"Only hundred years old ? Lucky you , i wish i could go back to
ages when i was young like you" Nemesis said ad her smile
dissaeared "It seems like you dont like me , i am sorry if i did
anything wrong , i am just trying to solve things without any
Hilda smiled and she lookd at other creatures "Dont worry , Nemesis
isnt dangerous but she can sometimes be a little creepy "
Jack stepped from the shadows, showing himself to Dusk. "M-mommy?
Wheres my m-mommy?" Jack was sure this would be the perfect bait.
Just had to make it look like he was a lost, defenseless child.
Sam then cast a thunderstorm spell ." If anyone ask's why it is
because if jack tries to fight again the metal might rust and he
could get struck by lightning". "I could easily cast a lightning
spell too so don't tempt me".
"I think we should leave that Jack alone , i dont know about you
but i dont really want to make him angry , afteral he said that he
will leave us alone if we dont attack him... he said something like
that , right ? My memory is not really the best" Hilda said ,
looking at other creatures , she isnt really scared of Jack becouse
she has Nemesis on her side but this is kinda disturbing