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Demon Blood

Forum-Index Roleplay Demon Blood
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 03/09/2017 21:08 (7 Years ago)
"I can never tell if you're lying, Mel. I have a right to be suspicious." Maru replies, and Mals rolls his eyes, but the name she used made him flinch. "Oh, go to Hell." "Been there, done that." Maru snaps. "Yeah, and who pulled you out, huh?" Mals shoots back. "Only because Michael asked you! What'd he have to promise you, maybe a solution to your little-" "You shut up about Michael."
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Sun, 03/09/2017 21:22 (7 Years ago)
Rosalba froze at the sound of people arguing. Arguing was not her thing and it was at times like this she was actually thankful of her poor vision. To her, it was one more barrier which made her feel somewhat, and strangely, safer. She'd not been around these people long enough to recognize and pin point a certain person's voice. But she could, however, feel the tension between the two.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 03/09/2017 21:26 (7 Years ago)
Ziu bounds back into the room, breaking the tension of the argument. She runs in tight circles around Mals' legs, barking and wagging her tail. "Arguing again, you two?" Eris says, poking his head around the doorway. "No." Mals says sharply, scooping his furry friend into his arms. "I have research to do. Later." He replies, shouldering past Maru, who sends him a scathing look, and heading down the colorful hall.
"Sorry about them." Eris says. "They don't get along very well. Especially not recently. But it rarely escalates beyond yelling."
Trainerlevel: 86

Forum Posts: 372
Posted: Sun, 03/09/2017 22:13 (7 Years ago)
Deliqua finally looks up after listening to everything that has been going on, she looks calm but she remains silent
Avi made by the amazing Nymphrasis
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 03/09/2017 22:23 (7 Years ago)
"Care to explain what the h*** is going on?" Carson asked.

-Again, it's not heck. Someone thought that earlier, and I just wanna clarify.

"Don't believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate." Renee Jain
Trainerlevel: 86

Forum Posts: 372
Posted: Sun, 03/09/2017 22:26 (7 Years ago)
Deliqua looks at Carson, she thinks about how she wishes she was as confident as him and the others, she smiles and doesn't look down for a while, scanning the room once again.
Avi made by the amazing Nymphrasis
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 03/09/2017 23:02 (7 Years ago)
Oliver flinched as Carson swore. It was a simple and light swear, but he hated the thought of swearing all together. He swallowed, glancing around. Maria edged closer to the little group, head tilted and eyebrows raised.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 03/09/2017 23:05 (7 Years ago)
"Ah, I suspect Mals wasn't very specific? Well, you have demon blood in you, it allows you abilities. Unfortunately, these powers come with a bad side effect. Once you're old enough, other monsters start to come after you. At first, a lot of you died. Then, deals were made, some arguments and fights broke out and got mostly resolved. So we ended up being the ones having to train you to survive by yourself." Eris replies calmly. "All because of Mals, mind you." Maru mutters.
Trainerlevel: 86

Forum Posts: 372
Posted: Sun, 03/09/2017 23:06 (7 Years ago)
Deliqua looks slightly concerned, she goes to speak but promptly stops herself
Avi made by the amazing Nymphrasis
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 00:47 (7 Years ago)
Seeing no one else stepping forward to speak, Carson took the floor again. "Okay, two questions: 1, what do you mean some of us died? 2, what sort of deals are you talking about?"

"Don't believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate." Renee Jain
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 04:24 (7 Years ago)
Napoleon was thinking, a lot of what had happened had gone over his head, demon blood? So those religious full of themselves banes in his existence…were right. Well, that would explain those strange escapades he had done when he was younger.*sigh* he's going to have to rethink a lot of his life after this. No matter, let first come first. "Powers, huh" he had finally turned to face the others "so, all of us here have them?"
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They laugh because they know you're sad
They sing because they know you're angry
They attack because they know you're scared

They picked on you ever since you were young
They laughed until sanity you had none
You had nothing while they had their fun

And yet you still call them your friends
Thats a sad life you're living
And I bet you want to escape it, badly
Trainerlevel: 86

Forum Posts: 372
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 04:27 (7 Years ago)
Deliqua shrugs her shoulders at Napoleon to indicate that she isn't sure, she decided to lie down remaning in the corner, while lying on her back she stares at the celling and rethinks everything shes ever done, everytime someone called her weird, her eye produces a tear but she promptly wipes it away before sitting up again.
Avi made by the amazing Nymphrasis
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 09:32 (7 Years ago)
"Yes, everyone here is Gifted. Well, except Mals and Ziu, they're their own thing. The Gifted have been around for hundreds of years, you're the first batch we rescued. Before, they would be..." Eris glances at the ground, looking uncomfortable, so Maru picks it up for him. "We basically got torn apart by demons or spirits or minorling gods. Then, there was this huge fight between demons, demionae, angelian, and angels, not too long ago. Monsters started picking sides, a few Immortals died. In the end, peace was agreed upon, but one of the groups had to be in charge of keeping us safe. So here we are."
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 10:40 (7 Years ago)
"E-excuse me, what." He said staring straight at the others "that is...extremely unsettling, to say the least." He stood there for a good few seconds before giving up, and sighing "I don't get it, so we're all supposed to be like...ripped apart? And there was supposed to be...an unnecessary war? And" he sighed again, "forget it, I can't put it in words" he tried looking at everyone else, trying to see if anybody else got the grasp of the situation.
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They laugh because they know you're sad
They sing because they know you're angry
They attack because they know you're scared

They picked on you ever since you were young
They laughed until sanity you had none
You had nothing while they had their fun

And yet you still call them your friends
Thats a sad life you're living
And I bet you want to escape it, badly
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 10:49 (7 Years ago)
"Soooo... do you want us to just come out and say what our Gifts are?" Skye asked, taking out his hairpins and putting his hair into a ponytail and straightening his posture. "'Cus if we are I ain't." "Wait... Are you like genderfluid or something?" Sam half whispered. "Yeah. Sorry for not explaining."
Trainerlevel: 86

Forum Posts: 372
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 10:51 (7 Years ago)
Deliqua carefully listens before standing up, she looks like she is going to say something but she just cant get any words out and ends up making a high pitched squeak. She quickly puts her hand over her mouth looking embarrassed.
Avi made by the amazing Nymphrasis
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 10:58 (7 Years ago)
"No, you don't have to say your powers. We don't want to force you to do anything you're uncomfortable with. But we do have to teach you to defend yourself. Some it will come naturally to. Others, it won't. Either way, we have to give you a chance at survival. And, if you like this life, you might end up staying here with us." Eris replies, and Maru jumps in again. "Of course, I don't see why anyone would enjoy having to deal with Mals for the rest of their life, but gutting kitsus is pretty fun."
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 12:22 (7 Years ago)
Oliver listened attentively, his head subconsiously beginning to tilt. He blinked with wide eyes, confusion and surprise welling up in his bright blue eyes. He ran another hand through his hair before straightening his neck.

Maria had been listening, but glanced over at Skye, Sam, and Dean for a moment. Noticing Skye putting up their hair, she smiled. She looked away, back to Maru. She brushed hair out of her face, and coughed lightly.
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 12:38 (7 Years ago)
"What exactly does this training entail?" Carson asked. Beside him, AJ glanced around the room at the other people, trying to process all that was happening.

"Don't believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate." Renee Jain
Trainerlevel: 86

Forum Posts: 372
Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 12:41 (7 Years ago)
Deliqua listens to everything attentively and finds herself starting to develop a Crush on 2 of the others in the room, she blushes slightly before smiling and tries to divert her mind.
Avi made by the amazing Nymphrasis