Forum Thread
Siege of Unova || RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Siege of Unova || RP
Credit to Viper
The Munna was successfully caught, and she turned to Sumia. "What the hell are you doing?!" She yelled angrily.

Silver snickered then jumped onto Angelica's shoulder after the girl stopped jumping.

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
Cordelia happened to find a Pansage as she roamed the area. “Oh! Ok then! Decim?” She asked her Chimchar, and after a short battle, Sage the Pansage was caught!

Vincent soon did and got what he needed at the pokemon center and soon left afterwards, looking at the map his mother gave him before hurrying off to the dreamyard to train.
soon Lizzy made it to the gates at her own pace and went to the pokemon center, going to go buy some supplies before going out to train.

Credit to Viper
"Yes! See?" Sydney grinned as Mochi successfully knocked a Sewaddle out. "You did it!" She cheered, hugging the Foongus proudly. "I knew you could!"
Mochi squeaked proudly and pat Sydney's shoulder happily.