So, I've just set up my Mayflash GameCube Controller Adapter with
my PC and have been testing its limitations. Using the program
JoyToKey, I'm able to set keyboard controls to each button on the
Are there any issues using this for interacting in terms of
cheating ("use of external software to simplify any feature in this
game")? What if I set multiple buttons to left click so that I can
spam-click more quickly?
I should probably note (not having thought about this initially
when I posted) that the software does in fact have a "repeat 'x'
number of times per second feature, where one can hold down a
button and have it continue to click as long as you are doing so. I
assume that this, at least, would be cheating, but I'd like to
Using a hardware device which allows you to have more than one
mouse left-click button is considered cheating.
As you describe it, you are simplifying the interaction feature (by
being able to click multiple buttons) by using external software