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OT Search Option? Mega Log?

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected OT Search Option? Mega Log?
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 351
Posted: Thu, 18/01/2018 18:59 (6 Years ago)
I am not sure if this has been suggested but what about having a search box designed for finding Poke'mon that you or other players have hatched. Example would be something along the lines of typing in the Pokemon name or dex number, or even trainer ID to view all pokemon on site of the one in question or the trainer and pokemon with their OT.

Mega log is a neat idea I thought would be nice to have? Poke'radar keeps track of how many shinies we hatch on our chains but not how many Mega ables we have hatched. It would be neat to have a log of that somehow installed so users can have a more accurate track for example; on our user page where it says 1 shiny hatched out of etc eggs, if its a mega able kind of chain as well, to also log that and maybe even the shiny mega able as well. I guess I am the kind of user who likes to keep a log on all things done on here and I am sure there are others who do the same. This kind of feature can be very helpful to users who run shiny hunt shops and even mega shops.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,638
Posted: Thu, 18/01/2018 19:08 (6 Years ago)
While I can support the Mega able log, I cannot support the OT-search or the Pokémon Search.

I can just imagine people abusing that function to find a special pokémon and beg the user for it.
I also don't really see the added value to this?

So, with that said, I voted "no support".
this is also why you should post separate suggestions in separate threads
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Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 351
Posted: Thu, 18/01/2018 19:13 (6 Years ago)
True. I didn't think about that part. Thanks for the input ^.^
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 351
Posted: Thu, 18/01/2018 19:18 (6 Years ago)
I guess the reason I mentioned the OT is because I have had and seen several people talk to me or others about wanting Poke'mon back that they hatched with their OT. Plus not all people would abuse the method either. Some may want to just see where their old Poke'mon went etc and if they did contact that trainer, who knows, the trainer may get an amazing offer simple because of the OT or just a replacement identical pokemon just with a different OT. Also if somebody took the time to look through a trainers boxes, or see it on index, auction house etc, all it would do is just delay the inevitable of that trainer palpading or inboxing that person anyway.