SilverRibbon jumped when he saw something rushing at them from the
side. He imidatly put himself infront of mia, his fur fluffed up,
even if he was ready for a fight he was shaking from fear.
When the other pokemon said that they were in its territory he
nodded, he wanted to avoid conflict. However before he could do
anything the muk from before was confronting the territorial
Mia squeaked and stayed behind the Eevee. She was afraid again, but
this time she was out of tears to cry because she'd cried so much.
She didn't dare look at the new Pokemon that had approached.
Roy stared at the new Pokemon with interest, but knew that the
Pokemon would probably try to attack them all. He readied himself
in case the Pokemon wanted to fight.
[Since no one else is giving one I shall-
Basically Mia fooling around being a crybaby, she ended up back
with the rest of the group again. (She's near Peach rn)
Apparently the group is in Quartz's territory and Quartz looks like
he's going to fight them.
And apparently Leli was about to be kidnapped in secret? (I am not
very sure about this one, if the creator could clarify?)]
"Excuse me?" Croaked a Mawile from the back of the pack,
slowly making her way towards the Sneasel. "Sorry, pardon us,
but we're on a mission here. We want as little conflict as
possible. We're not here to raid your territory; we just wanna pass
through. Would you be so kind as to let us?"
(ye waffle pretty much summed it all;
I'll backread more on the kidnapping since it got lost in the sea
of sudden replies)
SilverRibbons fur slightly flattened once he saw the older pokemon
taking charge of the situation. He remined aleart in case if the
unknow pokemon tried to attack him or mia.