Preferably in present continuous (or the name for the german tense
is dif??). We actually learnt that at the German lessons, but we
also kinda rushed through it and most of my classmates aren't too
sure about using it either :v
Actually we don't have a present continuous in German ;u; At least
I don't think so.
Anyways, "You're evolving" would be Du entwickelst dich
(present/Präsens) and "You evolved" would be Du hast dich
entwickelt (present perfect/Perfekt) or Du entwickeltest
dich (simple past/[einfache] Vergangenheit), though the second
one is rarely or never used. We tend to use the Present Perfect in
German rather than the Simple Past to be honest.
Ah, so Simple Past is pretty much similar to Aorist and Imperfect
then, seemingly. It's funny to notice that our teacher didn't
really give much attention to explaining us the ordering of words
in a sentence. I basically suck at this, oh my. I mean, I
sometimes correctly use the tenses and put conjugation'd verbs in
right places, but other words mostly end up being randomly thrown
around, as much as it makes sense? qwq