Zen turned his arm into a sword. Unlike most shape shifters, He
could turn into Objects, Animals, and turn his body into different
things. He charged at Joker.
The Joker put his cane up, deflecting the sword. He kicked out,
trying to slam his foot into Zen to push him back.
(Gotta go to sleep, g'night everyone!)
(By the way, I have an idea for a canon character to add. It's
going against my own rules kind of, but I think it'll be cool.)
(Sorry for not posting for a couple of days - didn't expect to be
so busy. I will jump back in soon. Let's pretend that Beck has been
living his everyday life unless something else has popped up that I
should know about.)
Altessia sighs. She wonders if she should go in and put a stop to
things. Or stay watching and take out the drones. She shoots the
drones out of the sky.
Zen looked up and he was in this..... Room. Everything was black.
He tried to turn into something but it didn't work. He looked
around not knowing what to do.
"alright then." Natia said plainly. She took a deep breath and let
out a roar so loud that as is reverberated through the city, it
broke the surrounding buildings windows and it sent everything
around her flying. After all that she shook her head like a dog
shaking off water "and that's why I don't use that." She said as
she walked over to the joker "It's very dangerous."