Forum Thread
Destruction of Galactic
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Destruction of GalacticBonnie simply remained silent and happily nibbled on a couple pecha berries.
“Brendan. You’re just like Imogen. And that’s slightly hypocritical.” Drew cut him off.
“You’re one to talk! You’re trying to make your point across, which you’re telling us not to!” Imogen snapped. “God, and you’re threatening us?!”

she hummed softly and cleared out the brush, soon stuffing the loose fluff she got from the brush into her bag.
''i agree, no more bickering now'' she said.
Leo waited a couple of seconds to speak again to allow the air to clear of most of its tension as well as finish his pizza.
"I can go with you, Imogen." he volunteered. "I find myself very persuasive and tough to crack in situations like these."

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
“So when are we doing this?” Leo asked Imogen after Drew left the house.
“She’s sus...” Leilani whispered to Leo, looking towards the door to signify she’d been talking about Drew.

Harper looked at Imogen, curious for a response. "A-ASAP, right?" She asked quietly.

Credit to Viper