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The Elementist (open RP)

Forum-Index Roleplay The Elementist (open RP)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 04:41 (6 Years ago)
Cam kept her arms up to defend herself, and when the boy went in for another hit, the Fire on her headband exploded around her, creating a huge wall of flame that bore down upon the boy and seemingly swallowed him. There was screaming, terrible, awful screaming. Cam started screaming too, a few tears slipping through her eyelids as she released the fire, hoping against hope the boy was still alive. She wanted to save the world, not destroy innocent lives. She hated herself for the choice she made. She sank to her knees and sobbed.

In the boy's place was a small floating orb. She grasped it and sobbed again. So this is what I've done. The elemental orb vanished, and Cam felt lighter. Her mind was clear, and she knew what she's done wrong. But that wouldn't stop her. Not anymore.

She didn't bother wiping the tears off her face as she started back towards the elemental caves. Light. Fire.


There was a crunch of bone as Aiden slammed the sword into the girl. She explodes into thousands of tiny particles of light, and in her place was a small, multi-colored orb. He was getting a headache looking at it. He looked away but grabbed it.

He started making his way back to the caves. Chaos. Earth.


Lucia held up both hands, a huge sphere of water floating above her. The man was inside of it, eyes bulging out of his head, grasping his throat and withering in agony. Lucia looked away fighting back tears.

The sphere dropped to the ground. The man had vanished. She was exhausted, but she trudged forward and grasped the orb, turning and heading out. She had to make it back. Then perhaps she could take a nap. Electricity. Water.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 04:50 (6 Years ago)
Jake couldn't keep up this fight. The dark Elementist could tell. So Jake did one thing he could. He turned his whole body into soft soil, so the blade ran right through him, he then solidified and went behind him and crack! The guy's neck broke, he fell to the floor, unmoving. A black sphere appeared out of his body and drifted towards Jake.

Allen could feel the Element running through him. He brought his hands up, but the monster turned to goo.

Elizabeth fell down. She could feel her whole body burning. Her soul on fire. "Maybe I shouldn't have used my reserves." Just then a ball of light hovered over her, and then went into her.

Sasha threw some knives into the tornado and directed the winds until she finally stopped them and the man lay dead on the ground with the knives in him. A ball of static yellow electricity went into her. She suddenly felt more energized
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 04:58 (6 Years ago)
Cam arrived at the elemental caves first, rubbing her eyes tiredly. Her eyes were red from crying out she ignored the stinging of her eyes and sat down on the ground, crossing her legs. He Fire reformed into a sphere and hovered over and around her shoulders.

"Cam!" The redhead perked up. It was Aiden. He was okay! Cam mouthed a silent thanks to whatever deity was out there leaping up to give him a hug before pulling back. "Nice to see you, bro." She grinned, sitting back down comfortably. Aiden laughed. "You too, sis." The two laughed quietly before Cam fell silent and yawned again.

"Hey, Lu!" Aiden waved. Lucia ran to join them, owning from her jog over. She grinned at them and ruffled Cam's hair, pressing a swift kiss against Aiden's cheek.

Aiden turned bright red. Cam let out an undignified squawk, falling backward onto her back. Even Fire seemed slightly horrified, glowing brightly before the glow lessened and its color was back to its normal firey red and orange.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 05:09 (6 Years ago)
Jake found the others there. Followed by Allen and Sasha.

They waited a few hours and Jake said, "I'm going out to find Elizabeth. Everyone else stay here and rest up."

Elizabeth was still in the Saharan Desert. She could barely move. Even though she was successful in killing the other Elementist, she thinks she about killed herself by using her reserves. She looked at her hand, which was on fire. She couldn't make it stop.

Jake disappeared and reappeared at different parts of the planet. He finally found her at the ruins of the Great Pyramid. "Elizabeth!" He picked her up. "You're not going to die on me."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 05:12 (6 Years ago)
Cam raised one hand. "Wait, but if I go and she's exhausted I could-" Jake had vanished. Cam sighed, dropping her hand. "I could give her some extra fire or something." She sat down again, huffing angrily to herself. She didn't look at her brother or his girlfriend, who were giggling a few feet away. She wasn't sure what thy were giggling about, but she wasn't sure she wanted to know either. She mentally plugged her ears and dropped her head into her lap and sighed again.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 05:27 (6 Years ago)
Jake let the shadows swallow him and Elizabeth and then reappeared by everyone.
"You shouldn't have used your reserves." Jake said. "You could have killed yourself."
"Now you tell me." Elizabeth tried to joke.
"Did you really destroy the Great Pyramid?" He asked her.
"I might have went a little overboard
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 11:22 (6 Years ago)
Cam snorted. She created another fire sphere, holding it towards Elizabeth and Jake. "Here," She mumbled quietly, awkwardly. "It should help refill some of your reserves so you don't die." She added, though the explanation was unnecessary. She may be tired, but she wasn't the ones tapping into their reserves.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 11:31 (6 Years ago)
"it doesn't work like that." Jake said. "In fact, she needs to stay away from elemental powers for a little bit." He looked at Cam. "And you also need to wary of your powers. Use it up too much and it can incapacitate you. Don't use up your reserves."
"I just gonna sleep now." Elizabeth said. Then promptly falling asleep one minute after.
Allen yawned. "Man, hard day, long day. This king is gonna get some beauty sleep."
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 13:17 (6 Years ago)


Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 14:30 (6 Years ago)
[Lord_Arceus if you aren't joining the Roleplay then don't post! I'm pretty sure that can lead to a warning... But I don't remember. But it's rude, so please don't do that.]

"Fine." Cam shrugged, and the new fire sphere vanished. She yawned and looked away. "I know my limits. I know what I'm doing. Sorta." She hesitated. "Whatever." She held out her hands. The Fire rested in then and made a small comforting cracking noise before vanishing completely. "There. I'm gonna wander I need to clear my head. I gotta clear my head." She walked off.

Aiden hesitated.

Lucia put one hand on his shoulder and shook her head. "If she wants to go, she can go. Don't change her mind. She's probably tired too."

"Yeah, but she always makes bad decisions when she's tired." Aiden muttered, watching he redhead vanish from his line of sight. "No, you're right. That'd be annoying." He yawned. "I'm gonna take a nap."

Lucia nodded.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 17:42 (6 Years ago)
(yes if you're not going to RP, then please don't make random posts on forum please.)

As soon as Jake told them that he would be first on watch, Allen fell asleep. Sasha told him that she would do it, but he insisted.

Later that night... Jake looked over at Elizabeth. Her color bwas returning. And she didn't seem like she was going to steam up, so that was good.

But then Jake could hear something. Voices. "Kill... Kill them all." They were coming from inside his head. He resisted the power that the darkness has and tried to focus on the moon.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 20:48 (6 Years ago)
Cam stayed up on a rock for most of the night. She could feel her strength returning, but stayed on the rock, knees tucked against her chest. She stared at one spot on the ground, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Maybe I should sleep." She shrugged.

Aiden and Lucia were curled up on the ground together, fast asleep.

Cam sighed, playing with her headband. She glanced up at the moon. "This is boring.." she muttered. "Sleep sounds great."
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 03/08/2017 21:00 (6 Years ago)
It was the next day. Jake got little sleep. But he didn't show it. Elizabeth and Sasha were smart enough to bring some food with them. They had a big meal set out for everybody. It was just snacks and chips, but that was good enough for Jake. He waited until everyone was up to tell them.
"Okay guys." Jake said. "I want to let you all know that the dark element is trying to corrupt me. And if it does that, if I show the slightest hint of wanting to harm any of you or any innocent people. I need you to promise me this."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 04/08/2017 01:48 (6 Years ago)
By that time, Cam had returned. She hadn't really slept, just zoned out for a while. She had dark circles under her eyes, but then again, she always seemed to have dark circles under her eyes. They made her eyes more vibrant, though. "What do you want us to do?" She asked Jake. Her voice had lost all playfulness from yesterday, taking on a more serious tone. The Fire had returned sometime in the morning, as it was now shaped as a flower on her headband.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 04/08/2017 01:58 (6 Years ago)
"I want you to take me out. That is when any of you feel like I am going to hurt any of you or an innocent." Jake said. "This especially applies to you all." He said looking at Elizabeth, Allen, and Sasha
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 04/08/2017 02:04 (6 Years ago)
"And on that pleasant note.." Cam muttered under her breath, but nodded all the same. Personally, she doubted she'd be able to do anything. She probably should've slept, but she was feeling reenergized. Sorta. She looked up from the patch of dirt she'd been staring at. "What are we doing now?" She asked. "I'm guessing you have some sort of idea."

Aiden watched from beside the redhead, staying silent. Lucia mimicked him.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 04/08/2017 03:58 (6 Years ago)
"right now, we need to recruit more people. There's got to be more than just Elementists here left alive." Jake said. "I'm gonna try and find a way to the Ancients planet. Where Well came from."
"You're not leaving me that easy," Elizabeth said. "I'm coming with you."
Jake didn't want to argue. "Okay, Allen, Sasha, and everyone else, try and find other people and recruit them. This is a war. It's time we treat it like such"
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 04/08/2017 04:28 (6 Years ago)
Cam raised one hand. "If this is a war, I have dibs on dying first." She announced. She tapped her headband and the Fire reformed into roller skates on her shoes. "I don't know where I'm headed. Are we just looking for survivors?" She perked up quite suddenly. "Oh my gosh, it's like the zombie apocalypse!" She grinned wolfishly. "Except instead of zombies its monsters!" She paused, suddenly nervous. "If I see a zombie I'm making a beeline towards the nearest cliff."

Aiden groaned, slightly horrified. "I can't believe you." His voice was slightly muffled, as he was currently holding his face n his hands. "You are the worst sometimes, y'know?" He looked up and glared playfully at the redhead.

Cam flipped her hair in a slightly aggressive way. "You know it." She grinned. Lucia raised her eyebrows as she looked at the redhead. These siblings were weird, that's all Lucia was able to tell.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 04/08/2017 08:01 (6 Years ago)
"At least it wasn't global warming that finally did us in." Allen tried to joke.
"But the real question is how are you and Elizabeth going to get to that other planet to get help?" Sasha asked.
"They can hitch a ride with me." Well said, completely surprising everybody.
"Dude! Stop the instant teleporting interrupting conversation thing." Allen exclaimed.
"Sorry, thought you knew of my presence among you." Well said. "I keep forgetting the limitations of the human body and mind."
Jake sighed. "Ok. Well, how long is it going to take for us to get there?"
Well opened a portal by waving his hand. "About one and a half seconds."
Jake was impressed. "Okay, then give us about a week at the very least to see if we can get some help from the Ancients. Everyone else, you know what to do." Elizabeth grabbed his hand and they stepped through the portal.
Sasha looked at Well. "Can you tell me about your eyes? What's up with them?"
"In my planet, eyes are kind of a social status, as to what you humans say. They represent the power one has. Yellow, means they hahav very low magic and have to deeply rely on magical items. Purple eyes can summon just about anything, within the limits of their powers. Some can summon dragons, whereas I seen one fellow who only managed to summon a toilet. Red eyes means they have a lot of combat magic that could be used in a war."
"What about your eyes?" Allen said. "There's no color."
"That means that I am immortal. This eye color in specific means I sacrificed myself so that many others could live. In return, after my death I was forcefully brought back to life. The other kind of immortals are the ones with black eyes. They represent the bad in my planet. After their death, they try and find an innocent victim and make them commit a murder, only after that, can they possess that body and be 'alive' once again."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 04/08/2017 15:20 (6 Years ago)
Cam offered a small smile at Allen's attempt at a joke. She perked up at the new conversation topic. "So you can tell if someone's bad by looking at their eyes?" She cupped her hands around her eyes like binoculars. "Black feels like its an all around evil color. I don't get why. Why isn't white considered evil?" She shrugged, dropping her hands by her sides again. "I want red eyes. That would be cool!" She closed her eyes tightly.

Aiden scowled. "That would clash with your hair. And it wouldn't be pleasant." He shuddered at the thought. "No thank you." He yawned, throwing his hands behind his head and leaning his head on his arms.