Mareep nodded "I'm Mareep..." she said gently. Cyndaquil
laughed, and nudged the pokemon.
"You don't need to be shy around all new pokemon" Cyndaquil
said cheerfully to the pokemon, and smiled. Mareep looked at
Cyndaquil uncertainly, and the pokemon sighed. Turning to Tiger he
added "Mareep has been following us since Ilex Forest. She's
wondering if she can join our small group" he said kindly.
"Course" Tiger said kindly, and smiled. He glanced at the Mareep,
and pulled a pokeball out. "Feel free to join" he said to the
pokemon, and placed it on the ground. Mareep smiled, and ran to the
pokeball. She then pushed the button, and went into the pokeball.
1...2...3...Click! Congratulations Mareep was caught! Tiger's
pokedex beeped as the Mareep allowed herself to be caught.
"Thanks" Tiger smiled, and picked the pokeball up from the ground.
He pushed no on his pokedex as it asked him to name the pokemon. He
then let Mareep back out.
Was going to have a joke where Tiger names her CottonFluf, and
Cyndaquil points out that he spelt it wrong, but the naming system
only had that many characters, but I decided against it
(Maybe later when they get to the nickname rater?)
Mareep smiled, and looked at Dewott gently. "Thanks! Now I can
travel with you guys" she said excitedly, and looked back up to
her new trainer.
"I was just...err...checking out if he would be a decent
trainer!" Mareep said in embarrassment, and sighed. Tiger
laughed, and looked over to Cyndaquil.
Dewott was laughing. "I'm sure we all did the same thing at some
point." He chuckled. He'd followed Mel back to her house and
had refused to leave when she was five. She would never let him
live it down.
("Hey, Dewott, remember that time you sat outside my window for
three hours?"
Tiger nodded in agreement and smiled. Cyndaquil then growled, and
used a flamethrower, though it was lighter than most of his attacks
on Tiger. The trainer stumbled back, and fell into the sand. "Okay
I deserved that..." Tiger said softly.
"hello, welcome to the Falkner gym, we're going to be your first
battles, get ready, we are going to battle you together." The two
girls got ready. This was going to be tough.
“Volt didn’t want to have me for a trainer at first. And I learnt
it the harder way... apparently every Pikachu Oak captures HATES
the Professor. Wondering if he has got any anti-pika energies
around him.” Victor said. Volt looked thoroughly embarrassed.
Tiger laughed softly, and got up. He patted out a fire that was on
his sleeve. Cyndaquil end went over to Tiger, and scrambled up onto
the trainer's shoulder.
"Alright, Scyther, use Fury Cutter!" Bugsy called out, attacking
the Butterfree.
"Now, while it's close! Use Sleep Powder and keep it in the air
with Gust!" Butterfree obeyed, making sure the Scyther didn't hit
the ground so Bugsy couldn't heal it.
Dragonair slithered over to Heart, and, in a singsong voice, said,
"I know your seeecreeetttt~"
"So... are we challenging Falkner?" Victor asked. Star was circling
the air. During Whitney’s gym battle Shine and Star had levelled up
and Shine had learnt Zen Headbutt.
"I'm going to challenge Falkner when Roy is done with Bugsy..."
Tiger said kindly. He felt off being at he second gym before the
first one. Mareep looked over to Victor cautiously