Forum Thread
The rise of the ultra beasts (not accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The rise of the ultra beasts (not accepting)Plot: a few years before the events of Sun, and Moon
No out of character fighting, bullying, or being rude in general
No bunnying or power playing
Please write in the third person, and make sure the writing is readable. I'm not grammar heavy, but I don't want posts like...
"I went to my Pokemon, and grabbed it from the ultra beast's grip" or "Tiger grabbing Pokemon and gets out of ultra beast grip." No offense but those two are difficult for me to understand.
Pokeheroes rules apply
Relationships between characters is allowed but please don't make them huge plot points...
Legendary Pokemon are allowed to be used, but they are only used as villains, or guardian Pokemon. Guardian Pokemon are Pokemon that protect one trainer, and will only be used in troublesome battles, or if they're in a sticky situation. Please don't use them to win all your battles, or at all times. (Taken legends are......Lugia (me), Ho-Oh (me), Rayquaza (PkmnTrainerV), Mew (QueenCookie)
Trainers can have two special abilities that aren't over powered (speaking to Pokemon, or feeling the feelings of others is acceptable, but winning all battles, and possessing other people isn't)

Legend (if guardian):
Special ability:
My form:

Name: Tiger (beginning of the roleplay
he'll be under the nickname of Scorch. Because he will be
undercover for the international police)
Age: 17
Looks: small for his age (about five foot) with emerald green eyes, and tannish white skin. He has brown hair that has natural black streaks in it, and a burn scar along his right arm.
Wears: (based off my sun version of a Tiger) black shoes, blue jeans, a black tank top with a shiny Houndoom wearing sunglasses on the front, and a black backpack. He has a silver wing in his toxic baseball cap, and his scar is slightly visible from a black bandanna he tied around it. When he's undercover he wears a team skull uniform, and has a blue bandanna around his mouth.
Friends: Lion (open for others)
Rival: (optional) Lion
Legend (if guardian): Lugia
Team: Cyndaquil (level 95), Alolan Raichu (level 80), Incineroar (level 79), Alolan Marowak (level 79), Jolt (Jolteon level 95), and a Dragonite (level 89)
Region the trainer is from: Johto
Badges: all of the Johto badges
Special ability: he can speak to his Pokemon, and he shares telepathy with Lugia
Other: he rescued Lugia from Ho-Oh and saved the legends life when he was five which resulted in him earning a scar on his right arm. He is now an apprentice professor to Elm, and he shares a strong bond with Lugia and a Pidgeot. His Cyndaquil has a special ability that makes him turn into a light version of the other evolutions of Pokemon. He has a special shiny charizard pager Pokemon that he had trained to be a page Pokemon so he can keep Dusk close to him.
Name: Lion
Age: 17
Looks: tall for his age (about five foot nine) with gold spiky hair and golden eyes, he is tan with a birthmark on his neck.
Wears: black shoes, blue jeans, a black shirt with a red vest, he has a blue bandana on his right arm with a key stone pinned to it, he has a red backpack
Friends: Tiger (open for others)
Rival: (optional) Tiger
Legend (if guardian): Ho-Oh
Team: Blastoise (with mega stone level 98), Umbreon (level 71), Mightyenna named Doom (level 60), Decidueye (level 81), Alolan Ninetales (level 76), Houndoom (level 69)
Region: Johto
Badges: all of Johto
Special ability: none
Other: none
Name: Snow
Age: 16
Looks: small for his age, he has brown hair with frost white tips, frost blue eyes, and pale white skin. He is somewhat identical to Tiger, but he has a small line scar on his right cheek.
Wears: Team Skull uniform
Friends: open
Rival: Tiger
Legend (if guardian): None
Team: Poliwrath, Weepinbell, Pikachu (Tiger's old Pokemon)
Region: Johto
Badges: two of Johto
Special ability: none
Other: member of Team Skull.
Age: 17
Looks: small for his age (about five foot) with emerald green eyes, and tannish white skin. He has brown hair that has natural black streaks in it, and a burn scar along his right arm.
Wears: (based off my sun version of a Tiger) black shoes, blue jeans, a black tank top with a shiny Houndoom wearing sunglasses on the front, and a black backpack. He has a silver wing in his toxic baseball cap, and his scar is slightly visible from a black bandanna he tied around it. When he's undercover he wears a team skull uniform, and has a blue bandanna around his mouth.
Friends: Lion (open for others)
Rival: (optional) Lion
Legend (if guardian): Lugia
Team: Cyndaquil (level 95), Alolan Raichu (level 80), Incineroar (level 79), Alolan Marowak (level 79), Jolt (Jolteon level 95), and a Dragonite (level 89)
Region the trainer is from: Johto
Badges: all of the Johto badges
Special ability: he can speak to his Pokemon, and he shares telepathy with Lugia
Other: he rescued Lugia from Ho-Oh and saved the legends life when he was five which resulted in him earning a scar on his right arm. He is now an apprentice professor to Elm, and he shares a strong bond with Lugia and a Pidgeot. His Cyndaquil has a special ability that makes him turn into a light version of the other evolutions of Pokemon. He has a special shiny charizard pager Pokemon that he had trained to be a page Pokemon so he can keep Dusk close to him.
Name: Lion
Age: 17
Looks: tall for his age (about five foot nine) with gold spiky hair and golden eyes, he is tan with a birthmark on his neck.
Wears: black shoes, blue jeans, a black shirt with a red vest, he has a blue bandana on his right arm with a key stone pinned to it, he has a red backpack
Friends: Tiger (open for others)
Rival: (optional) Tiger
Legend (if guardian): Ho-Oh
Team: Blastoise (with mega stone level 98), Umbreon (level 71), Mightyenna named Doom (level 60), Decidueye (level 81), Alolan Ninetales (level 76), Houndoom (level 69)
Region: Johto
Badges: all of Johto
Special ability: none
Other: none
Name: Snow
Age: 16
Looks: small for his age, he has brown hair with frost white tips, frost blue eyes, and pale white skin. He is somewhat identical to Tiger, but he has a small line scar on his right cheek.
Wears: Team Skull uniform
Friends: open
Rival: Tiger
Legend (if guardian): None
Team: Poliwrath, Weepinbell, Pikachu (Tiger's old Pokemon)
Region: Johto
Badges: two of Johto
Special ability: none
Other: member of Team Skull.
Age: 11
Looks and wears:

Friends: Open
Legend (if guardian): None
Team: So far only a level 10 male Litten named Smokey and a level 5 female pichu named Caramel.
Region: Comes from Sinnoh, and she stowaways on a boat to Alola
Badges: None, and she won't be earning any, but she will be going on trials.
Special ability:
Other: You can remove mew from the list of taken legends : P Just pretend Mika wasn't there. (Mika was a very boring character, that's one of the reasons I kind of dropped out of the sinnoh roleplay)
Name: Wave
Age: 17
Looks: She has cyan eyes, kind of tanned skin, and black hair with bright cyan highlights.
Wears: Team skull uniform
Friends: A few members of team skull
Legend (if guardian): None
Team: Level 50 male samurott named Splash. (MY PH STARTER IS WITH THE BAD GUYS XD)
Region: Alola
Badges: None
Special ability:
Age: 17
Looks: He has black hair with random red streaks in them. His hair are somewhere between smooth and spiky. He has brown eyes with somewhat red light visible. He has a scar in his right hand, also an arrow mark (belonging to thousand arrows move) is present on his left one. He wears a pure silver bracelet on his left hand with Z-Crystals attached onto it.
Wears: x
Friends: Leo and Mahina
Legend (if guardian): Rayquaza
Team: Raichu (Z-Crystal, Level 100), Typhlosion (Blaze, level 100, holds Firium Z) ,Incineroar (Shiny, Named Sirius, holds Incinium Z and level 80), Salazzle (named Medusa, level 69), Alolan Ninetales (Dawn, Level 70), Silvally-Steel (Silver, level 75)
Region: Kanto
Badges: 8 of Kanto and Kalos, has completed all the trials.
Special ability: Is able to use Aura, and can use Battle Bond with his Typhlosion Blaze. This changes Blaze into VBlaze (art by me)
Other: He sensed the Ultra Beast trouble some time before. To fight off Guzzlord, Victor had to take the help of a Zygarde, which created some amount of destruction in Alola. The people failed to realise that Victor had helped in fending off an Ultra Beast. This resulted in Victor being looked for and wanted by the International Police. Now Victor is going to the trials under the name of 'V'. Some people know his real identity, though (Professor Kukui, Leo and Mahina).
Name: Leo
Age: 14
Looks: Looks like any other boy of his age. He has several marks all over his hands and feet in the shape of lightning bolts, as if hit by Electric Pokemon way too much. He has blonde spiky hair, with blue eyes.
Wears: A pure white shirt with golden decorations, and white trousers. He wears his Z-Crystal in a Black Z-Ring.
Friends: Victor
Legend (if guardian): Cosmoem
Team: Decidueye (Shiny, named Owliver, holds Z-Crystal)
Region: Alola
Badges: None, though he is a trial-goer, and is up to Ula Ula island's grand trial.
Special ability: He can understand the speech of Pokemon, and sort of attracts Ultra Beasts.
Other: He is travelling with Victor and helping him to complete trials, and live under cover. He constantly tries to slap an everstone on Cosmoem. He also uses up his Z-Moves in rage.
Name: Mahina
Age: 14
Looks: Looks almost like Leo, but has silvery, long hair. She looks like most others of her age, but taller. She has green eyes.
Wears: She wears black clothing with silver adornments, in a similar fashion to Leo. She wears a silver Z-Ring.
Friends: Leo
Legend (if guardian): Cosmoem (She and Leo 'share' the guardian)
Team: Primarina (named Operetta, holds Z-Crystal), Silvally (Electric), Toxapex, Oranguru
Region: Alola
Badges: None, but has completed Island challenge till Ula Ula grand trial.
Special ability: She has the same abilities as Leo.
Other: She is Leo's twin, but suspects Victor continuously. She has a clam attitude, and wants Cosmoem to reach his limits.
Age: 23
Looks: Leli stands at 6'2" and has skin somewhere between pale and tanned. She has dark, blue-green eyes and dark brown hair that is always in some ridiculous style.
Wears: While she has no specific clothing, she's usually seen wearing this outfit. However, she has attended several fancy events, wearing a green, Victorian-styled dress.
Friends: Oliver Melinko, Pierre Koroko
Legend: Reshiram

Volcarona - Female - Sunfire - Level
*Heat Wave
*Quiver Dance
*Bug Buzz
*Fire Blast
Serperior - Male - Serpentine - Level 72
*Leaf Storm
*Dragon Tail
*Giga Drain
Reshiram - Genderless/Male Pronouns - Zheira - Level 72
*Fusion Flare
*Dragon Pulse
Archeops - Male - Cheops - Level 72
*Rock Slide
*Dragon Claw
*Ancient Power
Simipour - Male - Emiyn - Level 72
*Ice Beam
*Brick Break
Unfezant - Male - Andor - Level 72
*Sky Attack
*Razor Wind
*Heat Wave
*Quiver Dance
*Bug Buzz
*Fire Blast
Serperior - Male - Serpentine - Level 72
*Leaf Storm
*Dragon Tail
*Giga Drain
Reshiram - Genderless/Male Pronouns - Zheira - Level 72
*Fusion Flare
*Dragon Pulse
Archeops - Male - Cheops - Level 72
*Rock Slide
*Dragon Claw
*Ancient Power
Simipour - Male - Emiyn - Level 72
*Ice Beam
*Brick Break
Unfezant - Male - Andor - Level 72
*Sky Attack
*Razor Wind
Region: Leli is from Unova, though her father is from Sinnoh.
Badges: All Unova Badges, Currently Working on the Fire Trial
Special ability: N/A
Other: Leli prefers to not use Mega Evolution or Z Moves. She believes those are corrupted, and prefers using all-out attacks with her Pokemon.
Name: Oliver Jones Melinko
Age: 22
Looks: Oliver has short, fluffy reddish brown hair. He has pale skin with purple eyes, though a birth defect, He typically has brown, hazel, or green contacts to wear over his eyes so people don't notice.
Wears: Oliver has no specific outfit whatsoever. However, sometimes he's seen wearing a black jacket over a crimson shirt and white jeans.
Friends: Leli Demione, Pierre Koroko
Legend: N/A

Honchkrow - Female - Magician - Level
*Dark Pulse
*Shadow Ball
Absol - Female - Moki - Level 56
*Perish Song
*Swords Dance
Liepard - Male - Tiger - Level 61
*Sucker Punch
*Fake Out
*Hone Claws
Liepard - Female - Chloe - Level 61
*Rock Smash
*Sucker Punch
*Fake Out
*Hone Claws
Delphox - Male - Kitou - Level 72
*Future Sight
*Sunny Day
*Solar Beam
*Mystical Fire
Meganium - Female - Thorn - Level 72
*Petal Blizzard
*Magical Leaf
*Dark Pulse
*Shadow Ball
Absol - Female - Moki - Level 56
*Perish Song
*Swords Dance
Liepard - Male - Tiger - Level 61
*Sucker Punch
*Fake Out
*Hone Claws
Liepard - Female - Chloe - Level 61
*Rock Smash
*Sucker Punch
*Fake Out
*Hone Claws
Delphox - Male - Kitou - Level 72
*Future Sight
*Sunny Day
*Solar Beam
*Mystical Fire
Meganium - Female - Thorn - Level 72
*Petal Blizzard
*Magical Leaf
Region: Unova...?
Badges: Unova badges. Just watches Leli do the trials.
Special ability: Oliver is extremely talented with fire. Dunno how that will come in handy.
Other: Does a lot of Battle Royales.
Name: Pierre Aligarch Koroko
Age: 23
Looks: Pierre has short, thin black hair. His eyes are a strange dark blue color. His skin is close to ghostly pale, but that's subject to change. He just arrived in Alola, after all!
Wears: Pierre was not prepared for Alola's sunlight. He has a black shirt, long-sleeved and tight on him. He has dark red dress pants and white flats.
Friends: Leli Demione, Oliver Melinko
Legend: N/A

Audino - Female - Grace - Level 70
*Simple Beam
*Disarming Voice
Frufrou Dandy* - Male - Pioku - Level 56
*Charge Beam
Pidgeot - Male - Swift - Level 59
*Feather Dance
Pyroar - Male - Simba - Level 58
*Hyper Beam
*Noble Roar
Feraligatr - Male - Stormdrain - Level 56
*Ice Fang
*Simple Beam
*Disarming Voice
Frufrou Dandy* - Male - Pioku - Level 56
*Charge Beam
Pidgeot - Male - Swift - Level 59
*Feather Dance
Pyroar - Male - Simba - Level 58
*Hyper Beam
*Noble Roar
Feraligatr - Male - Stormdrain - Level 56
*Ice Fang
Region: Kalos
Badges: Six of Kalos's badges.
Special ability: N/A
Other: --
Name: Lauren Gracelyn Amiya
Age: 12
Looks: Lauren has dirty blonde hair that goes down to her shoulders. Her eyes are a mix of blue, gray, and green, with gold specks every now and then. She stands at only 5'2" and is overweight.
Wears: Her legs are usually hidden by black leggings and dark green combat boots. She has black glasses and has a headband with fake horns that look like the horns of a Houndoom. She has this shirt, showing that she loves her Houndoom a lot.
Friends: Eric...?
Legend: Giratina

Jerry - Female - Houndoom - Level
*Fire Blast
*Faint Attack
Raven - Genderless, Female Pronouns - Giratina - Level 51
*Rock Climb
*Ancient Power
*Dragon Claw
*Shadow Force
Hercules - Male - Leafeon - Level 52
*Solar Beam
*Helping Hand
*Grass Knot
Aquarius - Male - Empoleon - Level 53
*Shadow Claw
*Flash Cannon
Sky - Male - Togekiss - Level 51
*Drain Punch
Ellie - Female - Luxray - Level 51
*Thunder Fang
*Fire Blast
*Faint Attack
Raven - Genderless, Female Pronouns - Giratina - Level 51
*Rock Climb
*Ancient Power
*Dragon Claw
*Shadow Force
Hercules - Male - Leafeon - Level 52
*Solar Beam
*Helping Hand
*Grass Knot
Aquarius - Male - Empoleon - Level 53
*Shadow Claw
*Flash Cannon
Sky - Male - Togekiss - Level 51
*Drain Punch
Ellie - Female - Luxray - Level 51
*Thunder Fang
Region: Sinnoh
Badges: Sinnoh region badges, hasn't completed any trials. (Also took on and beat Cynthia, though she didn't claim the champion spot.)
Special ability: Lauren can heal wounds on Pokemon. The larger the wound, the more energy it takes. She doesn't use this ability much, only in serious situations.
Other: Hercules and Jerry actually know how to speak in human languages. Also, Lauren is a bit shy when it comes to leading or meeting new people.
All will come up with Alola teams
Age: 15
Looks: She has slightly pale skin, Brown hair, green eyes
Wears: She wears green shirt with long with a flower, blue jeans, green shoes.
Friends: Open
Legend (if guardian): None
Team: Ariados (Level 60), Noctowl (Level 55), Meganium (Level 53), Dragonair (Level 54), Arbok (Level 59),Rowlet (Level 10)
Region: Johto
Badges: All Johto badges
Special ability: Can speak to Pokemon
Name: Alex
Age: 17
Looks: He has tan skin, black hair, and blue eyes.
Wears: He wears a light grey shirt, grey shorts, and black shoes.
Friends: Open
Legend (if guardian):
Team: Salamence (Level 70), Swellow (Level 65), Primarina (Level 60), Alolan Sandslash (Level 66), Absol (Level 65), Mightyena (Level 64)
Region: Hoenn
Badges: All Hoenn badges
Special ability: None
Name: Isabel
Age: 16
Looks: She has slightly pale skin, dark brown hair, brown eyes
Wears: She wears a pink shirt, purple skirt, and white shoes.
Friends: Open
Legend (if guardian):
Team: Milotic (Level 60), Tyrantrum (Level 55), Talonflame (Level 56), Tyanitar (Level 57), Pikipek (Level 59, holds Everstone), Trevenant (Level 53)
Region: Kalos
Badges: 7 Kalos badges
Special ability: None
The sound of footsteps in the dark was all a figure heard as he ran. He had a flash drive attached to a keychain clutched in his hand, and he was looking ahead as he ran. His blue bandanna over his face was beginning to slide down from the chase. "You! Get back here with that classified information!" A Team Skull grunt yelled from behind him. The figure only growled in response. I can't allow them to catch me. Looker needs this information so we can figure out how to stop them he thought frantically as he ran. He then heard a voice next to him as he ran "Scorch! Watch out for the cliff's edge!" The voice said in shock. The boy then blinked, and barely had time to stop. He then stopped abruptly just before falling off the cliff. The grunt laughed darkly, and stopped just in front of him, "no where to go kid. Now you have two choices. You could A, hand over the flash drive, and I'll let you go, or B, you could protect the flash drive, and I capture you, and bring you to Guzma for questioning." The grunt said darkly. The boy then looked over his shoulder, and saw something flying just below. "I think I'll go for C, jump, and get my information to people who will use it properly" he said darkly, and returned a Cyndaquil that was next to him. He then jumped over the cliff, and grabbed the small ball from the ride pager, a shiny charizard then managed to catch him as he fell, and flew to Melemele island where the boy was to meet Looker.
Name: Penny
Age: 12
Looks: Slightly pale skin, long brown hair, blue eyes
Wears: A blue Pokeball cap, pink T-shirt, shorts, and sneakers
Friends: Open
Legend (If guardian): None
Team: Phantump (level 12), Pachirisu (Level 13), Slowbro (Level 53), Slowking (Level 54), Snorlax (Level 32), Furfrou (Debutante haircut) (Level 14)
Region: Kalos
Badges: Almost all of the Kalos badges, she's really excited to beat Wulfric one day!
Special Ability: She can hear the voices of Pokémon and Ultra Beasts in her head
Other: She doesn't use her Slowbro and Slowking in battles together a lot because they argue a lot!
And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I agree with you and thank you.
(Dream Sequence)
A boy shivers as he constructs a 10% Zygarde frantically, as an Ultra Beast devours everything it could see, destructing the region and people...
The Zygarde begins to combat the UB, and the boy sends out a Typhlosion, who immediately transforms into some sort of battle bond form.
"I'm here to help!" He shouts desperately.
After lots of battling, the Ultra Beast flies off into Ultra Space, and the Zygarde separates into cores and cells...
The city of the battle is almost in ruins due to the attack.
"He destroyed the city." "Maybe he summoned the UB." "Let's inform the international police! Looker may arrest him.." The people began to tak, whisper, and convict him.."
(Dream Sequence end)
Victor wakes up as he gasps for breath. Two people on his sides in their own sleeping bags wake up, and look at him in concern.
"You okay?" Mahina asks.
"I'm okay. That dream again.."
Age: 15
Looks: He is at a fairly average height, at around 5'8", and is skinny, but not slender. He is fairly light skinned, but with a bit of tan on him. He has black curly hair that he keeps flat and short. He has blue eyes and a more pointed head.
Wears: A grey t-shirt with a small golem(alolan) print on a pocket on the chest area and wears a black baseball cap. He wears cargo shorts and black tennis shoes. He has a z ring as well.
Friends: N/A
Legend (if guardian): Tapu Lele
Team: Popplio, Shiny Lyranroc(midnight form), Kadabra
Region: Alola
Badges: None. He has completed Alaka island's trials however.
Special ability: He can communicate with pokemon he's close to or that have powerful psychic abilities through a telepathy-like mental link.
Other: Sorry! Ill try to be on more often! -v-'
also he's the son of the current Kahuna of Alaka island, and has an older half-sister named Olivia(just a lil' tidbit for some of you)

"It's about time," the Houndoom commented in a surprisingly thick Australian accent. "I hate water. It'll be annoying dealing with it all." She shook herself, her tail whipping back and forth.
"Hey, Jerry, calm down," the Leafeon, now revealed as Hercules, commented. "If it makes you feel better, it'll be just us and Raven on the team. Everyone else agreed to hide in the PC. We're most likely not getting another Water-type for a while."
"Eh, alright Herc. But only because it's you," Jerry muttered, nuzzling the Leafeon affectionately.
"Lovebirds," Lauren muttered, rolling her eyes. Though, she was smiling, so she was amused.
The boy watched as the cliff where the grunt had chased him was from where the shiny ride Pokemon was in the air. He then sighed in relief, and pulled out a blue pokegear "alright we managed to get away" the boy said softly. The ride pokemon sighed "at what expense, you almost got captured, Tiger" he said lowly. The boy then sighed "Looker needed this information, and I needed to retrieve it...I mean I was lucky to not have been captured" he said softly, and placed the flash drive into a special port on the pokegear. The information on the flash drive then became downloaded to the pokegear. "After all..the ultra beasts managed to capture Smokey, and the only way for us to save him is to..." The boy trailed off, and threw the pokegear in his pocket. He then thought of his brother slightly is to figure out how to defeat these things safely... he thought to himself with a sigh. Without another word the shiny page Pokemon landed in the docking areas of Melemele island.