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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 14/03/2018 02:57 (6 Years ago)
~ Faeryn ~ Female ~ 18 ~ Aero ~ Senior ~ Aria, Zion, Lynx

Faeryn smiled to Aria. "My day is father pleasant as of now!" the punkish styled girl happily chimed to her familiar, helping her to pick some of the remaining leaves from her hair.

The short aero witch turned her attention back to Zion and gave the familiar a smirk "Nothing magic about this!" she happily remarked as she poared some of the soda on the stain, blotting it with a napkin she shad in her back. Gradually, the stain disappeared "Voia, a stainless hoodie!" though wet, the hoodie was stainless.

The dark haired witch could very easily fix the dampness of the garment and that's what she did! Fae cast a moderate breeze spell on the hoodie with one hand, while holding onto the hoodie tightly with the other "Presto! One clean, dry hoodie!" she proudly presented Zion with his item of clothing, a friendly smile on her face.

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Posted: Wed, 14/03/2018 01:31 (6 Years ago)

Title: eg


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Posted: Wed, 14/03/2018 01:28 (6 Years ago)
~ Jason ~ Male ~ 17 ~ Hyena ~ Sophomore ~ Open

Jason's face bore an expression of complete and utter shock, in fact he stood frozen there for a moment, unable to quite process what just happened. Quickly he realized what had just happened when he felt the coffee on his own shirt sink in fully, burning his skin a little. "Sorry..." he muttered to Zion under his breath as he pushed his way outside, a mixture of embarrassment and shock filling his thoughts.

When the boy made his way out the doors, he changed form again. Sighing as a hyena was quite an experience, though it happened often enough that it didn't bother him at the awkwardness of it. 'Wow. Today's going to be great!' he thought with sarcastic enthusiasm, plonking himself down on a patch of grass in the shade of an oak tree. His ears twitched as he lay there, clearly unhappy about what just happened, thoughts plaguing him about how he should've been paying attention and what he was going to do without his morning coffee.

~ Faeryn ~ Female ~ 18 ~ Aero ~ Senior ~ Aria, Zion, Lynx

"Oh... Well... That's unfortunate." Faeryn mumbled slightly, feeling very sorry for the familiar, glancing up to face him. Fae heard Aria's voice and turned "OH! Hi, Aria! There's been a little... accident. How are you, anywho?" she asked her familiar, a friendly smile on her face, waiting for her answer before she turned back to Zion.

"Pass your hoodie here, I can dry it with my magic." she happily offered, a sorry look on her face as she spoke to Zion "Not sure what to do about the stain though..." she muttered under her breath, a hand going to her chin as she tried to remember what it was her father had told her was useful for stains.

The dark haired girl's eyes lit up moments later "Club soda!" she almost shouted, becoming aware at the last moment of how distracting shouting 'club soda' out of nowhere would be. Before Zion could accept her offer to dry it, she ran off to see if she could purchase a can of it. Fortunately, there seemed to be a vending machine that sold club soda, to which she happily paid 2 dollars for a can. After maybe five to ten minutes, the petite girl returned, with club soda in hand.

"The offer still stands!" she chimed in a friendly tone, sitting on the table next to Zion, only now noticing Lynx. "Oh! How long have you been here? she asked, clearly perplexed by this "Oh my! Did I not notice you?" a tone of realization mixed with shock and guilt filled her voice as she spoke.

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 23:36 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 07:42 (6 Years ago)
I'm pretty good!!

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 04:41 (6 Years ago)
how's everyone? ;v;

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 04:37 (6 Years ago)
~ Faeryn ~ Female ~ 18 ~ Aero ~ Senior ~

Fae brushed her red-tipped hair out of her face as she returned from handing her empty plate to the cafeteria workers. Looking up, the short young lady was a little surprised to see more students having piled in "I guess it is a new school year!" she chimed in a somewhat surprised manner, walking over to Zion "Hey, Zion!" she happily offered the familiar a greeting "How are you?". She sat down on a table next to him, an empty seat beside her.

~ Jason ~ Male ~ 17 ~ Hyena ~ Sophomore ~

Jace groaned slightly as more people entered the cafeteria, he'd already finished his breakfast and had just come back from grabbing a coffee. 'Guess I'll be off now.' he thought to himself as he left the cafeteria, hot coffee in hand. He glanced at Zion, another familiar at the school, making him crash into another student, his coffee flying over them both. ((Who wants to get splashed with hot coffee? ;v;))

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 01:22 (6 Years ago)

When the aero wizard entered the cafeteria, she was surprised to see only one other student there. That student being Jace. Deciding to do a double take, she took another look around "Wait... Where is Aria then?" she thought, fairly confused by this. Rather than dwell on it, Faeryn shook her head and grabbed some breakfast "She'll turn up eventually." her voice was quiet, clearly she was reassuring herself.

She sat down at a table, away from the known delinquent, with her choice of food, poached egg with bacon and grilled tomatoes on toast. She began eating the meal, her knife and fork scratching at the plate every once in a while, irritating herself as she tried to avoid doing it again.

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 01:04 (6 Years ago)
((I'm assuming the dorms have their own showers?))

The slim girl stirred as her alarm beeped and buzzed. She groaned slightly, sitting up wearily. Opening her eyes slowly, she raised her arms gently and stretched. "Right! Time for a shower." she spoke almost in a chirp, the mostly dark haired girl was more of a morning person than most. Her fingers lightly tapped the 'dismiss' option on her alarm and she then pushed herself out of the warm bed, her covers patterned in a midnight blue tartan.

All she had worn to bed the previous night was a baby blue crop top and a pair of pyjama shorts which, when she went into her dorm's bathroom, she quickly abandoned in favour of the shower's warm water. Ten minutes passed before she left the shower again and, instead of the pyjamas she'd folded in a pile, Faeryn instead wrapped a pastel blue towel around herself.

Before drying herself, the young lady dried her hair with the hair drier she'd kept under her bed, her hair becoming light and almost fluffy when she'd finished. Faeryn's clothes had been neatly placed on top of her bedside table, she'd placed them there the night before. A black touchscreen phone was next to them, it looked to be a newer model. Faeryn, now wearing underwear, sighed lightly as she slid into her leather skirt, zipping up the side when the item of clothing was in place over her hips. The black leather skirt reached down to the middle of her thighs.

When she was finished dressing she finally left her dorm room, a black leather bag ((It looks like this)) over a single shoulder. She noticed her familiar had left before her just as she stepped outside the door
"Oh... How didn't I notice that before?" she asked herself, her voice sweetly toned with a dash of confusion. "Maybe she went to get breakfast?" And with that thought, Fae left for the cafeteria in her rose printed bomber jacket, skirt and combat boots.

'Today's going to be a good day!' she thought to herself.


A hyena tossed and turned, unable to return to sleep. Even without a wizard to share the dorm with, he had trouble sleeping. Finally, he gave up. A snort left the spotted hyena's nostrils as pushed himself to his paws on the human sized bed. "Better get dressed." he curtly mused, turning into his human form.

Jason, now a tall boy with brown hair and lightly tanned skin, ran his fingers through his longish hair before grabbing a hair tie from his bedside table and tying it up. He gently brushed the scar on his lip then grabbed the burgundy shirt he left on a the pile of clothes he accumulated on the floor before raising it over his head, putting it on. Next came his jeans then socks and boots.

He looked around his dorm room, now dressed. It was an awful mess, clothes strewn everywhere and, somehow, a half chewed pizza box on the floor. The boy picked up the box and looked inside. Nada. His stomach protested against the lack of food.

"Guess I should get something to eat." he grumbled, rubbing his face before opening his door and turning into a hyena mere seconds later. His claws clicked against the floor as he ran down the corridor to the doors and out onto the campus. It was a bright, warm day. Much to his liking. There weren't many other students outside yet, another bonus for being out early. 'If it's always this quiet, then maybe I'll start waking up earlier...' he thought to himself.
"Nah, sleeping in is better."

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 23:22 (6 Years ago)
((that's fine!! I think most were waiting for the explanation before they'd reply ;v;))

Jace rolled his eyes back before having his attention snatched by the blue-haired girl again "But, I'm assuming, we're just normal people?" he'd only realised he used the wrong tense after "Well, we were at least..." he added in a thoughtful, melancholic tone. He twitched his fingers, slightly unnerved by this situation "I guess what I'm saying is, why us?" asking no one in particular. He glanced at his sister after speaking, she was slowly running her hand over the wyvern's scales. How can she be herself in a situation like this... Jason let out a slight sigh as he untied and retied his hair.

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 23:10 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 03:37 (6 Years ago)
YE :3

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Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 03:36 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 01:05 (6 Years ago)

Jace glanced away as his fear was addressed "That's good I guess..." he muttered, trying to act nonchalant about the situation. He was a poor actor. "Hyena boy has a name." he growled slightly, though he wasn't opposed to the nickname. There were worse things to call a person, after all, especially one with his newfound power.


Kathy's ears almost pricked at the speak of a legend "OOO!" she gasped "A legend?! Can you tell us about it?" she pleaded, a look of excited curiosity covering any possible fear she had about the flight, which, while there, wasn't nearly as bad as the fear of whatever might've appeared if they were to stay in Saevi-whatsit.

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Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 01:00 (6 Years ago)
Sure! She's cute :3

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Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 01:00 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 05:34 (6 Years ago)

The girl stared down at the wyvern in awe. The trance was broken momentarily by the blue haired girl speaking "I'm Katherine Victoria Sutton!" she happily offered her name, whether or not the question was directed to everyone "AND this is my brother, Jason Alexan-" Kathy felt Jason's hand clasp around her mouth, how the heck did he get behind her so fast??
"Jace is fine." Jason brashly cut his sister off and his hand left her mouth. Kathy glared at her brother momentarily. Her glare became a look of partial confusion then realization as she watched his expressions change from annoyance to concern then and back. "Oh, right, you're scared of heights." she spoke bluntly, an amused smile working it's way onto her face as Jace rolled his eyes in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 04:29 (6 Years ago)
(No problem :3)


The tall brunette lad took a look around at everyone "I guess we should try to find La'Teherane?" he concluded, the voice not having offered any directions. Maybe I could try to find the way by scent? he thought I'd have to turn again, but I'm not really sure how I'd even done it the first time... pondering to himself, he tapped his chin lightly with his finger. Ever since that first shift, he felt weary to his bones. Literally. His bones ached.


Kathy took a moment to collect herself, breathing in slowly. She looked around carefully. Maybe we missed something? she questioned, standing up she started walking around the mud soaked clearing. "Ah..." she sounded to herself as the blonde found a bow and quiver on the ground where she believed she had woken. In someway she already felt accustomed to it... It almost felt as if it was made solely for her. Katherine decided to try shooting with the bow. Her target was the ground next to Jace, having a clear path. As she drew the bow her breath slowed, she could only focus on the area she had targeted. She drew a breath.

"oI! KITTY, YOU COULD'VE HIT ME!" Kathy blinked a couple times, she'd hit the target and not her brother.

"SHUT YOUR FACE, HYENA BOY, I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!" she called back, giggling slightly though her heartbeat had risen drastically.

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 04:18 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 04:16 (6 Years ago)
Press f to pay respects

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