Forum Thread
Siege of Unova || RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Siege of Unova || RP((Ahh, I'll update her team later, I'm sorry! I had school and then homework and just now I managed to get on and it's been so long since I've played the games I forgot what town it was everyone's at even though I just read through everything since my last post.))

Credit to Viper
Rockruff grew to level 6!

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
Mochi blinked curiously and watched Marie-Paul, spinning in circles to watch the Mareep.

Credit to Viper

soon Vincent and Echo made it to the dreamyard and panted slightly as he tried to catch his breath, then went spotted the group he had followed and walked over to them.
''gosh your all rather speedy'' he said, Echo nodding in agreement.
Lizzy bought what she needed and left, heading to the dreamyard to train for a bit.
''we'll get you a friend soon Krook'' she said just as Krook bounded off in front of her a bit.
Ax jumped slightly at the newcomers and tugged Lee's sleeve. "Oh, hi!"

Credit to Viper
Marie-Paul continued to trot around Mochi, before stopping and tapping the top of her head with her tail, turning her own head to the side.
(Yes the 'mons are the best rolls)
"Makes no sense. I don't like Pidoves, they're irritating." Amaya said, slightly confused at the subject change. "Oh. Hi, newcomers."

''hello! i'm Vincent Jay, and this is Echo~'' he said, introducing himself and the Zubat who was waving.
Lizzy perked up when she entered the dreamyard and heard voices, and gave a simple wave to the group, then went to go train Krook, who was following along beside her.