Forum Thread
Mafia 2.0
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Mafia 2.0The boy glances over at the townsfolk gathering, and rolls out the votes yet again. Maria~Chan received a total of 5 votes. She was lynched, as goes for voting in this town.
(DEAD) Maria~Chan- Godfather
The Spy spies on Great_Days. He does it by sitting on a roof with a bad telescope. Not suspicious at all...
The Guard screeches and steals their exisal back, going to guard Prim. how swee- they can stop screeching now. It's time they sto- oh well.
The Facestabber takes a harpoon from the dead goon and stabs The~One~Cat in the face with it.
(DEAD) The~One~Cat- silencer
The Serial Killer takes a good ol' sharktooth and stabs Mavis_Vermillion with it.
(DEAD) Mavis_Vermillion- Spy
The Vigilante takes unbreakable toilet paper and strangles PokemonMaster2308.
(DEAD) PokemonMaster2308- Cop

《 Atavan - (DEAD)Jailkeeper
《 Meme -
《 Majikal_Cience_Mahn - (DEAD) Facestabber
《 XtremeGaming -
《 Maria~Chan - (DEAD) Godfather
《 Bpeugh1 - (DEAD) Goon
《 Great_Days -
《 Pineapple_Pizza/Chiaki_Nanami -
《 Croscx -
《 Pokekitten -
《 Mr.Bean - (DEAD) Townie
《 Mirinja - (DEAD) Townie
《 ThatOneRyou -
《 Prim - (Revived) Townie - ???
the boy began to clap happily, crying out about hope.
The townies have won!
Surviving Townies:
Xtremegaming- Mayor
Pokekitten- Vigilante
Prim- Previously Townie, revived into Facestabber, now Townie
Chiaki_Nanami- Guard
ThatOneRyou- Townie
Surviving Third Party:
Crosx- Serial Killer
Great_Days- Sorcerer
Meme- Reviver
Please interact with these pokemon
I have to give props to this guy Trainer level 41 in 3 days that's almost unbelievable.
Please interact with these pokemon
I have to give props to this guy Trainer level 41 in 3 days that's almost unbelievable.
Please help me level him up.~