"Well, they did kill all of my kind... but I think that was a
mistake! Some humans may be mean, but I think others are nice!"
Bunn said, keeping a cheery attitude.
"I dont think it was mistake , alot of people want to kill
creatures for theird fur , feathers or meat ... They propably
killed your family do they can bacome someones dinner.,." Hylda
Nemesis started looking around "Somebody is near , fighting . Trees
are angry"
Magic flicks her tail, wondering if she should disable the spell
Sam had out up. Zorra seemed to be faring well, her training paying
off, and she wanted to see if Zorra would win. On the other hand,
if Zorra could not win, Magic didn't think she could do much to
help, as she was a terrible fighter.
(...OH ! Somebody ate my sister ? I hope she was good dinner ! ....
... that was unexpected )
Nemesis nodded and she jumped down from rock and moss on rock died
. Then she followed Bumm , little flowers was sprouting and dying
under her feets with every step . She wants to see the fight
Hilda sighed , she dont really care . Creatures usually fight but
she dont really want to stay alone here so she followed too
"G-get OFF ME!" Jack flings Zorra off, hurling her at Magic. "Now,
human, how would you like to perish? It's not every day I let my
prey decide. Lets make this interesting." Jack licks his lips, his
sharp teeth cutting his own tongue.
Nemesis and Hilda finnaly reached the place of fight , Hilda wanted
to stop the fight but Nemesis stopped her and she whispered "Dont
do anything" she said . Nemesis looked at Jack and she made a kind
smile "Please , be nice to this little human . They will this
forest now in peace , right ? " She said and she looked at Dusk
"This forest is too dangerous for humans , you should leave right
now if you dont want to get in some very bad troubles ." She was
keeping this nice and king smile on her face but there was a little
evil under that smile
Nemesis smiled even more , her smile was now looking very dangerous
, she started moving closer to Jack and then when she was very
close to him she lovered her head to his ears and she whispered in
very quiet voice that not even bat would be able to hear it from
far away "You cant beat that human now , wait and attack her when
it is alone . Dont try to kill a human bafore eyes of other
creatures. They would protect it until the end and no matter how
strong you are you cant beat them all . " She then turned away and
returned to her spot .
Hilda was staring at Nemesis , she wasnt able to hear her but she
knew that she said something bad but Hilda dont care , it doesnt
Dusk scrambled to her feet and Zorra shakes out her fur with a
growl, shrinking back to normal size. Magic, however did not like
Nemesis' look, and whispered something to Zorra, who looked
surprised, but nodded.
Hilda looked at Nemesis and she frowned "What did you tell him ?"
She asked and Nemesis smiled "I told him to be nice , humans should
be welcomed in this forest , right ? They deserve to see this
beautiful forest too !" Nemesis said with her normal voice , Hilda
knew Nemesis for long time so she knew that its not true. She was
just trying to look like nice dragon near other people but when she
is alone near human ... its end for that human