Oscar got off him, and spit out in the air. "Whatever, I
don't want to fight with KIDS. That is just unfair." He said,
smirking, and stepped forward trying to leave. He turned around,
for a final laugh. "Come when you are much stronger." He then
Etor wanted to continue, he wanted to feel reliefed. "We got in a
fight, and he threw the stone on me! I didn't want to evolve, we
had made a promise to be Eevee's together forever! I broke the
promise, and he has not visited me anymore. I want him to feel
trust in me again, but how?" He almost screamed at Gem, tears
flooding through his tears again.
Gem thought for a moment. "Maybe you could try to get him to evolve
into a Jolteon too?" She wondered out loud.
Silver growled and went into the cafeteria.
Starfire was still looking at constellations in the sky. She
wondered if anyone would try to visit her out here in the meadow,
and she hoped no one would.
(All i know that is 2 eevees (I think) got into a fight because one
evolved one into a jolteon?)
Mary brought the 4 lunch bags to the table with her siblings.
"Lunch!" Ace peeked inside his lunch bag. "Oh, berry mix."
* He padded through the camp door * "It's lunch time already!" * he
grabbed a bag full of mouse meat, squirrel brains, and blackberries
* "Hello!" * he bounded to sit by mary and the others *
(Okay.I'm guessing since you said lunch that it is day time so off
to lunch Melody and Harmony go.)
Harmony woke up to being stared at.She didn't remember going to
sleep but she guess she did."Morning sissy!"Melody said smiling
brightly."Morning Mel.What time is it?"Harmony replied yawning
loudly."It's noon.We sorta slept in." Melody responded."Sissy I'm
hungry.Can we go get food?""Sure lets go."Harmony said quietly.She
watched as Melody let out a happy squeal and bounce off in the
direction of the cafeteria.She shook her head and rushed off so she
could catch up with Melody.Once she got there she could see Melody
already had a pile of Pecha Berries next to her."Don't eat to many
alright sis." she said grabbing herself a Oran Berry.She looked
around to see a group of siblings and an Umbreon eating.Melody
looked over to where Harmony was looking.She popped up and walked
over to the one with a bow in her hair."Ello Miss.I'm Melody and I
came over to say that your bow is very pretty."
"Hello!" * He turned his head to harmony and Melody, his face
somewhat dirty after devouring several squirrel brains * "Wan't to
join us... I'm up for good company" * he gives a welcoming look *
Melody looked at Harmony to see if they could join."Sure why
not."Harmony said smiling softly."I'm Harmony and this one is my
little sister Melody.May I ask what your names are?"She asked with
a tilt to her head.Melody was nibbling on a Pecha Berry and
watching Harmony and the other Umbreon's conversation.
Harmony smiled bashfully.She had a feeling she was mumbleing again
when she introduced her and her sibling.She was about to retell him
their names when Melody popped into the conversation."She is
Harmony and I'm Melody."Melody said cutely with a tilt to her
head."It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Smith!"
How in Cresselia's name did he know my name? She thought,
padding to the girls room and getting out her laptop. She began to
play a game she had found called Pokétale. She loved the game, but
hated the fandom. All those horrible ships....
Holly was dragged through the dark forest by a huge hulking shadow.
* Smith would pull some cookies from his bag, made from several
mixtures of berries * "Want to try one...?" * he opens the cookie
box *
Ace gobbled up his food in 3 mins and gave off a burp."Excuse
me!"He cleaned his mouth area with his napkin."Your excused...."
Grace said, Scooping up the food with a spoon and eating it."Oh,
Sure!" Mary said, Stopping herself."Can i?"