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The Thunderstorm Mystery

Forum-Index Roleplay The Thunderstorm Mystery
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Sat, 15/04/2017 22:42 (7 Years ago)
It was a normal day like any other. A group of friends were getting ready for a fun day at the amusement park. The group piled into a van and were off. About halfway through the trip, a thunderstorm began to pick up. They thought nothing of it at first, but soon it became so bad that they had to pull over. Conveniently, the group was able to pull into a hotel. Bad news, they had no money and have to work to pay for their stay.

What's even worse is that the receptionist disappeared on their first day, and now a resident of the hotel disappears each night. Will you solve the mystery, or disappear along with them?

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1. Don't be OP and don't have any mary or gary sues or godmod or bunny, etc.
2. I have the right to deny any form, this is my roleplay.
3. Please don't make your character disappear out of the blue or solve the mystery by themselves right away, that ruins the fun of the RP.
4. Please mark a character that you are OK with disappearing by putting a "This character can disappear" in the "Other" section.
5. Be nice to others out of character!
6: You can make as many characters as you want, just make sure you can keep track of them all.
7. To prove you've read the rules, please remove the text in brackets after the "Position" section of the form (but read it first).

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Hotel Staff:
Hotel Owner- Max White (Waffle)
Receptionist- Tracy Spencer (Waffle)
Bellhop- Oliver Carson Hymun (Glove)
Cook- Ignis Scientia (IgnisScientia)
Waiter- Ares Alanis (SnowHalation)
Housekeeping Manager- Flora Werther (Margreat)

Hotel Residents:
Henry (osacrys)
Ryeowook (osacrys)

Group Members:
Trixie Young (Waffle)
Robin Northwood (Waffle)
Cody Mallark (Technology)
Rose Mallark (Technology)
Casey Crawford (Margreat)
Athena Agnes (SnowHalation)
Ayleen (Ashlynn)
Levi (Derpadooo)

Position(Group Member/Hotel Staff (specify role)/Hotel Resident):

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Name: Max White
Nickname: None
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, serious, cares about the hotel but doesn't have time to order employees around, carries grudges.
Max is about 5'10" and is average weight. He has short black spiky hair. He has calm blue eyes and pale skin. He usually wears a black jacket, blue jeans, and black and white sneakers.
Position: Hotel Owner
Sexuality: Straight
Family: They all live across the country.
Crush: None.
Other: ~

Name: Tracy Spencer
Nickname: None
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: Sweet, loyal, friendly, doesn't think things through.
Tracy is about 5'7" and is very skinny. She has wavy medium-length black hair, and it is usually tied back in a quick ponytail. She has hazel eyes and light freckles. She usually wears a very light purple hoodie with white stripes on it, blue jeans, and blue sneakers.
Position: Receptionist
Sexuality: Straight
Family: All live three towns over.
Crush: Open
Other: ~

Name: Trixie Young
Nickname: Trix, Tri.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Loud, funny, doesn't think before she acts, bubbly, naive.
Appearance: Trixie is about 5'10" and is very skinny. She has straight long black hair, and it is usually tied back in a gentle ponytail. She has green eyes, and light tan skin. She usually wears a white hoodie with red stripes on it, blue jeans, and red sneakers.
Position: Group Member
Sexuality: Straight
Family: They've died. She only has a sister that lives across the country.
Crush: Open

Name: Robin Northwood
Nickname: None
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Serious, seems rude but is nice when she warms up to you, convincing, secretly very pessimistic but she hardly ever shows it.
Position: Group Member
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: They've died. All of them, as far as she knows.
Crush: Open
Other: ~
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,083
Posted: Sat, 15/04/2017 22:52 (7 Years ago)
Name: Ignis Scientia since I am unable to think of a better name
Nickname: Iggy
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Really serious and calm, but super sweet once you get to know him. He also loves making horrible jokes and is very protective of his friends. He doesn't talk much unless approached first.
Appearance: Light brown hair with bangs, green eyes, and kind of tall, he wears glasses due to being near sighted and is usually wearing fancy clothing like a collared shirt or suit.
Position: Cook
Sexuality: Homosexual
Family: He has three brothers that don't talk to him much, but his parents are dead.
Crush: Open
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 787
Posted: Sat, 15/04/2017 23:26 (7 Years ago)
Name: Cody Mallark no she is not related to Peeta Mallark go away
Nickname: none (make one if you want-)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Personality: Cody is a silly, fun-loving girl. She is an extrovert, and will enjoy the company of anybody. Often talks peoples ears off, but she is scared v e r y easily, and is super jumpy. She can also get let down really easily, due to the "bright side" she has.
Appearance: Dirty blonde hair, with a purple streak. around 6'4 (tol bean), needs glasses but often looses track of them. Plain grey tank top and casual jeans (with a rip near the knee on the right side) Slightly underweight.
Position: Group Member
Sexuality: Pansexual/Homoromantic.
Family: She has a sister named Rose (four years younger)
Crush: none :'0 (open/palpad)
Other: slight irish accent, will be much easier to be taken down when her glasses are missing (although she will start carrying them around much more often after the first disappearance, so I'd really prefer if she didn't get taken ^-^)
I'm not trying to copy eggy (I just saw his form) I'm just trying to make a relatable character lol-

Name: Rose Mallark
Nickname: Rosie
Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality: Rose is much more serious than her older sister, and often refuses to admit they're related. She is not interested in romance at all, and, despite being an extrovert, prefers the company of friends.
Appearance: Strawberry-blonde hair (the lower half is dyed blonde, to where it looks gradient) with a light pink tank-top and a grey skirt. Around 5'8. normal body weight.
Position: Another Group member
Sexuality: Asexual, Aromantic.
Family: Cody (who is four years older)
Crush: none. not interested.
Other: She can disappear at any time through the rp.
I never change this

click the image above to go to my toyhou.se
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Sat, 15/04/2017 23:40 (7 Years ago)
[Both accepted~ Need a few more to start~]
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sat, 15/04/2017 23:56 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Casey Crawford
Nickname: Casey
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Casey is extremely tomboyish, hating girly things. She's willing to get her hands dirty and is up for a fight. Very loyal to her friends, has a temper. She's quite headstrong, but oblivious.
Appearance: Casey wears a black flat-brimmed baseball cap backwards on her head. She has a lot of freckles and brown eyes. Her hair is red, somewhat poofy, cut to a little below her ears. She has a very athletic build and broad shoulders. Wears black shorts, a baseball-sleeved shirt with black sleeves, and black converse high-tops. She also has solid black earrings in her ears. About 5'11".
Position: Group Member
Sexuality: Asexual
Family: She grew up with 4 elder brothers, her mom died early in her life, leaving her dad to be a single parent.
Crush: Open/Palpad

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 01:33 (7 Years ago)
[Accepted, maybe 2 more needed to start? Hotel Staff & Residents need more characters p: ]
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 02:54 (7 Years ago)
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Oliver Carson Hymun
Male ((Femboy))
He's a sweet, kind boy with an excited personality. He is quite feminine, but not in a rude way. In a nice and tiny way. He loves people and his friends, and rarely yells or gets angry. He's a crybaby, though. And sensitive, with a heart bigger than his body. He loves cuddling and being a little spoon. He loves hugs!! He loves being adored and complimented, though they make him a flustered bean.
Oliver has bright blue eyes and curly red hair to his mid-neck. His face is covered in freckles, and he has a quite feminine facial structure. He is short and thin, standing at 4'3" and weighing 92 lbs. He has really thin limbs, and any average person could wrap their hand around his arm or lower leg. His upper leg is a bit thicker, but not by much. His body is covered in little freckles, not just his face. His nails are almost always painted a light pink or pastel purple. His ears are pierced, and he has two piercings on each ear. A silver stud and a pink flowers as earrings. He usually wears casual sundresses and sweaters, and loves to wear pink. He wears knee high socks or leggings with most outfits, along with flats or converse. He is stuck with horrible eyesight, meaning he needs glasses. He has wide rimmed, circular glasses, and he loves them.
Hotel Staff - Bell Hop
Big Sister Mavet lives around town ; All others deceased
Open / Palpad
-smol bean
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 08:39 (7 Years ago)

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Name: Athena Agnes
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Personality: Nice and friendly to other people most of the time. He gives good advice when people ask him for it, but not often does he follow the advice he gives.
Appearance: Dark brown hair (with bangs) and blue eyes, along with slightly dark skin with freckles on his face. He wears a black sweater with a white hoodie above it. He wears blue jeans and entirely black shoes. Often seen wearing a hairtie (i think that's what it's called?) on his wrist to tie his a bit long hair. Athena is 5'5.
Position: Group Member
Sexuality: Panromantic ; Homosexual
Family: Five siblings (four female and one male) with two parents he loves very much
Crush: Palpad~
- can he be the last one to disappear? if not, he can stay c :

Name: Ares Alanis
Nickname: N/A
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: Nice and friendly when he's working but he's truly sassy and hard to approach. He's friendly towards his fellow co-workers though, interacting with them and teasing them often.
Appearance: Black hair tied into a small ponytail, green eyes, and pale skin. He wears a white collared shirt with a waistcoat over it, black pants and white gloves. When he isn't working, he removes his waistcoat but not his gloves. Ares is 5'7
Position: Hotel Staff (Waiter)
Sexuality: Aromantic ; Asexual
Family: Two sisters he loves very much and a mother. He has no father
Crush: N/A
- Doesn't like being touched. please dont touch him

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 09:14 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Ayleen
Nickname: Aya
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy ,kind and caring but she can be really scary when angry.
Position: Group Member
Sexuality: Straight
Family: Older Brother
Crush: open
Other: Shes a bit clumsy

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 14:01 (7 Years ago)
[All are accepted, but I won't start the RP until there are more Hotel Residents :I ]
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 16:33 (7 Years ago)
Name: Levi
Nickname: None
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: TBRPD
Position : Group member
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Unknown
Crush: Open/Pal pad me!
Other: I was a confused with the Password thing. But I did read the rules

Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2017 01:14 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Flora Werther
Nickname: Flora/Flo
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Personality: Flora is very caring to the point of doting on everybody. She's very wise and helpful. She can be really naïve and is sort of jumpy.
Appearance: Flora is short with blond hair in short braids, a pale pink dress with a pleated skirt, and wears knee-high boots. She has a few bracelets on her left wrist and wears a brown shawl with embroidered flowers.
Position: Hotel Staff: Housekeeping manager
Sexuality: Straight
Family: Has a younger sister named Rema
Crush: Palpad
Other: N/A

Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 293
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2017 02:54 (7 Years ago)
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Could make you think he's innocent and cute at first but he's just a big troublemaker who wants attention, always aims higher or for more which can sometimes make him greedy, however he can be really nice and jokes alot around his friends

Hotel resident
Living away from them but always keeps in touch with them
(feel free to take this character away)
he's with Ryeowook on holiday

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Innocent smile, sometimes can say something rude with out realising, he likes to be with closer friends more than strangers, he can sometimes forget what he's doing while in the middle of doing it and remember it once he starts doing something else

Hotel resident
Back in his home country, his little sister is planning on moving in with him once he gets a place big enough for them
Open (palpad)
He's with Henry on holiday

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2017 11:42 (7 Years ago)
[*gasp* All are accepted ! We start from the group members getting into the van for the trip p:]

The van-taxi pulled up in front of where the group members were.

Trixie and Robin got into the van. Robin got into the passenger seat in the front, while Trixie got into the left seat in the second row of car seats.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2017 12:15 (7 Years ago)
Aya got into the van and sat down on a seat next to the window.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2017 12:41 (7 Years ago)
He got into the middle seat in one of the rows. He then looked out the window of the van
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 787
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2017 20:53 (7 Years ago)
Cody quickly got into the van, grinning. She dragged Rose in, before elbowing her and telling her to cheer up. She settled in the back, while Rose sat on the opposite side from her.
I never change this

click the image above to go to my toyhou.se
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2017 20:55 (7 Years ago)
Casey sat down next to Cody. "'Sup." She grinned, staring out of the window next to her seat.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2017 22:56 (7 Years ago)
Athena sat in the back of the van at the right seat to have a view of the window. [i]I hope the trip will be fun[i], he thought.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2017 23:00 (7 Years ago)
Casey stared at Athena. "Hey." She grinned, waving.