Fox smiles. "Does history put an exact date on when it was sealed,
no, it doesn't, because in order for them to seal it, they would
need to do it in secret"
"P..Pleasure meet you as well s..sir and please j..just call
me M..Melody or M..Mel. Miss Somun are my m..mothers." Melody mused
with a small smile.
"Think about something everyone who goes to school learns. Adapting
doesn't just randomly happen. It happens over the course of a very
long period of time. Meaning that in one hundred years we would
still want magic" Fox makes his flames on his shoulder disappear,
and smiles.
"I know, Fox, I said that they noticed that magic was gone, as soon
as it was gone, because it was such a big part of their lives.
You're saying stuff I already know. So, Melody?"
"What he says is true. Heck Mr.Jackson said something like that in
his book. What was it? Oh! It was; things may die but unlike people
it is slow. Why else do you think we have Kmarts?" Leon quoted.
Melody stiffens before sighing. "L..Look I g..get you are t..trying flirt with me b..but I afraid I not s..swing that
w..way." She mused while gently removing Sesu's hand from her back.
She then turns to Fox. "T..That is v..very true, w..which means
t..that m..magic c..could v..very well be centuries of y..years
Fox makes his hands catch on fire for general affect. "And as I
have said this, I believe most of us can agree that searching for
the people who sealed away magic would be pointless because they
are probably dead, either that or they have found a secret to
gaining immortality and absolute power in which case it would be a
suicide mission"
"Besides, I never went against what Fox said, besides how many
years ago they were sealed away, also besides we're both just
stating common sense or a little more than common sense" *and
facepalms and slides hand down face* "This... issssssss.......
soooooo boringgggggg, and tiringgggg
"But, with magic we could defeat them, besides in anime or most
anime, the enemy doesn't die they get defeat like get knocked out
or fainting. And, if we did kill them, immortality usually means
they can't die of old age and can be killed."
"Ah. T..There isn't anything I..I can think of." Melody mused while
gently thumbing her book. She nods a bit at what Fox said. "M..May
I so bold to say t..that our m..move should be
f..figuing o..out what e..everyone is c..capable of and g..going
f..from there?"
Fox finds a log, and sits on it crisscross to meditate, trying to
feel his stone. He doesn't feel anything but trillions of souls
trapped in an eternal prison.
" And, I don't really care about this debate, and I just am REALLY
annoyed, and I hate having to do a debate right now!"
"finally!" *sinks down, pulls out black sleeping bag and falls