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Legend of the Chrystanigh (Semi-Literate)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Legend of the Chrystanigh (Semi-Literate)
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 17:00 (11 Years ago)
She stopped and looked up at him. Dang, he realized. She tried to fake a confused look and lie a little. "Who's Crystal?" she said not lying very well. She hopped from a couple of branched a little and trying keeping up the act so hopefully he wouldn't realized. Still took him longer than most people. Maybe I could still convince him.... Probably not.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 17:09 (11 Years ago)
Bracken jumped to the branch the Eevee was on, looking her in the eyes. "I think you know exactly who she is," he said. He tried to think if there was a pokemon capable of transforming its appearance. He was sure he'd heard about one before, but he couldn't quite remember.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 17:18 (11 Years ago)
Crystal sighed and said "Fine, I'm Crystal." She still wanted to trick him a little so she transformed into a ditto. She figured he might not be able to tell since ditto transform too. "But, that is my real name by the way," she said and giggled, "I love tricks, they are really fun and you were an easy target." She smiled at him a little hoping he couldn't see through her ditto illusion too.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 17:28 (11 Years ago)
Bracken blinked, gritting his teeth a little at being called an "easy target". He sat down on the branch, looking out over the forest floor. What was the point of responding? Since Crystal was able to transform, she might still be trying to trick him. He didn't want to risk being made a fool of more than he already had.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 17:33 (11 Years ago)
Crystal laughed even more at his anger and changed back into her normal form. She could tell he wasn't fond of her but she didn't care. He really is easy to trick and easy to annoy. All boys are easy to annoy though. She giggled happily "You seem angry. It was worth saving you. Anyway I gotta bolt." She watched his anger for another second and turned around to walk off wiggling her tail happily.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 17:41 (11 Years ago)
Bracken resisted the urge to scream in frustration, knowing that it would just make Crystal laugh even more. Good to know the only reason you helped me was because I looked like, and apparently am, an idiot. He didn't move as she walked away, finding the ground increasingly interesting to look at.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 17:47 (11 Years ago)
Crystal smiled at her extremely perfect trick. She looked back at him and saw his extreme anger. He looked like he wanted to scream his head off but, his reaction was just as good. She snickered a little and looked down to see how high she was on the tree. This will be a fun leap. Let's see how well I do. "Adios," she said taking a leap down even though they were pretty high up.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 17:54 (11 Years ago)
Bracken turned his head a bit as Crystal jumped down. He remembered that he was going to ask her where in the forest they were, but pushed it to the back of his mind. She'd probably laugh at him again for not knowing his way around the forest he lived in. He looked up to the leaves above him, trying to cool his temper and forget all about that stupid black and red fox.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 18:02 (11 Years ago)
Crystal jumped from branch to branch quickly and quietly seeing how well she could get down. She called out sincerely and smiled "I'll tell your brother you was looking for you if I find him." She scampered away quickly and left Bracken alone. She found another tree and quickly climbed it and jumped from tree to tree around to forest looking for any other victims.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 18:07 (11 Years ago)
Bracken barely even nodded in response. Well, at least she be able would tell Thyme that he was alive if she found him. That still didn't make all that worth it, though. Sighing, he moved over to the trunk of the tree and leaned against it. I guess after dealing with someone like that, being alone doesn't feel that bad after all.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2013 18:33 (11 Years ago)
Name: Damian
Gender: Male
Species: Gallade
Looks: I'm like a normal Gallade except I wear a necklace tag that has the letters and numbers 145UWD.
- Leaf Blade
- Focus Blast
- Psycho Cut
- Night Slash
Rank: Apprentice
Desired Rank: Type Master or maybe Second-in-Command, if possible.
Crush: None
Mate: None
Kin: My parents were a Gardevoir (the father) and a Garchomp (the mother, screw stereotypes) but they are both deceased.
Personality: Truth be told I'm a loner who sometimes ignores people. But I really don't like being pranked on or made fun of, I usually get angry (but other people think I don't have a sense of humor) when that happens. I will sometimes irritate people by making critical comments, but they are designed to help people.
History: My parents died in a "freak accident" but what actually happened was a bunch of feuding Seviper and Zangoose came and my parents got caught up in the middle. They barely made it out of there but by the time someone tried to help them they were dead. I left and began travelling around, getting stronger through street fights. Eventually I ended up with that Poochyena.
Other: I'd like to learn Dragon and maybe Steel.
<=== PF Name: Pyron
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 17:48 (11 Years ago)
Gliz watched lazily as a little Wurple crawled it's way by. Sighing, she gave her fur a quick lick and stood up, stretching. Her claws grated the ground and pulled up some of the half decayed leaves from the forest floor. Padding along aimlessly, she kept her eyes out for some berries. She'd love to find something Sweet, or maybe Dry wouldn't be bad.

After a bit of wandering, she found a Mago tree with just a few berries. Backing up to get a running start, she flew at the tree and dug her claws into the bark, scrambling up like an Emolga. Making it to a thick lower branch, she took a few deep breaths. A berry hung right below her, looking plump, ripe, and tasty. Laying down on the branch she did her best to paw at it and sink her claws in. Suddenly, it started to drop. Not wanting to loose it to the dirty ground or worse, another Pokemon, she made one more valiant swipe with claws fully extended. Luckily, she did manage to catch it on her claws. Not so luckily, she lost her grip on the branch. She tried to twist around and catch it with her free forepaw, but only managed to put a deep scratch in the branch. With a yowl or surprise, she found herself falling. Like any good cat pokemon, though, she found herself landing on her three free paws.

"Owowow..." she muttered, licking her free paw after it landed on a small, pointy rock. But yet, she had her prize. Eyeing the Mago berry with pride and hunger, she quickly bit into it ravenously, finishing it in only a few bites.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 18:06 (11 Years ago)
Bracken jumped as a yowl pierced the silence. What was that? Is there a fight going on somewhere? He listened for more sounds, but none came. Hmm. Curious, but cautious as well due to the Ekans incident, Bracken headed in the direction he thought the noise had come from, leaping from branch to branch and making sure there were enough leaves around to hide his presence.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 18:25 (11 Years ago)
Crystals ears perked up when she heard a crashing noise. Hmmm another pokemon... I'm not in the mood for another trick but might as well see who. Crystal swiftly dashed from tree to tree in the direction of the yelp. She gets over and sees a glameow on the forest floor with a Mago berry. She jumps down near the pokemon and says "Hello."
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 19:38 (11 Years ago)
Not quite expecting to be greeted by any pokemon, Gliz looked up at the Zorua, before finishing the last few bite. Licking her lips, she proceeded to clean behind her ears as she spoke. "Hello. What brings a Zorua like yourself here?" she asked, not really interested in the answer, but bored enough that she was willing to strike up a conversation if this pokemon was. Above her, she heard the trees rustle, and flicked an ear in the direction, but otherwise didn't care too much about it. Probably a bird pokemon or an bug type.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 20:00 (11 Years ago)
((Sorry if I'm a little inactive. I'm a little busy today. ^_^;

Damien is accepted. C:))

Various noises assaulted the Poochyena's sensitive ears. Something was silthering her way, though...
Silence engulfed the clearing.
Lunaro didn't move a muscle.
She felt that whatever had spotted her was waiting for the right moment; her heart pounded in anticipation.
Finally, a possible fight! She hadn't been able to use her powers recently. She felt a little out of shape with quite a pawful of types.

An Ekans slid out (Same Ekans that attacked Bracken) and lunged forward, hissing menacingly.
Much to its surprise, Lunaro rolled away nimbly, her charcoal fur turning silvery. What looked like armor began to spread over her body, ending almost as soon as it had started.
With a loud bark, she lunged for the snake.
It nimbly dodged, but couldn't quite avoid the Iron Tail Lunaro swung at it.
The Ekans used a Poison Sting, and watched in astonishment as the poisonous bullets did nothing but bounce off of the pup's plated armor.

"Type advantage, punk!" She laughed, bowling the snake over. With a swift swipe, she smacked the back of its head, knocking it out cold.

"That'll teach ya." She growled, sitting on the grass with a soft clank.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 20:12 (11 Years ago)
[It's fine, Beebs. I know I'll be less active in the coming weeks, as well. :)]

Finally reaching where he guessed the sound had come from, Bracken peeked out from his leafy hiding spot. Okay, so he'd been a little off. The Glameow that had probably yowled was a little ways off from the tree he was in. He heard movement from the trees across from him and was surprised to see Crystal jump down. Oh great, he thought, ducking back under cover. He heard the two talk a bit, but he mostly tuned it out as he tried to think whether or not he should leave.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 20:22 (11 Years ago)
Lunaro's fur swiftly changed back, and she stared at the Ekans at her paws.
What to do with it? It was in her new "camp," if it could be called that.
Looking around, the Dark type picked up the snake, dragging it through the brush and onto the other side.
Maybe it would leave? She left it there, making sure it wasn't dead before moving on.
It was just unconscious. It was bound to wake up eventually.

Getting back into the clearing, she looked around. The trees around her would be good for any Flying types or tree dwellers. And they could always dig dens under ground or in the brush.
Not to mention, Grass types could help to grow plants that would conceal them, if they were trained right.

Thinking about the idea, Lunaro's fur changed into a forest green colour, leave protruding from the back of her ankles. Testing her theory, she placed a paw on the ground, concentrating any sort of power into the earth.
A little flower popped up, and the pup frowned. Of course she was out of shape with Grass type.
Trying again, she moved her paw over. A another dainty flower slowly grew out of the ground, and Lunaro growled in annoyance. She would have to find some way to make this work. Surely she could.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 20:32 (11 Years ago)
Bracken sighed quietly. I guess I don't have much reason to be over here. I only came cause I wanted to find out what it was anyway. Resolved, he retraced his steps, being extra, extra careful not to make any noise in case he attracted Crystal's attention. He shook his head and forced the Zoroa to the back of his mind. He really needed to focus on finding Thyme. The sooner he found him, the less of a scolding he'd probably have to endure.

As he continued traveling across overlapping branches, something strange caught his eye. Bracken stopped and stared. It looked like a Poochyena, but it was... green. He furrowed his brow in confusion. Aren't Poochyena supposed to be black and gray? he thought, pressing himself low to the branch to make himself as small as possible. It looked like she was frustrated, but with her back to him, he couldn't see what she was trying to do.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 14/08/2013 03:04 (11 Years ago)
Lunaro's attempts seemed to infuriate her even more, and it was clearly evident when, in her frustration, a thick vine shot up where a once dainty flower used to sit.
Lunaro glared at the plant that had arisen, then let it shrink back into the earth.
A growl rose in her throat, before she turned away, closing her eyes and letting out a deep huff.
In her Grass type state, she could sense all kinds of things around her. Boy, the forest was really peaceful, despite the Ekans that had attacked with almost no warning.
Something was around her though. Something in the trees.
And unfortunately, Lunaro wasn't extremely tuned into this type.

Opening her eyes, her crimson gaze swept across the clearing. Where was the Pokemon? It was near her, watching her. She could feel it, thanks to the trees. But she couldn't place a paw on its location.
And she surely didn't want to frighten the Pokemon. It could be a possible recruit into her mission. She reverted back to her normal state, charcoal fur with ashy gray markings.
"Hello?" She called out, feeling the senses she had gained as a Grass type retracting.