A vision flashes in front of his eyes for a split second, before
fading away quickly. He blinked before replying: "Aw, you can say
in front of me, Shadow!"
"Well I can be a good friend, maybe more/ A favoured ally. Or your
worst nightmare." Altessia says smirking with her fangs showing
behind the mask. "You choose." She realises she may have jested a
pun with all the fear toxin around.
"wow look at that the little birdy is finally here." Natia purred
"what took you so long... Nightwing, right? Still want to call you
Robin." She chuckled
"Maybe we should bring popcorn next time Jason Todd shows up."
Tessa jests with a giggle. It is unknown if some sort of happenings
makes her audible to Jason Todd or not. It may be intresting if she
is. Altessia just growls. "Shut up! You don't have to clean the
mess up after us."
"EXACTLY! I blew you up!" The Joker growled, rubbing his eye.
"Batman! Where is he?!" Red Hood asked again. He pointed a gun to
Joker's head, cocking it, but before he could even consider pulling
the trigger, the Joker slapped it out of his hand, smacking him
with the cane.
The Red Hood flew to the side and, somehow even more infuriated,
charged towards him again.
The Red Hood backs away. "This isn't your fight," He hisses.
"It is now!" The Joker called from the ground, wincing in pain.
"Batsy is dead! What, you didn't get the memo?!" He
chuckled. "You haven't changed one bit."
"He isn't dead!" Red Hood clenched his fist, not only at the
Joker but at Natia as well. "...Is he?"
Altessia yells which mixes with both a demonic voice and a loud
dragon roar. "QUIET!!!!!" She causes the ground to tremble with it.
And sighs. "Red Hood is resurrected, Wild Cat. And yes Batman is
dead! But if we don't deal with this appropriately Then we insult
what he stood for."