Well, l is the first letter of my first name, and chen in my last
name. So l+chen is lchen, then 888 is my fav number, so lchen888.
BTW, it's Lchen888 not Ichen888.
mine is because i have the same username in many pages
(Edit: actually, everything started in a cartoon, "Glotilde" is the
name of the character I loved, and "2" is, well, my favorite
number. I first came up with it at club penguin, then it became my
usual username at ALMOST every page)
It's the first part of my email, which my dad helped me make.
If anyone is interested in a warrior cat's rp with the four clans
form the book + SkyClan here is the link. The staff are friendly
and it's active.
Well, lets see.... StreamFur is the name of my main cat RP
character, and When I got a Vaporeon I knew I would name it Stream.
Also I love anything with fur:)
uhh if people still check this then my username became my actual
nickname because when i was a kid i was fond of dragons (a bit too
much) and everytime i had to do something and give it a title i
would call it "drako" because it meant dragon in another language
then i used it as a screen name and got the name to become
legendary of some games (probably been forgotten about by now) and
now i get called drako in rl so thats how it came to be
Mine is the pronunciation of Lopunny's japanese name (?????
Mimiropu = Mimilop)
Though I want change my name again and put the one I had after
(PKcinda) who has more story and I like it more.
The first part of my name, Noobly, was the name of the main
character in a youtube series called "The Noob Adventures" and
then, because I was crazy, I added a underscore and the word
"face", and used it as my minecraft username. And now, I either use
"Noobly" or "Noobly_face" for the name of my accounts on pretty
much anything.
Edit from forever later: I might actually be changing my username
to AR_Darling sometime so I might eventually edit this to add that
too or something if I DO change my username :'D
well my first username was mkay6, my 2nd was mkay6 the pound owner,
3rd was mkay6 (AGAIN) and my current one is the name of my favorite
happy tree friend.