that had been discovered over seas. It was just a matter of time before it found it's way over here. Many took the vaccination, however, others were skeptical and did not. They were the first to become infected.
The virus had been triggered by the radiation of a nuclear bomb. It was only discovered once a few thousand started getting symptoms: unknown bruising, blistering, swelling, and the rotting of flesh. A few days after getting the virus, they died and went into a zombie-like state.
With desperation, scientists began to look for a cure, or a vaccine, at least. They couldn't create a fully developed one in time, and were forced to hand out proto-types which may or may not work. Bunkers were unable to be built - people were advised to stock up on supplies, weapons and to lock their doors.
The remaining 10% ranged from small children, to adults, with it being rare to find a whole family. A lot of animals were also affected but not all (the infected showed the same symptoms as an infected human). The apocalypse was real and happening now. Its up to the remaining survivors to find a safe place.
3 - Orphan (Adventure?)

"Why are you here...?"
Every child has a different story to tell and, thus, different reasons for being in the orphanage. Stale food, tireless chores, restless nights, oh, and the beatings. A child who lived there would never forget the beatings which were commonly given out by the mistress. And the punishment room - misbehaved children would be sent to sleep in the pitch black, cold, probably rat infested, cellar, without dinner.
Running away seemed impossible - where would they even go?
Every child has a different story to tell and, thus, different reasons for being in the orphanage. Stale food, tireless chores, restless nights, oh, and the beatings. A child who lived there would never forget the beatings which were commonly given out by the mistress. And the punishment room - misbehaved children would be sent to sleep in the pitch black, cold, probably rat infested, cellar, without dinner.
Running away seemed impossible - where would they even go?
4 - Abandoned (Free Roam tbh)

An abandoned highway, leading to an
abandoned town, full of abandoned buildings, mainly apartment
blocks. This is the place where the homeless go and unwanted pets
are thrown away. But, between them, they can make this place a
home, even if there are a few scuffles.
5 - Therian High (High School/Fantasy)

A lot of people believe that a part of
them is anything but human - animal like, almost. For some, it's a
fierce wolf. Others, a timid cat. This high school is for the shape
shifters only. We aim to make it a safe, learning environment,
where you can be treated a equal as a human but without the
6 - Dragon Dance (Fantasy/Adventure)

It was only a child's bed time story,
but legend had it that during every blue moon (every fourth full
moon), dragons would put on a beautiful display in the sky to
attract their mates. However, they'd never been seen and had been
shrugged off as a myth. However, the discovery of a rather large,
broken egg, changed the people's mind. This egg was no
dire-chicken's. It was way too big, and covered in scales? Of
course, children will be children - they decide to go out on their
own adventure to find and tame the dragons.

(Map belongs to me~)
Summerdale is the only town on the island - containing a few thousand people - if you don't include the small 'Snow People' settlement in Winter Peaks. The town is lead by a single chief - he has no family, but does have a small (and powerful) army, who protects the island. The chief is a very happy-go-lucky person, likes to socialize with the town rather than hiding away in a hut surrounded by guards.
The town's main way of life is farming, fishing, hunting and gathering. There are healers which know their way around every plant and herb. There are also small schools, but they're not very advanced - they teach the basics for living. Also: a market, blacksmith, a ranch where livestock are kept and a huge saloon/bar.
Nearby, is the Silver Lake - it's said to have been created by the tears of dragons.
Dire Forest - One of the most dangerous places. It homes most of the Diremals, which are animals twice the size, with twice the power. Only Diremals are found on the island. Some Dires can be tamed and used as mounts (like horses, dogs, wolves, some cats). They will also guard their tamer, if their is a strong enough bond.
Winter Peaks - tall, snowy mountains. Be sure to bring a your hats, scarfs and gloves. Somewhere within them, there is a small settlement of 'Snow People'. They rarely visit Summerdale. They are some of the wisest people on the island and know more about the so-called legends than anything else.
Fall Valley - a vast, but dying, plain. The trees are always a golden color, with their leaves scattered everywhere. The grass is tall, but dry, and the temperature seems to rise, the further you walk.
Springwater Beach - Do not drink the water - it is still salt water. However, the beach itself is pretty, with fine golden sand and crystal clear, blue water. One one side of the beach, there is an old fishing shack. Even though it's closed, some of the boats are still there.
Arrowhead Mire - a swamp and home to many dire snakes. They're very territorial and could easily kill a human.
Dragon's Land - no one knows that it exists. It's later discovered by the children who then carry out their mission to tame the dragons.

(Map belongs to me~)
Summerdale is the only town on the island - containing a few thousand people - if you don't include the small 'Snow People' settlement in Winter Peaks. The town is lead by a single chief - he has no family, but does have a small (and powerful) army, who protects the island. The chief is a very happy-go-lucky person, likes to socialize with the town rather than hiding away in a hut surrounded by guards.
The town's main way of life is farming, fishing, hunting and gathering. There are healers which know their way around every plant and herb. There are also small schools, but they're not very advanced - they teach the basics for living. Also: a market, blacksmith, a ranch where livestock are kept and a huge saloon/bar.
Nearby, is the Silver Lake - it's said to have been created by the tears of dragons.
Dire Forest - One of the most dangerous places. It homes most of the Diremals, which are animals twice the size, with twice the power. Only Diremals are found on the island. Some Dires can be tamed and used as mounts (like horses, dogs, wolves, some cats). They will also guard their tamer, if their is a strong enough bond.
Winter Peaks - tall, snowy mountains. Be sure to bring a your hats, scarfs and gloves. Somewhere within them, there is a small settlement of 'Snow People'. They rarely visit Summerdale. They are some of the wisest people on the island and know more about the so-called legends than anything else.
Fall Valley - a vast, but dying, plain. The trees are always a golden color, with their leaves scattered everywhere. The grass is tall, but dry, and the temperature seems to rise, the further you walk.
Springwater Beach - Do not drink the water - it is still salt water. However, the beach itself is pretty, with fine golden sand and crystal clear, blue water. One one side of the beach, there is an old fishing shack. Even though it's closed, some of the boats are still there.
Arrowhead Mire - a swamp and home to many dire snakes. They're very territorial and could easily kill a human.
Dragon's Land - no one knows that it exists. It's later discovered by the children who then carry out their mission to tame the dragons.
7 - A Night In 'That' Mansion (Sleepover/Game/Slight Supernatural Maybe)

A group of friends have been dared to spend the night in a particular mansion that is said to be haunted by many of spirits. But that's only if you believe in ghosts, right?
The mansion is located on a large hill, in the middle of no where, with no civilization for miles. It's far too late to turn back now. For all their parents know, they're supposed to be spending the night at a friends house. At least, it was partially true. It was a house. It's just, they weren't sure who's it was.
Will they stay the whole night, or will they scare themselves away?
Or... Will something else scare them away?
8 - Once Caged, Freedom Now (Madagascar Kinda/Adventure)

You were once wild.
When you were young, you'd been snatched from your parents - they were most likely killed. You were then brought back with the poachers who put you into an enclosure. The called the place a 'Zoo'. Everyday, hundreds of people came to look at you, take pictures of you. Some would even come into your space while you were forced to let them touch you. You were fed on rare occasion. You were bored of wondering around the same space. But soon enough, you realized you weren't the only one here.
During the nights, you would find ways to escape your enclosure to meet with the other animals, they too wanted to escape. A few had the common sense to stay put in their enclosure as to not get caught by the security guards that wondered around at night. But you and the others were desperate to get home and you would do whatever it took to get there.
I unconsciously made a Madagascar kinda rp o.o
When you were young, you'd been snatched from your parents - they were most likely killed. You were then brought back with the poachers who put you into an enclosure. The called the place a 'Zoo'. Everyday, hundreds of people came to look at you, take pictures of you. Some would even come into your space while you were forced to let them touch you. You were fed on rare occasion. You were bored of wondering around the same space. But soon enough, you realized you weren't the only one here.
During the nights, you would find ways to escape your enclosure to meet with the other animals, they too wanted to escape. A few had the common sense to stay put in their enclosure as to not get caught by the security guards that wondered around at night. But you and the others were desperate to get home and you would do whatever it took to get there.
9 - x Entered The Chatroom (Murder Mystery/Game)

You wake up, finding yourself in a
weird room that isn't yours. Plainly decorated, with only a chest
of draws, a desk, a laptop and the bed you'd awoken on. A door lead
to a bathroom, whilst the other was locked. The windows were, also.
In the draws were your clothes. But how did they get there?
The only thing left to check was the laptop. It was a simple make, and had a webcam. As soon as you turned it on, you were met by a young girl who seemed no older than 16. There was something odd about her, besides her wearing a colorful masquerade mask and her psychotic smile.
"You've finally awoken! I've been waiting for agesssss!" She laughs, "Oh? Are you wondering who I am? Or where you are? Both? Oh so many questions!"
She didn't seem concerned about you what so ever.
"My name is... Well, you can call me Popsy~! And you're in my game!"
"I should explain. Welcome to my mansion! You have been invited to play my game!"
There was an invite?
"All you have to do is find the murderer within the group, before you, or five others are killed. Otherwise... You'll all die as a penalty and the killer will walk free!"
Wait. Murderer?!
"The rules: Don't try to escape the island - yes, island - otherwise you will be punished. You may not kill yourself or the group will be punished. You may not kill anyone else, unless you are the murderer. The murderer must commit at least one person each night (between 9pm and 3am). Failing to do so, they will be punished. The murderer may kill however they see fit. 9pm is lights out - you will only be able to communicate via the chatroom."
"You should have everything you need here. Kitchen... Extra supplies... Just call me if you need anything! And one last thing - voting will take place after each murder. You may cast a black vote or a name. If blank votes are majority, there is no execution. If a name has a majority then... That person is executed - but it may not be the murderer."
'Popsy' let out another laugh.
"I hope you enjoy my game!"
Her face disappears and the screen turns to a login page.
"Enter Username"
The only thing left to check was the laptop. It was a simple make, and had a webcam. As soon as you turned it on, you were met by a young girl who seemed no older than 16. There was something odd about her, besides her wearing a colorful masquerade mask and her psychotic smile.
"You've finally awoken! I've been waiting for agesssss!" She laughs, "Oh? Are you wondering who I am? Or where you are? Both? Oh so many questions!"
She didn't seem concerned about you what so ever.
"My name is... Well, you can call me Popsy~! And you're in my game!"
"I should explain. Welcome to my mansion! You have been invited to play my game!"
There was an invite?
"All you have to do is find the murderer within the group, before you, or five others are killed. Otherwise... You'll all die as a penalty and the killer will walk free!"
Wait. Murderer?!
"The rules: Don't try to escape the island - yes, island - otherwise you will be punished. You may not kill yourself or the group will be punished. You may not kill anyone else, unless you are the murderer. The murderer must commit at least one person each night (between 9pm and 3am). Failing to do so, they will be punished. The murderer may kill however they see fit. 9pm is lights out - you will only be able to communicate via the chatroom."
"You should have everything you need here. Kitchen... Extra supplies... Just call me if you need anything! And one last thing - voting will take place after each murder. You may cast a black vote or a name. If blank votes are majority, there is no execution. If a name has a majority then... That person is executed - but it may not be the murderer."
'Popsy' let out another laugh.
"I hope you enjoy my game!"
Her face disappears and the screen turns to a login page.
"Enter Username"
10 - Four (Fantasy/Elementals/Adventure)

Withing the four corners of the Earth,
four eggs were hidden. Water, Fire, Air and Earth.

Each egg belonged to a child, a saviour. The egg contained a beast that only they could control.

The Children could be identified by a glowing mark on their body.

And once they became of age, they were knighted and received a sword from the king.

They would then fight together to keep the world in order and to prevent Darkness taking over.
(disclaimer - I own non of these images~)

Each egg belonged to a child, a saviour. The egg contained a beast that only they could control.

The Children could be identified by a glowing mark on their body.

And once they became of age, they were knighted and received a sword from the king.

They would then fight together to keep the world in order and to prevent Darkness taking over.
(disclaimer - I own non of these images~)
11 - Run Rabbit, Run (Based on Watership Down)

You were harmless, pretty much. But
when you found out the humans were going to take over your home,
you had no choice to move out, with your friends and family, or
risk being killed.
On the way to new land, you come across predators that will hunt you, farmers who'll point their guns at you, other clans of rabbits who'll defend their territory, and other rabbits (wild and domestic) who wish to join you.
Could you survive life as a rabbit?
On the way to new land, you come across predators that will hunt you, farmers who'll point their guns at you, other clans of rabbits who'll defend their territory, and other rabbits (wild and domestic) who wish to join you.
Could you survive life as a rabbit?
12 - The Rogue Pack (Werewolf)

The pack was made up of the runts of
litters from all over the country, and of wolves considered too
weak to be in a pack. There was no alpha in this pack, they
considered each other to be equal and used teamwork for almost
Between them, they decided to get revenge on their families for abandoning them and not giving them a chance. Many members of the rogue pack had been close to death - either from starvation or being vulnerable of an attack. Together they travel across the landsearching far and wide and ambushing their old
Between them, they decided to get revenge on their families for abandoning them and not giving them a chance. Many members of the rogue pack had been close to death - either from starvation or being vulnerable of an attack. Together they travel across the land
13 - Legal (Suicide Squad + The Purge?)

The government had been overthrown by
the most powerful criminals and villains, after they'd escaped for
a top-security prison.
Now in charge, they're back to causing mayhem starting with making everything legal - from speeding to murder. To them, it's all a game for their entertainment, even when it gets out of control.
Now in charge, they're back to causing mayhem starting with making everything legal - from speeding to murder. To them, it's all a game for their entertainment, even when it gets out of control.
14 - Civil Games (Hunger Games Themed)

The city used to be a single place
that lived in peace, until, the civil war. The north against the
south - the north, eventually, winning. The north, cut off the
south's access to transport, water, gas and electric. They send
over the minimum supplies each month, to keep the south going.
The south, eventually, became so run down, it looked almost like ruins. Many people were now living in homemade, wooden and metal shacks as gangs had taken over and vandalized apartment blocks and stores. They had no hot water, no energy, diseases spread quickly, yet there was no medicine.
A few years later, the city proposed an offer.
"We'll have one last war. We'll each send 12 children into an arena, and have them fight for you're outcome. After a week of fighting, the side with the most fighter alive, will win. If it happens to be yours, we'll welcome you back..."
The south, eventually, became so run down, it looked almost like ruins. Many people were now living in homemade, wooden and metal shacks as gangs had taken over and vandalized apartment blocks and stores. They had no hot water, no energy, diseases spread quickly, yet there was no medicine.
A few years later, the city proposed an offer.
"We'll have one last war. We'll each send 12 children into an arena, and have them fight for you're outcome. After a week of fighting, the side with the most fighter alive, will win. If it happens to be yours, we'll welcome you back..."
15 - Neaperra: School of Sorcery (Magic/Fantasy)

(Not Finished)
The school is available, and is only known to, the most gifted children. At the age of thirteen, certain children are invited to the school for the next five years of their life.
Upon arrival, the children will receive: their wand and broomstick, pet, book of spells (called the
'Libro Cantus'), uniform, and a room mate.
Their wand will only work for them, no one else.
Their pet will only listen to them, no one else.
Their book of spells is expected to be kept safe as they receive only one.
Their uniform is expected to be taken care of and made to look presentable.
Their room mate is expected to be respectful and friendly.
Uniforms and dorms are gender neutral, meaning that males and females can share. We expect that a male and female, if sharing rooms, will behave responsibly.
The school, however, is split into three houses - Power, Wisdom and Courage. The Power house wears a red and black, striped tie. Wisdom wear a purple and black, striped tie. Courage wear a yellow and black, striped tie.
There are four studies at the school - Potions (includes casting spells and creating potions), Plant Biology (growing plants), Animal Biology (taming wild animals), Sports (broomstick lessons and other games).
Breakfast, lunch and dinner is provided with meals suited for everyone.
Skipping lessons or wandering the grounds after hours will not be tolerated and students will be punished if caught.
The school is available, and is only known to, the most gifted children. At the age of thirteen, certain children are invited to the school for the next five years of their life.
Upon arrival, the children will receive: their wand and broomstick, pet, book of spells (called the
'Libro Cantus'), uniform, and a room mate.
Their wand will only work for them, no one else.
Their pet will only listen to them, no one else.
Their book of spells is expected to be kept safe as they receive only one.
Their uniform is expected to be taken care of and made to look presentable.
Their room mate is expected to be respectful and friendly.
Uniforms and dorms are gender neutral, meaning that males and females can share. We expect that a male and female, if sharing rooms, will behave responsibly.
The school, however, is split into three houses - Power, Wisdom and Courage. The Power house wears a red and black, striped tie. Wisdom wear a purple and black, striped tie. Courage wear a yellow and black, striped tie.
There are four studies at the school - Potions (includes casting spells and creating potions), Plant Biology (growing plants), Animal Biology (taming wild animals), Sports (broomstick lessons and other games).
Breakfast, lunch and dinner is provided with meals suited for everyone.
Skipping lessons or wandering the grounds after hours will not be tolerated and students will be punished if caught.
16 - An Untainted Island (Gods/Godesses)

There's an island, in the center of
the ocean, surrounded by a force field, making them invisible to
the rest of the world.
On it, live the people who were chosen to birth the children of the Gods.
These people are pure, no nothing of the outside world and live in harmony.
Yet, like the outside world, they're training and preparing for the worst, if it were ever to come.
On it, live the people who were chosen to birth the children of the Gods.
These people are pure, no nothing of the outside world and live in harmony.
Yet, like the outside world, they're training and preparing for the worst, if it were ever to come.
17 - Atlantis and the Forgotten City

On a secret island, there are people
who are nothing like us.
From first glances, they seem normal.
But entering water causes them to turn into mermaids and mermen.
From first glances, they seem normal.
But entering water causes them to turn into mermaids and mermen.
18 -
19 -
20 -
Sylveongirl23's rp idea - Do Not Steal

In medieval times, there was much fear
of witches and sorcerers
And the price for being one of these "witches" was being burnt at the stake.
Many men and women were falsely accused of being "witches" and died innocently.
But little did the accusers know, in this realm, there were young men and women that truly had powers. And they are doing whatever they can to band together, and overthrow the tyrannical rulers of this kingdom.
This is their story.
And the price for being one of these "witches" was being burnt at the stake.
Many men and women were falsely accused of being "witches" and died innocently.
But little did the accusers know, in this realm, there were young men and women that truly had powers. And they are doing whatever they can to band together, and overthrow the tyrannical rulers of this kingdom.
This is their story.
Any more ideas? Baring in mind that these are just brief plot descriptions.
Anyway - I'll make (hopefully) whatever is the most popular in the beginning of June.
But I'll keep adding to this, whenever I get an idea.
I'll let people use the ideas as long as either I'm credited/the plot is changed slightly/I'm asked. Only because there's no way I could possibly make them work. My rps are never successful o.o
Also, I'll probably make an actual, proper, introduction/sign up thing on here for them. Not as individual threads xD The mods would actually kill me. But I'll put them in the spoilers :/
I'll try to make them decent, and if you do have suggestions either - new rps or changes to current ideas - do say so o.o