"oh sure." Shadow said showing Light Reaper "It's name is Light
Reaper and as you can see it lives up to it's name." She chuckled
referring to the dark shadows around it
Alaska and Dahlia had been up for a while, sitting quietly in a
corner of the hall which they'd pretty much claimed as theirs.
They'd eaten, changed and packed all their sleeping stuff away. It
was routine for Ally to polish her weapon each morning, whilst
Dahlia watched, makings sarky remarks every so often. For
"Do you call them 'Stainless Claws' because you never actually use
them?" the darker haired girl asked.
Alaska's eyes turned, from bright blue, to golden. As she stared
into the eyes of her friend, Dahlia became paralyzed for a second,
enough time for Alaska to swipe the fans out of her hand.
"No. I can assure you that I've used them many of times. And I'm
not afraid to use them. On anyone if need be," Alaska
growls, putting much more emphasis on the 'anyone'.
Rogue giggles over hearing Alaska and Dahlia talk. She has P.B.H
with her ready. With a quiver full of arrow bolts to use. She just
waits for the time until they begin initiation. And she is excited.
But also dreading what is in store for them.
"You're so annoying," Dahlia glares, trying to reach for the fans
as the paralysis wears off.
Being slightly taller, Alaska raises them above her head, "But you
love me, right?"
"Then... I'm afraid I can't give them you- Ah!"
Polish and weapons flew everywhere as Dahlia tackled the other girl
to the floor. As stupid as it looked, it was effective in getting
her her fans back.
Lea smiled and looked the weapon over. "Fascinating. I wanted a
much simpler weapon, so I didn't go too much into design," She
pulled out the Comeback and put it on the table. "Long range or
melee, can be used as a grapple hook of sorts..." She shrugged.
"I'm willing to admit that yours seems much more... In depth."
She glanced over to the two fighting and sighed. Don't make me
use my semblance twice in one day, guys... She thought.
"You're lucky this polish cleans up easily," says Alaska, shoving
the girl off of her, "And you're lucky it didn't get on me or you'd
be witnessing my claws first-hand."
"Oh, I'm so terrified!"
Dahlia's voice was saturated with sarcasm. Though, both knew they
didn't want the claws to come out. Dahlia because she knew Alaska
would actually get them out and her weapon was not in arms reach.
And, Alaska because as annoying as Dahlia was, she really didn't
want to hurt her best friend.
The outcome: Ally cleaned up "her" mess and put the claws away so
she wouldn't be tempted to use them. Dahlia sat a few feet away,
with her weapon, and her fans which she'd managed to get back. The
tension between them was strong, but leave them alone for a few
minutes, they won't remember a thing.
"Yeah. there's a lot of things I can do with it but as a cost I am
linked to it as long as I'm holding it." Shadow explained looking
at the somewhat damaged blade
Lea nodded and looked back to her tea, which she had just finished.
"Tension is already rising, and we're not even a full day in," She
mumbled to Shadow with a slight sigh, before looking back at the
Light Reaper. "Ah. That does seem like a disadvantage. But it also
means that you have a strong bond with your weapon. And, that is
ultimately what makes you stronger as this fight goes on."
"yeah and if it get's damaged when I'm holding it my semblance can
activate on its own." Shadow said "And let's just say when it
activates on its own it isn't a fluffy bunny."
Lea nodded. "Well, at least you can keep it in check. Always good.
Sometimes I accidentally use my semblance. Which is fine, honestly,
it doesn't exactly hurt anyone, but it surprises me. And sometimes
you need a person mad--calming them down is... Well, it doesn't
always work out for the better."