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[L] Oddy's Gemtastic Lottery

Forum-Index Contests User-made contests [L] Oddy's Gemtastic Lottery
Trainerlevel: 103

Forum Posts: 1,265
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 15:26 (7 Years ago)

Hello everyone and welcome to my Gemtastic Lottery. I'm a fellow Shiny Mega Hunter so I always require help in any way possible.

Rules. A way of keeping everything in balance. Rules are necessary so as to prevent anything from going out of hand.

❯ All PokeHeroes rule apply.
❯ Make sure to use the form below to be entered. Otherwise I count it as a donation
❯ Feel free to sent the Items immidiately after posting. In case of a miscalculation on your side though, items will not be refunded.
❯ If you have any question please Pal Pad me or PM me. Do not post your questions here to keep the thread clean.
❯ You can buy as many tickets as you want. You can also win more than one prize.
❯ Raffle ends when two of three goals have been met. After that, thread will be updated with new prizes and higher goals.

❯ Use the Form
[b]Items I want to send:[/b]
[b]Ammount of Tickets:[/b]
❯ Send me the Items through GTS. Make sure to write "Oddy's Gemtastic Lottery" on the comment!
❯ Tickets are given in order. That means you can't choose your numbers.
❯ random.org will be used to draw the winners!

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1 Rock Gem = 1 Ticket
1 Grass Gem = 1 Ticket
1 Ground Gem = 1 Ticket
1 Poison Gem = 1 Ticket
1 Fighting Gem = 1 Ticket
1 Water Gem = 2 Tickets
1 Flying Gem = 2 Tickets
1 Electric Gem = 2 Tickets
1 Steel Gem = 2 Tickets
1 Fire Gem = 2 Tickets
1 Psychic Gem = 2 Tickets
1 Ghost Gem = 2 Tickets
1 Bug Gem = 3 Tickets
1 Normal Gem = 3 Tickets
1 Mystery Box (NOT Blue) = 15 Tickets
1 Mystery Key = 15 Tickets
1 Old Amber Fossil = 25 Tickets
❯ Sharing option will be added soon!

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1st Place: 3 Shiny Gastly + 1 Mega Able Hunter + 1 Mega Stone
2nd Place: 3 Shiny Weedle + Mega Able Beedril + Shiny Tentacool
3rd Place: 2 Shiny Onix + Mega Able Onix

10 Random Participants will also get 1 Lugia Egg Voucher each!

Every time one of the following Milestones are reached, prizes will be handed out to a lucky ticket holder:

1k Gems or 35 Keys/Boxes: 15 Events from my Events UFT Box (maximum 2 of each species) Winner: xCharizardx
2k Gems or 70 Keys/Boxes: 1 Shiny Slowpoke
3k Gems or 105 Keys/Boxes: 5 Dragon Gems
4k Gems or 140 Keys/Boxes: 5 Star Pieces + 1 Black Box

20 Old Amber Fossils: 10 Events from my Events UFT Box (maximum 2 of each species)
40 Old Amber Fossils: 1 Shiny Sableye
60 Old Amber Fossils: 1 Mega Able Snover
80 Old Amber Fossils: 5 Dragon Gems

0/5000 Total Gems collected

35/175 Total Boxes/Keys collected

2/100 Old Amber Fossils collected

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001 - 050 bara (2 Old Amber Fossils)
051 - 575 xCharizardx (35 Boxes/Keys)

None yet, lottery hasn't ended!

Thanks for your time and tolerance! Good luck~
Trainerlevel: 134

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Fri, 04/08/2017 11:07 (7 Years ago)
Username: bara
Items I want to send: 2x Old Amber Fossil
Ammount of Tickets: 50x (?)
Other: thread lookin' fancy ;3
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Fri, 04/08/2017 11:11 (7 Years ago)
Username: xCharizardx
Items I want to send: 35 Boxes/keys
Ammount of Tickets: 525
Other: Love the font!!
Trainerlevel: 103

Forum Posts: 1,265
Posted: Fri, 04/08/2017 12:09 (7 Years ago)
@Both, added you!

Also, first Milestone was reached. Winner is xCharizardx with lucky ticket number 522! You will be messaged as soon as possible to claim the Events you want! Thanks for participating.
Trainerlevel: 103

Forum Posts: 1,265
Posted: Sun, 20/08/2017 17:12 (7 Years ago)
Bump ;D