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The Creative Corner (Art Club)! [Open!]
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → The Creative Corner (Art Club)! [Open!]All I've done recently though digital Art wise were these
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I made some fakemon, they're supposed to be the substitute plushies that you see when you use the move substitute... The blue one is the the old substitute plush that pokemon used to have in gen 1 and 2/stadium..... The pokedex entry could maybe be saying that a ghost possessed one of the decoys i dunno. So i guess that would mean the type for this guy is normal ghost, which is a pretty cool unused typing :3 The anime shows the move is like a copy of the actual pokemon using it though, and not the plush thing that you see in the game so I guess this pokemon could have a move that copies the foe. The blue one is called Subino (substitute and rhino((It kinda looks like a rhino in the original model...))) and the green one is called decosaur(decoy and dinosaur((It looks like a dinosaur to me))) Wow that's a long description sorry y'all.
But Have some Generation 8 Starters under a Spoiler Tag
I’ve also started working digitally!
A commision for Hipsterpotamus at my art shop

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
nobody wants to buy my art rip
i did an auction but nobody bidded.
is this not worth 25k? x
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
also, i've made some art and i'm trying to update my style.
i made some sprites, might put them up later. i need to draw more, haha.