Tiger nodded a greeting, but didn't say anything yet. He wanted to
see what the small mouse Pokemon would do if Mira was successful
with calming it down.
"Pika pi!" (I don't care!) The Pikachu growled in reply.
"We don't want any trouble," Mira went on gently, holding out a
berry and offering it. The Pikachu flinched away, still hostile,
but slowly took the berry and took a bite out of it, glancing from
Mira to Tiger. She sighed in relief. "Look, we want to be friends!"
The Pikachu blinked and finished off the berry, looking at the two
of them. "Pikachu pi... Pika pi!" (You do seem nice... I'll be your
friend!) It said, much more friendly-sounding now. Mira smiled and
reached her hand out, petting the Pikachu on the head.
She, much more carefully, grabbed a Pokeball from her bag and held
it out to him. The Pikachu touched it gladly, going into it. The
ball clicked. "That wasn't too bad!" She said, chuckling a little.
Tiger nodded in agreement, and laughed. "Congrats on capturing it"
he said kindly. He then sighed "kinda reminds me of my own
Pichu..." he said a bit more distantly.
"Ah," Mira replied, knowing she needed to change the subject. She
rocked on her heels and smiled. "Well, it's your turn. You have to
catch something too, y'know, and we both need to train our Pokemon!
Y'know, Charmander can learn Metal Claw, which is effective."
Tiger nodded, relieved that she dropped the subject. He then let
the charmander out of his pokeball, and the pokemon yawned.
"Alright let's go look for another partner for our team" he said
Tiger nodded, and laughed slightly. Charmander then ran into the
undergrowth of the forest, and was knocked back by a shadowy
pokemon. "Charmander Char! (Hey watch it!)" the pokemon
"Something wrong?" Tiger asked, and ran to his charmander. The
pokemon was growling at a Cubone. "Strange Cubone's aren't native
to the forest...Maybe it came from the forbidden oart?" Tiger said
half to himself.
"Cubone CUE! (I'm not afraid to fight you human!)" he said lowly.
"Cubone bone bone (all trainers are evil) he growled crossly.