Scar nodded and looked around. She was about to suggest sleeping
under a bush when the plusle walked out of the grass and smiled at
them. It looked like it wanted to help the two. "De? S-should we
follow the plusle? I-I mean Tiger told stories about Pokemon who
helped him when he was lost." She whispered nervously.
"Plus plusle!" Plusle said reassuringly. He wanted to take them to
a safe place where two Pokémon could help them find their ways
Lion rubbed Faye's back, "it's okay love I'm here. We'll find them
alright? They're safe." He whispered and glanced at the rainbow
wing that was in his hand now. Ho-Oh if you can hear me, please
help me find them, please let them be safe. He thought
Scar nodded and followed her sister quickly. She looked at the
pokegear for a moment and frowned before going over to the Plusle.
"Plus!" Plusle greeted and gently nudged Deirdre, he waved his tail
and ran towards a thick bunch of trees, they were going off the
path and heading for a well hidden cave.
"Wh-what if this is a hidden forest like the one dad told us about?
You know...the on in umm..." Scar whispered and trailed off.
"Viridian Forest?"
Lion nodded and held Faye tight. "We'll file one now. Afterwards
I'll go into the forest and see if I can try to find them." He
promised softly. He was willing to go into the forest if it meant
finding their daughters.
Scar frowned and followed Deirdre and the plusle quickly. The
Pokemon ran into the cave and squeaked kindly.
"I'm willing to go into the forest. I don't mind." Lion replied
back softly and kissed Faye's head. "If we can find them, then I
don't mind going into the forest with you."
Scar walked into the cave and looked around as well. She glanced at
Deirdre and decided to try and act brave. "H-hello?" She called out
nervously. Plusle looked at the two and signaled for them to wait,
he ran towards the back of the the cave. A moment later a small,
but comforting voice, could be heard from the back. It sounded like
it came from a Pokemon using telepathy, as the voice had a
Pokémon's voice in a whisper behind what Scar and Deirdre could
"Humans? Hm... odd bring them back here." The voice said
Scar glanced at Deidre.
Lion nodded in agreement and sighed sadly. He held Faye close for a
moment before kissing her forehead. "We'll find them soon." He
whispered reassuringly.
Deirdre shivered in surprise as she stepped near Scar and held onto
her wrist. She looked around, Remington like she’d have to be brave
for her younger sister.
(I say Deirdre is older by five minutes, but that's my opinion on
the twins.)
Scar looked at Deirdre and blinked. "We should check it ou-" she
was cut off when Plusle ran over to them and squeaked gently. "This
guy hasn't really lead into any danger yet." She whispered.
Lion nodded and sighed softly. "Yeah." He whispered quietly and
wiped his face, he had been crying, but he felt like he had to try
and keep himself calm for Faye. All he wanted was to see his girls
again, safe and sound.
"We'll be okay." Scar whispered quietly to Deirdre and followed the
Plusle into the cave. She looked around, and saw a red pokemon, one
that Lion had told stories on. "Is that Latias?" Scar whispered to
Deirdre nervously and looked around the cavern.
Lion sighed and nodded. He wrapped an arm around Faye and closed
his eyes for a moment. "I hate this too." He whispered quietly.
"This reminds me too much of when Tiger went missing, I never
understood why his mom was so worried and mad at Elm, but now..."
He trailed off and sighed, he was starting to blame himself for the
girls getting lost. " I can't help but feel this is my
fault." He choked out.
“Y-Yesh?” Deirdre’s eyes widened as she looked at Latvia’s
nervously before looking away out of fear.
Faye nodded and sobbed. “It’s not y-your fault. It’s both o-of
outs. They’re or kids. We messed up. They’re our pride and joy and
love and it everything”
"Hm. Both of you are a ways away from home, aren't you?"
Latias asked kindly and looked from Deirdre to Scar and back
"U-um..." Scar began nervously and glanced at Deirdre, she was
afraid, but she managed to hide it. "We're lost, and we really want
to go home, can you help us?"
Lion looked at Faye and gently wiped her tears away. "Love...I-I
know it's both of our faults, but crying isn't going to help us
look for them." He whispered quietly and grabs Fearow's pokeball.
While he felt awful for what happened, he knew they needed to do
something. Fearow came out and looked from Lion to Faye. He blinked
and flew off into the forest. "I know they're everything to us, but
it'll be alright. We will find them." He whispered
reassuringly and pulled Faye into a hug.
[since Deirdre is getting Latios' summons item do you want to rp as
"Latios is around here somewhere, we both entered this cave to
shelter for the night, but if I can help you both get home. Then
I'll leave." Latias said gently and looked at Deirdre. "You
both remind me of the Hoenn guardians, just by your looks." She
commented gently in an attempt to cheer the girls up.
Scar tipped her head to the side, her dad had mentioned the
guardians, but she usually fell asleep before he ever told him who
guarded what region. She knew Tiger and his wife, Mira were
guardians. So were her parents, but she wasn't sure to where.
Lion followed Faye into the police station and stood beside Faye.
He gently rubbed her back in hopes of calming her down.
"Lion and Faye are the guardians of Hoenn." Latias confirmed
kindly and nodded. She glanced at Latios. "Hello, Latios. Seems
we have the guardians' children." Latias said kindly and smiled
at Latios. "Do you think we can help them find Lion and
Scar looked at Latios in shock and smiled at Deirdre. "If anyone
can help us find our ways home, it's Latias and Latios." She said
Latias smiled at Scar and glanced at Latios. "Don't we still need to find two trainers to
take our summons items?" She asked quietly.
Lion frowned and ran over to Faye. "Come on sweetheart, let's go
search for them. They might be in the forest still, or closer to
New Mawville." He whispered reassuringly.