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The League for Extrodinary Children

Forum-Index Roleplay The League for Extrodinary Children
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Tue, 26/09/2017 23:47 (7 Years ago)
Mason watched Drew silently before looking up at Paisley and, up further, Sanaki and sighed as he considered this a failure.

Paisley practiced her newfound ability of Telekinesis by floating two leaves and passing them back and forth between her index fingers, still heavily annoyed.

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 01:11 (7 Years ago)
"Anything? I don't feel like getting jumped today." Luke yawned, leaning against a tree, the adrenaline was wearing off, but his fists were still a live charge.
Sub Yes?
Love this smol bean

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 01:14 (7 Years ago)
Will wakes up with a headache, in an unfamiliar place. He looks up and sees trees, and some blood around him. Am I? Alive? I thought they killed me, oh well. Will slowly changes to a sitting position, feeling a lot of pain in his legs. He looks around, and realises that someone probably had left him here because they didn't want to Cary him all the way back to the academy. He sees a bullet scar on his hand, and a hole in his pants. Of course I fell down, silly me, they hit me in the leg. He looks around for his pistols, and sees that they were confiscated.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 03:57 (7 Years ago)
After a while Trinity walked around the border of camp for a while before going back in the middle and sat down by herself and leaned her head back, closed her eyes and fell asleep on the ground.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 04:06 (7 Years ago)
Will stands up, and slowly starts to walk towards the direction he had been heading, towards freedom. He stops after five minutes of slow walking to check his wounds, and leans against a tree and attempts to use his fingers to pull the bullet out of his leg. He feels the bullet, but he can't move it, so he sits down and closes his eyes to sleep.

(Going to sleep, gn)
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 04:12 (7 Years ago)
[Wait, Will isn't with the group? i'm confused]
Paisley, after eventually calming down, hovered down to the ground slowly, taking off the uniform and revealing a tight tank top and athletic shorts underneath. "My boots don't match my outfit anymore..." she mumbled to herself.

Mason, on the other hand, was sound asleep against a tree.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 15:10 (7 Years ago)
Sanaki had fallen asleep sitting on a tree stump. Drew was still awake, and hearing Paisley, she rolled her eyes. "We're on the run from the government who is trying to murder us. Or worse. I think boots are the least of our problems." She snapped.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 16:02 (7 Years ago)
"I think it looks fine." Amara said walking up to Paisley. She was wearing something that was the complete opposite of the school uniform. She had a red tank top with a pair of black shorts, but she still had the uniforms boots on. Now that she had nothing covering her arms, a black snake with shimmering scales that were many different shades of green was wrapped around her arm. It's head started on the upside of her wrist and the tail end at her elbow. It looked almost like a tattoo. C was wrapped loosely around Amara's neck.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 18:21 (7 Years ago)
"I wasn't talking to you." Paisley shot in the same tone of voice, glaring up at Drew as she did so.
She then turned to Amara and shook her head, still upset and simply ignored the girl. "I'm going into the city and buying a new outfit when the sun comes up." she informed indirectly to anyone who was listening. She then ventured off 15 feet away or so and built herself a make-do tent out of large leaves, branches and logs, closed by a large rock, which she struggled to move with Telekinesis.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 18:44 (7 Years ago)
"Too bad I listened." Drew snapped as she sighed, falling asleep.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 19:19 (7 Years ago)
Luke tore off his uniform and dug around in his bag, taking out his old fighting clothes. "Jeez, I haven't worn this in forever." He smiled, it was a dark blue tank top, brown khaki shorts, and a black cut off hood. He thought back to the adventures he had with his brother and allies. He remembered how Tanith would always wake him up for training by using her vines to throw him out the window, and Kyoto would always give him the heaviest training clothes, and increase the gravity around him. Luke thought to himself why he ever stopped fighting to begin with, the rush was such a blast to him.
Sub Yes?
Love this smol bean

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Thu, 28/09/2017 01:07 (7 Years ago)
Will takes some of the ripped bits of duct tape from his pocket, and fashions a splint for his leg. He finds a stick with a y formation, and uses it as a crutch. He starts slowly moving towards civilization, when he sees something shiny on the ground, he examines it and sees that it is a bullet. He looks around and sees some empty shells. Am I going in the wrong direction? Or is this something else?[i] Will leaves it there and walks further. [i]I wonder if mason could sense me if I'm this far away from him? He thinks, as he leans against a tree, and douses off into a short nap.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Thu, 28/09/2017 02:39 (7 Years ago)
[ima time skip bc wynaut]
Mason, being the natural "earlybird", woke up at the crack of dawn, noticing most of everyone else asleep. He notices Paisley's "tent" and peeks inside to see her sound asleep. He takes note of everyone, noticing Will had been missing. He panics as Will has a history of being -- rather violent and impulsive. He rushes over to Sanaki and shakes her violently. "Sanaki! Will's gone." he repeats until she wakes.

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Thu, 28/09/2017 02:42 (7 Years ago)
Will is now almost 3 fourths of the way through the less dense area of the forest, about a fourth of the actual forest itself. After taking several quick stops to check his splint and by a fruit tree for nourishment, he decides he had gone pretty far, considering that without these injuries he could've made it this far much, much faster.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/09/2017 02:48 (7 Years ago)
Sanaki instantly woke up, an expression of shock on her face. "What?" She yelled, then instantly calmed down. "Well, we should have expected that..." She sighed, standing up. "Honestly, going after him is going to be more trouble than running from the League."
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Thu, 28/09/2017 02:50 (7 Years ago)
He stops, and sees a small stream. He gets down on the ground, and drinks, before getting back up very slowly, and continuing his journey towards civilization.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Thu, 28/09/2017 02:55 (7 Years ago)
Mason sighed at Sanaki's response. "Does anyone here have anything of his? Maybe I could force a Premonition to figure out where he is..." he contemplated.

Paisley woke up to the sound of Sanaki's shout. She groaned as she punched the debris that made up her tent, it falling down like the blocks of Jenga. "What's going on?" she asked in a mumble.

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Thu, 28/09/2017 02:56 (7 Years ago)
Will feels his splint slip, so he takes off his shirt and uses it to tie the splint firmly into place. He leans against a tree to make sure the knot is secure, and continues walking.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 28/09/2017 02:57 (7 Years ago)
Trinity woke up in a state of panic after the yell but calmed down after seeing no one. She walked over to Sanaki and Mason "What was that yell about?"
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/09/2017 03:00 (7 Years ago)
Drew, who was awake at the crack of dawn today and almost all days, spoke up. "Will escaped, we don't know where he is. And yes, before you ask, again." Drew rolled her eyes as she stretched.

Sanaki shook her head. "I don't think I have anything of his. Except 'fond' memories." She frowned, sarcasm flaring up in her voice. "Sorry for yelling, Trinity."