Sherbet had noticed his noirette workmate sitting outside with his
wings outstretched. Licking his lips, a thing he would do if he was
mischievous, the blonde sneaked up on him, his mouth oh so close to
the other male's ear. "Hey." He whispered a lazy grin forming on
his lips.
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
Draco smelled food. He couldn't quite pick out what food it was, he
just knew it was food. Draco went to check out what it was and saw
Ember cooking. He noticed the sauce all over her and chuckled.
"You're a slob." Draco chuckled.
Lucian was in a sort of revier, his eyes closed. The boy who was
talking to him (unfortunately) shocked him out of it. "AAAAHHHH!!"
He cried, jumping out of his skin, his wings lifting him slightly
up in the air. He landed flat on his back, looking up at the
workmate who surprised him, laughing. "Hey Sherb...!" He said,
ruffling the boy's hair.
"Shut up!" Ember said, laughing. She threw an onion at Draco,
Knowing he would catch it with ease.
"Scared ya didn't I?" The blonde asked jokingly, not expecting a
response like that from a guy who's always so cool and calm like
Lucian. "So what are you doing here? I'm just loving life.
Procrastinating." Sherbet chuckled lazily, rolling on his back and
stared at the sky.
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
And as expected, Draco caught it and then he put it back down on
the counter top. "Anyway, watcha cooking?" Draco asked her. "I'm
guessing it has something to do with tomato sauce since you have it
all over you." he added.
Draco started to feel sick. "Yeah...I think I'll past. I don't
wanna get poisoned today." Draco said, holding his stomach. He
crouched down slightly and turned around. He started to creep away,
hoping Ember wouldn't notice.
"Ya checked the library? She's doing her thing maybe." The male
sighed, closing his eyes. "Ah darn sugar cravings..." he mumbled,
his eyes immediately opened, looking troubled. "Nn, I'm gonna go
candy hunting, you following?"
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
Draco started to gasp for air. Instead of tapping out, he poked her
in the eye, hoping that would make her let go of him. Either that,
or make her even more angry.
Draco gasped for her as soon as she let go. He stood up and gave a
sigh of relief. He turned back around to look at her and laughed.
"You totally fell for it!" Draco laughed, acting like a little
"Nn..hello? Earth to high and mighty Lucian...?" The blonde asked
worriedly, waving a hand in front of his face. "If you didn't want
to tou could just say so..." the male mumbled sadly and stood up.
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
"Alrighty then~ Let's go!" The childish male shouted arms in the
air and falling to the real world, blendimg in with the mortals of
course. Grabbing the noirette by the arm, the blonde quickly walked
to his favorite candy store, his eyes twinkling with stars in them.
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
Luke followed the blond, but stopped suddenly as he saw a pillar of
blue jelly beans, in all of the spectrum of blue. He walked towards
them, slavating, hypnotised by the beauty of the blue.
Clover shut her book and got up, leaving a single earring behind on
the window seat that she was reading on. The small silver flower
glinted on the seat.
"And I hate you too." Draco chuckled. Draco left and went back to
his office and started doing some more paperwork. He felt a little
bit more energized after what just happened.