Forum Thread
Shiny Ditto Plush
Forum-Index → Help → Answered → Shiny Ditto PlushSo it normally looks like this
This is a normal ditto and aahh, sometimes the ditto is a shiny one | It looks like this

(Quick Tip: Keep adopting eggs
[even if you have a full party]. After a few [10 at maximum] the
image maybe a shiny ditto. Click on it as soon as you see it. You
may receive a notification alert from your browser saying
"Hihihihi". Even if you receive this alert, you may not always get
the plushie. All you need is patience.)
Spoiler"(Read at own risk)

You get the first Pikachu plushie
after spending 1,000 Dream Points (not 100) ;)

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hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!