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Night Children || RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Night Children || RP
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 05:27 (7 Years ago)
One day, you were in class. It was normal until time seemed to stop.

There was a big flash of light, and suddenly, you were in a dark world. The sky was starless, a constant drizzle fell from it. You look at yourself and the other people that somehow materialized here with you.

No longer are you dressed in your normal clothes from Earth - you wear armor. No longer do you hold pencils and backpacks, some of you hold axes and swords and magical tomes.

You hear a deep, booming voice from above.

"Welcome to the world of Saevatain. You will not escape until you leave. Beware the Night Children. Take back Y'riaen. Do not disappoint me. La'terahne will explain."
A wyvern screeches above you, and you can faintly see the girl on it.

"Come on, skyfallers! La'terahne is waiting."

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- all ph rules apply
- do not, i repeat, do not be OP/godmod/marysue/bunny whatever. this rule counts as 2 strikes because it's not that hard to have downsides to characters or whatever. don't break this rule plea s e
- you can have romance just don't make it the focus please !!
- don't derail the story - contact me through palpad if you have a subplot or something that you want to happen, because then i can make sure it won't effect the story too badly ;0
- minimum of 3 sentences, please. i understand if you slipup a few times i barely write two when on mobile but just try to be literate so no t3xt sp34k xD please !!
- keep gore to a minimum
- this RP does have horror elements and whatnot, so please remember that!! it aint all sunshine and rainbows

We can all start lying in grass. It's raining, and you've just woken up surrounded by people you don't know in a foreign land.

Tess woke up and it was pouring. Face down in the grass, it was hard for her to move. Her nose felt sore from however long it had been pressed into the mud.

In the same situation, Ellie woke up. She pushed herself up to see other bodies. "Is this a murder scene?" she asked the likely dead bodies.

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 949
Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 06:31 (7 Years ago)
Lynx blinks blearily when he feels water dripping onto his face, kind of like--rain?

The world swims into focus, revealing a gray, drizzling sky. He can feel grass tickling his face (oh god WET grass that's gross) and water soaking into his clothes. Then he realizes his sunglasses are missing.

Well, that at least explains why 1: everything is so bright oh god 2: everything is 144p and buffering. He frowns, sitting up, and gropes for his sunglasses.
Kei wakes up to a mouthful of wet grass. He sputters awake, using some choice words that probably shouldn't be repeated, and pushes himself up, coughing and gagging because good lord wet dirt and grass is nasty, and the worst way the wake up, probably.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 13:09 (7 Years ago)
Jace stirred. It was very, very cold. Wet. Damp. Cold. He opened his eyes, just in time to catch a rain drop in his left. "Ow." Jason hissed, turns out getting water in your eyes hurts. A lot. The tall lad sat up and blinked a few times, hands over his eyes as to insure it doesn't happen again, his vision began shifting from blurred to clear once again. Heavy, cold mud clung to his clothes, sticking to his skin as he moved "Where am I?" he muttered, his gaze shifting from the dark, starless sky to the area before him. There were other people scattered across the wet, muddy clearing. Some stirring, others still asleep. Only one person stood out to him, however. "Kat!"

The blonde girl shifted as she began waking. Her face felt cold and wet. So did her legs and arms. Her eyes fluttered open as she began sitting up, pressing the palm of her right hand against her forehead in a hopeless attempt to soothe the pain in her skull. Wet, cold, sticky. She looked at her hand, sure enough, it was coated in thick, wet mud. That's when she began glancing about. Mud, mud everywhere. Grass poked through most of it, though there were some spaces where all that lay there is mud. That's what she noticed first. The second thing she noted was the number of bodies strewn across the mud and grass, a handful of people were already awake; but where were they? Her heartbeat rose as she looked about more frantically. "Kat!". Jason's call calmed her a little. At least she had him here with her. He can protect her. She turned in his direction, a mixture of hot tears and cold rain running down her face, it was hard to tell she'd even been crying. The short blonde girl began hurriedly making her way over to him, almost tripping once or twice due to the mud trying to suck her in. Her arms wrapped around Jason, her heartbeat slowing a fair amount.
"Where are we? they asked each other, almost in unison. Kathy's heart sank.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 1,076
Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 23:10 (7 Years ago)
Caspian awoke to the taste of mud in her mouth.

She grumbled quietly as she rose, though she only rose to her knees. She didn't feel much like standing yet, even if it meant getting herself out of the muck. She was still terribly tired, and her weird craving for something other than dirt wasn't making that any easier.

She glanced around. The others were already waking up, it looked like. Some were shouting back and forth, some talking, even more still face-down in the damp grass. She brought her hand to the left side of her face, trying to brush some of her hair out of her eyes, but then she noticed that she couldn't see her hand. She tried to wipe her eye, figuring it was probably covered with mud or something else from on the ground, but was met with little resistance and her hand slipped into the...

She stared blankly at the ground for a few seconds.

And then she screamed.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 23:22 (7 Years ago)
Christoph heard a loud ringing in his ears and his vision was blurry. The smell of wet grass filled his nose while drops of water fell in his hair. He wasn't sure where he was yet though he knew it wasn't his class.

Emmy woke up to a scream causing her to let out a shriek as she leapt into the air a bit. Crashing back down mud got all over her clothes. Glancing at everyone and the outdoors she began to cry.
She was cold and she was wet from the rain and mud. Mud covered her clothes and skin while she was near so many people. To top it all off she never liked being outside very much in the first place. All of this bad luck was too much for her.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 00:58 (7 Years ago)
"Mother of all that's holy and good!" Tess yelled. "Language, good sir! And please keep down the screaming!" She covered her ears which were considerably soaked, causing a lot of suction. She stuggled to pull her hands off for a second before she had a success. Since her only senses were her hearing and touch [nose and eyes in the ground, ew who likes the taste of mud], she flinched at the coldness from the rain.

"I take that as a no, we're not dead, or we're in hell." Ellie coughed, mud smearing her freckled face. She reached to put her hood on -- but swiped at nothing but air. She screamed. "What the --?! Who took my clothes! Who put on these clothes! You've gotta be some sicko to do so-"

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 1,076
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 01:50 (7 Years ago)
"No, no, no, what the hell? No... That's..."

Caspian muttered quietly to herself as she pulled her hand out of her eye. I mean, her mouth. Her other mouth. The one that used to be her eye. Whatever was up with her eye-mouth, she was essentially ignoring everything and everyone else.

"That.. is NOT supposed to be there." She said, almost conclusively. "That is DEFINITELY NOT WHERE THAT GOES."
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:03 (7 Years ago)
Kathy quickly turned around, startled by the scream "Are you okay?! the blonde shouted, beginning to clamber over to the girl who the scream belonged to. The mud squelching beneath her boots. Wait? Boots? Kathy looked down herself, her dress... Well, just wasn't! She was wearing some sort of medieval looking clothes, she'd been learning about knights and warfare in the middle ages this semester, who knew it might actually be of use to her? "Leather, a tunic and..." her hand had been brushing over her new attire when it touched a cold chain-like material "Chain mail?? Why am I wearing armor?!" she shouted loudly before glossing her eyes over her compatriots "WHY ARE WE ALL WEARING ARMOR?" she shouted to everyone before glancing towards her brother, who was wearing his normal clothes. He was the only one, that she knew for a fact, hadn't been changed into anything other than his own clothes. OH! RIGHT THE GIRL! Katherine remembered quickly. she crouched next to the other girl and carefully put a hand on her shoulder "Hey! Hey... What's wrong?" she tentatively asked, not able to see her face.

He watched his sister carefully as she left "What is she wearing?? he murmured to himself, unsure whether or not it was something she knowing wore. His question was answered mere moments later. "Who changed her clothes? What's going on?!" the brunette asked himself aggressively. Anger, confusion, fear. He felt those emotions very strongly. Pain began wracking his entire body but no sound left his mouth. His skin felt as if it was splitting and his bones felt as though they'd been broken and reset hundreds of times. The searing pain that he felt through his being stopped. No aches, no pains. Just nothing. Jace was terrified. "What just happened?? he tried to form words but all that left his mouth was animalistic cries, somewhat resembling laughter. He looked around panicked, surprised to see everything was much clearer than it had been moments ago, and he was able to hear Kathy trying to calm the screaming girl. Everything his Jason at once. All the new scents. He was almost overwhelmed to the point of passing out, instead his head hurt a lot. Jace finally tried looking down at himself.
Something definitely was wrong.

Oh boy was he right.

Fur covered his entire body. Some kind of sandy golden spotted fur coated him from head to toe. Next he noticed he has a thin yet somewhat bushy wiry tail.

Jace stood up in shock and let out another cry of surprise, confusion and fear.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 949
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:13 (7 Years ago)
Lynx gives a triumphant noise when he finds him, shoving them onto his face as soon as he can, grinning slightly because of the familiar weight. He blinks a few times as the world comes into focus, the prescription in his glasses helping, and frowns. This is hardly the first time he's accidentally fallen asleep outside but he definitely doesn't recognize the place.

Then he hears a distant scream, and he jumps slightly before schooling his face into a more neutral expression. Instantly, he's on guard, and he gets the feeling that there's something wrong.
Just when Kei's thinking that his day can't possibly get any worse, he hears a shrill scream, and he hangs his head. At the moment, he's more annoyed by the fact that he just had to bait lady luck, but it quickly transforms into concern. He pulls himself to his feet, blinking slightly when he notices that his clothes aren't what he was wearing last he checked, and he's pretty sure nobody's worn these kinds of clothing for a few centuries.

Pushing that aside, he heads towards the direction of the shout, ignoring the rain and the fact that this is probably the lead up to a horrible, cheesy, B-rated horror film.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:16 (7 Years ago)
What would a hero do? He would calm the panic. Easier said than done though. How did a hero calm people down. Assess the situation. First was beating the villain. There was no villain to beat however. Then perhaps saying something heroic to ease everyone?
That would work perfectly. Now what to say? Well first a confident pose and a smile or grin. He spread his legs and put his hands on his hips while smiling with confidence. Cliche but heroic. "Relax everyone for we are safe!"
Yeah that would work for now hopefully.

Emmy glanced at the scrawny guy listening to his words. It looked stupid and yet the words comforted her a bit. They were alive and not hurt. While still the worst day of her life somehow the positives made her smile a bit.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:26 (7 Years ago)

The guy, now turned hyena, barely heard the attempt to calm the crowd and instead looked around again, alarmed by the faint scent of more people coming this way. He was already freaking out about the whole becoming a hyena thing, he did not need more people thrown into the mix. Jason nervously began chuckling, in that hyena way. The creepy, somewhat wrong kind of chuckling. The odd thing is, he didn't realize he was making any noise and when he did realize it, he couldn't stop it right away. Okay. Okay, Jason. Calm down. he thought to himself, trying to still his beating heart. He could feel himself losing control, and it was an unnerving, ominous feeling. He didn't want to risk losing himself, he couldn't let himself pose a risk to his sister.

Jason began slowing his breathing. Panicking wouldn't help him now, he can do that later when he becomes human again... if he... No, I've got to believe it's reversible. Jason stood up and faced the direction of the new people. He barely noticed his shirt clinging loosely, yet tightly around his unfamiliar form. His trousers, on the other hand, had been forgotten where he has been sitting moments ago.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 1,076
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 03:07 (7 Years ago)
Caspian tensed as Katherine touched her shoulder, the fear she had felt since finding the eye-mouth intensifying. She hurriedly covered her unwanted acquisition, though with difficulty, as she could barely control it, growing even more distressed as it bit at her fingers, trying desperately to be freed from its pale-skinned flesh prison.

"I... My eye... It..." She stuttered, trying to think of what to say. At that point, the mouth's fangs nearly sank into her skin, and she pulled her hand away in alarm, unintentionally opting to show rather than tell.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 03:47 (7 Years ago)
Kathy's eyes widened in shock an horror, barely able to suppress a scream of her own. "W-what is this place? This place must be the reason your eye i-is..." she stuttered, trying to find some way to say it without saying what it was. A mouth. She could barely believe everything that's happened in the last few minutes. Waking up in a strange, foreign, cold land in clothes you weren't wearing prior to waking up here was bad enough; now there was a girl, a normal girl like her, who has a mouth for an eye. That isn't possible, it shouldn't be possible. Kathy shook her head quickly "Okay, we need to calm down... Panicking isn't helping anyone. Jason will know what to do, he always does!" saying the last sentence more to herself, the way the blonde spoke was distracted and shaky. She needed Jason right now. In a rushed manor, she turned her head towards where she'd left her brother, only to gasp horrified at the sight of a large, muddied hyena in his place and shirt. "J-Jace?" she called out, temporarily forgetting about the girl she'd been talking to moments before.

Kathy was visibly shaking now, she turned back to the mouth-eyes girl "S-so. W-what's yo-your n-name? I'm K-Kather-Kathrine." she stammered, much paler than she has been before.

Jason opened his eyes again at Kathy's voice. Oh no, she's panicking, she needs me but I can't help right now... the thoughts rushed through his mind as she stole his attention. Jason padded through the sticky mud, it clung to his fur in a irritating way, but he barely noticed. Even if he wasn't the Jace she recognized, it was still him. She must know that? Right?

Jason tried to communicate with her, but all that left his muzzle was another disturbing cry. Best keep my mouth shut then. he mentally scolded himself, staying roughly five meters away from his sister and the girl, as to not freak his sister out more than she already was.

It didn't help much.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 949
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 04:07 (7 Years ago)
Lynx hears a girl's annoyed voice yelping about her clothing, and he turns in her direction, and to his horror, he realizes he's in the exact same situation. "Oh god," he says, voice an octave higher than usual. He's used to his winter clothing, not whatever the hell this is. The girl is wearing clothes that aren't outdated by a couple years, but closer to a thousand.

What's going on?!
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 1,076
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 04:16 (7 Years ago)
"...It's Caspian," she answered after pausing for a moment. It was starting to register that her neck felt... really weird.

"Oh, I swear to god, if there's another one, I'll--" she hissed something rather profane, much unlike herself, and pushed her hair, which had, in its dampened state, decided to stick to her neck (and was slowly changing color, as far as she could tell. It wasn't really white, she'd been dying it for years, but.. that looked pretty natural...) revealing something that, like the eye-mouth, should really not have been there.


Caspian was silent... then the ghost of a smile graced her face. "Well, hey, I guess I can see again..."
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 04:34 (7 Years ago)
"W-well... It's n-nice to meet you Caspian!" Kathy tried to force happy tone, as she would usually do. It faltered slightly as Caspian made a comment about being able to see again. "Did... did you just... grow another eye?" she asked, her face not forming an expression due to the bizarrety of the situation. By this point Jace has crept closer until Katy could feel his wet, mud laden fur against her arm. "I must be dreaming." Katy laughed slightly as the reality of the situation hit her. It was too crazy to be reality! It must be a dream! "I probably fell asleep in class! That's all!" sitting down in the mud, she looked at Jace dead in the eyes. Something about the way he was looking at her comforted the blonde girl.
"Bite me." she said bluntly to her brother, who looked at her in a way she could only describe as sternly as he shook his head. Kathy repeated her self "Bite me, Jason. If it is a dream, I won't be able to feel the pain."

Her brother looked at her pleadingly. Her defiant expression didn't falter. "OW!" she sharply cried out as her brother nipped her arm, he barely drew blood. "JACE THAT WAS HARD! she cried out, looking at him as if he'd done it unprovoked, he retorted with an eye roll.

Now that was a sight. A hyena rolling it's eyes.

"It... It hurt." Katherine muttered with a note of hopeless realization. "This is real...
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 1,076
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 04:45 (7 Years ago)
Caspian intently watched the, ah, biting situation play out, appearing almost amused. The extra eyes were starting to shut and disappear into her skin, the remaining slits smoothing over like clay.

"You... uh. You know that hyena?" she asked.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 14:44 (7 Years ago)
((I wrote out a really long thing from both my characters perspectives and then google crashed and I lost it all ;^; I'm not writing it all out again but I'll write the gist of it))

Kathy ~
Kathy looked at Caspian before glancing back to Jace "He's, uh, my brother... she awkwardly said as he nodded slightly. Kathy's attention stayed on Caspian "I wish I could say he doesn't normally bite, but he can be pretty grumpy." Kathy giggled a little, looking back over at Jason briefly, he was now a guy again. What.
"Hey, you'd be grumpy too if you turned into Fffff-fricking Hyena." he challenged her grumpily. Kathy looked at him, the both of them sitting in the mud. "Jace, your jeans." she said, Jace rolling his eyes as if to say "I know". He pushed himself of the ground and made his way towards his trousers. " He's actually really nice once you get past his prickles, and he does usually wear his clothes!" she laughed nervously at Jace's expense, as he made his way back over, fully clothed. "I'm not nice, that's such a meanthing to say Kathy!" he fiened a hurt expression as he joked with his sister. Katht noticed he was awkwardly looking at Caspian, He must be aunsure about her I guess... she shrugged it off and smiled nervously at the girl before them.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 15:36 (7 Years ago)
“Alright, what even-?!” Ellie sighed in defeat. “I give. Someone pinch me, I must be sleeping. There’s no way this girl has extra eyes - although that’s SUPER cool and I love that - and that guy is a hyena. This is fake. Pinch me.” She said, pinching her cheek.

Tess leaned over, pinching Ellie’s arm with a malevolent grin.

“Hey! What the hell was that for!” Ellie snapped.

“You told me to pinch you, dude.” Teas shrugged. “Only the logical thing to do. Granted your wish.”

“What the hell is this place?” Elise sighed.

“That’s he million dollar question. Do they use dollars here?! How will we pay for transportation home?!” Tess exclaimed.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 22:13 (7 Years ago)
Above, loomed dark, empty clouds, letting off ribbons of rain. Pairotto blinked open and lay there for some time, staring at the rain. It was oddly peaceful and soothing, like a lullaby of pitter-patters that just kept playing. The smell of soggy soil and grass plagued the area, making her tired and sleepy. She put her hands by her waist and clutched onto one index finger in tiredness as she quietly listened to a group of people talk. As she was not one for conversation, listening seemed like a better idea than getting involved with some kind of.. plan? Speaking of which where was she? I thought- I was in- as she got up she soon found she was no-where recognisable, but a grassy terrain of sorts. Looks like I have to ask where I am...

Getting up, she felt her clothes. These weren't what I left in? A long, velvet cloak lines with feathers? This had to be the cutest anime dress ever.. but why was she wearing it? The people the in crowd also looked strange.. armour? She walked up to the group timidly and asked, "Hello, um... Where am I?"